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Wow, what a difference a week makes..

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    Wow, what a difference a week makes..

    Hi all,

    I have been AF since August 29 - 19 days Last week presented with some really intense mental games. I made it through the weekend with lots of socializing. I had the best time ever, way better than if I had been drinking. Lots of wonderful, authentic belly laughs with my family and friends.

    You guys are amazing :l

    Wow, what a difference a week makes..

    i am so happy for u
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Wow, what a difference a week makes..

      Peace, you are doing so well, good on you! You definitely seem to be leaping all the hurdles at this stage - enjoy your new found happiness, revel in it! One of the things that I find being sober is that I notice little things that make me happy - maybe just the sun shining or a funny joke or a pretty flower, when I was drinking I noticed nothing except where the next drink was coming from.
      You have a great advantage having done this before for years - as I said to you before, you know you can do it, be wary of the 'sneaky' cravings that creep up on you!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Wow, what a difference a week makes..

        Authentic Belly Laughs Awww that is really nice. I am so happy for you. You have been a inspiration to me for sure. I am on day 18 and feeling really good.

        Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


          Wow, what a difference a week makes..

          Thanks everyone,
          Yes, everything is brighter without the cloud of AL and shame in the way. Tired now after our late night, looking forward to a nice dinner and watching TV with hubby. Thursday are usually trigger day, but not today.



            Wow, what a difference a week makes..

            Yay Peace!!!

            I know what you mean the days adding up and how much better it feels!! :l


              Wow, what a difference a week makes..

              Yay that's great Peace:l I know exactly how you feel, I'm on AF17 and I feel like my old self before I started drinking is beginning to emerge again, I'm talking to everyone at the childrens school, laughing and making the other Moms laugh infact my sons friends Mom said to me yesterday, you really are mad aren't you:H:H

              Taking the next few days ODAT Thursday is usually my trigger day too for some reason, but I keep telling myself how ill I'm going to feel tomorrow if I did drink.

              Anyway way to go Peace:l
              AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

              So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                Wow, what a difference a week makes..

                Nice one Peace. You are doing GREAT!
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Wow, what a difference a week makes..

                  :goodjob: Peace! You are so positive. :l x


                    Wow, what a difference a week makes..

                    Hey Peace

                    That is amazing! Well done.
                    Everything is better without alcohol. No doubt about it. Am finding the more days that go by the stronger my will is to beat this damn thing.

                    You are an inspiration


                    12 DAYS AF


                      Wow, what a difference a week makes..

                      Thanks again everyone *tears welling in my eyes*

                      Design I had to LOL when I read your post as that is me to a t. When I was sober for a long period before any time there was a get together or party someone would always mention how "free" I am. Even comments the next day of "wow you really had a good time, how do you feel today" thinking I was drinking and when I said I was stone cold sober, they look in disbelief. It can happen and is happening again.

                      Thanks to my MWO friends, you guys have really helped me make it through some rough times these first days.

                      Peace xo


                        Wow, what a difference a week makes..

                        You really are an inspiration, Peace! I'm still working on letting loose and having fun in a whimsical way. I LOVE my life and am back in the main stream of things. I'm active and love what I'm doing. But I'm still working to discover what the sober "party girl" is like. I'm willing to let her be whatever she wants in that regard. "forcing" a certain attitude towards parties was part of my problem early in my drinking career. So this time there will be no forcing of anything. Whatever evolves evolves.

                        You are doing GREAT!!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.

