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Wish Me Luck!

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    Wish Me Luck!

    Hi Everyone

    Won't be on here for a couple of days as off to the beach tomorrow with the family. Really looking forward to it and focued on staying AF although think may be challenging. Am just being realistic.
    I decided today that I was going to moderate, that was around 4pm (danger time). There were 2 bottles of wine in house but by the time it got to 8 I was over the craving. I got very busy. My house looking very clean and my babies getting lots of attention right now. So all good and I'm off to bed for a great sleep although keep waking up at 4.30am needing a wee. All the bloody mineral water I'm drinking. Better than having sore kidneys and fuzzy head though.
    Anyway it has been my first week onthis site and I just wanted to thank everyone for all their support. It has helped me more than you can imagine. Am raising glass of mineral water to you all and will be in touch next week.

    Hope everyone has great weekend.

    Lots of love and :thanks:

    EL xx

    Wish Me Luck!

    Way to go EL,
    Have a wonderful AF time tomorrow. Keep coming back this site is a wonder and not sure if I would have made it this far myself.

    Take care and looking forward to knowing you,


      Wish Me Luck!

      Best of luck to you, and great job! Hope your beach time is filled with great memories for you and your family. Let us know how it goes, and enjoy! You deserve it!


        Wish Me Luck!

        have fun Ember.....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Wish Me Luck!

          You don't need luck girl, you are doing brilliant. Lucky you going off to the beach - Have a wonderful time. If you really want to stay AF you have to be fully committed, no little opening there at all, or you haven't a hope. I find I have to talk to myself before any event 'no booze, no booze, no booze under ANY circumstances', It really does work, cos there is no decision to be made, it's like an emotional, mental Antabuse if you know what I mean.
          One way or the other, mind yourself and have a brilliant time
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Wish Me Luck!

            haha raising a glass of mineral water to you as well! Haha. Goodluck with your holiday! Bet you will be strong have a fantastic time. Sending a big hug your way!

            Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


              Wish Me Luck!

              Thankyou my darlings. Will not be drinking today.
              Have great weekend everyone.

              EL x


                Wish Me Luck!

                Have a lovely time and well done on not opening the wine. I can't have any booze in the house as it wud be 2 much tempation. If it ain't there i won't drink it.


                  Wish Me Luck!

                  Have a great time ember!!! Check in on Monday! :l


                    Wish Me Luck!

                    I hope you have a lovely AF weekend and enjoy your time away.

                    Dewdrop :h
                    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                      Wish Me Luck!

                      Hello there everyone

                      Am back from my little break and I DIDIN'T TOUCH A DROP!!!! Yay! Am so happy.
                      Is very weird actually am still craving and at the same time don't feel desire to drink. What is that about??? Almost like the craving to stay AF is stronger than the craving to have a drink.
                      Anyway whatever it is, it's working.
                      Thanks so much for all your lovely wishes. Hope you all had a great weekend. Have missed being on here.

                      EL xx:h

                      14 days AF


                        Wish Me Luck!

                        Ahhh, I hope you've had a lovely weekend!!! ENJOY! I miss the Aussie beaches so much and have to admit I am quite envious of your AF time and your holiday!! WAY TO GO EL!!!

                        I'd much rather wake up to wee rather than the sore kidneys... mine are hurting as we speak! I'm on my way and hopeful, and so happy for you.

                        Check in when you return home and love on those babies girl!!!

                        Mum xx

