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    Why does my husband not understand I do not want a glass of wine, he has not asked me in a long while, but he says a glass of red wine is good for your health. I have been really really exhausted latley, I'm not sure why, I have a few ideas though, to much sugar, not enough exercise and I have been non stop latley, so I think that is why he suggested it. Again I told him the problem is that one glass of wine turns into a bottle, I don't want to go back to that ever again. It is actually nice to live and deal with life without the need of alcohol. I still think he thinks I did not have a problem, but I know I did, even if it were just one glass a day that I had, if I can't go without it, then in my mind it is a problem. I don't think he will suggest it again, atleast not for awhile. I know I just really need to get away from the sugar but I am having a very hard time doing so. I hate feeling this tired all the time!!

    Thanks for listening to my rambling,


    Hi Sox,

    I'm more tired too these days. The days are shorter here, the nights are cool, and I have this theory that we're biologically programmed to go into post-harvest, hunker-around-the-cave-fire mode this time of year. Instead, the pace just doubles. A 10-minute walk when I don't have time for running, with my ipod going, helps me.

    I wish your husband was more supportive, but don't let that throw you! : )

    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers



      Hi Sox

      Completely understand how hard it is not drinking when your partner is trying to shove the damn stuff down your throat. My partner drinks a lot and I find it harder when he is home from work in the evenings( He works about 3-4 nights a week ) and there's bloody wine and beer in the house. All I can say is that this is about you and whatever happens just keep this at the forefront of your mind.

      Stay strong Sox for you.


      12 DAYS AF



        It's not good for your health if it's going to kill you. Besides the medical recommendations are always changing. The anantocyanins might have benefits but the AL itself is a poison that causes cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach ulcers and makes you liver work very hard.

        What health benefit?



          I am in precisely the same situation. My DH is continually offering me drinks. He's the first to complain when I drink too much and can't understand why I won't stick to one or two. But that's the thing - I CAN'T stick to one or two.



            My husband used to do this sometimes. He just wanted me to learn how to control my excess. When I first went AF, I made a list and gave it to him of all the reasons I hated drinking. He was better after that. He felt somewhat threatened that he would have to give up his reasonable daily glass of wine. Alcohol still isn't an issue we discuss much. He just doesn't get it, he is not like us.
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.



              This thread just what I need today. Just been out for lunch with my husband he knows I have not drunk for 13 days after being so so pissed last time. He was trying to make me have a glass of wine with the lunch and was telling me I do NOT have a problem---He is the first to complain when I finish everyone elses booze and wonders where all the gin has gone! Our house is full of alcohol but I am feeling stronger but just wish my husband could understand I cannot just have one or two drinks! I feel angry now after writing this



                This is not a subject I talk much about to DH, yet...Just kind of letting on that I am dieting or trying to save money. DH also has issues with drink. For now, I will just have to wait and cross that bridge when I get there. Just taking it one day, and one thing at a time. Trying to put af days on my calendar and no drinking Monday thru Thursday. Hopefully in time, this will help me to take the next step on my journey.



                  This is an issue for many of us, me included. My partner has a problem with alcohol but has not gotten to the point where he wants to do anything about it. He always used to say to me, "Just have 1 or 2 drinks". Well, we all know that doesn't work for us in this situation.

                  The solution for me to remain steady in my resolve to be AF is that I am doing this for ME. I am hopeful that in due time, my partner will come to the same realization that he needs to do the same thing for himself. I hope to be a good example that he can follow.
                  AF since 7/13/2010



                    There have been several posts I've seen here where one spouse leads the other out of alcohol habits, so this really can work.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

