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Day 1!!!
Day 1!!!
I am going to try this again! Day 1!! I dumped everything out before I left for work this morning...threw all the bottles and wine glasses in the dumpster! I will not stop on the way home. I am so sick of living like this...this double life! I have to do this this time!"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo EmersonTags: None
Day 1!!!
Yes, enough is enough!!! But am already wondering how I am going to get thru tonight without being a total crab to my son!! I guess a couple crabby days are better than a bunch of drunk ones!!"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Day 1!!!
You have to break the cycle sometime so why not now? If nothing changes.... then nothing changes and you will stay on the merry go round forever. You deserve better than that and your son does too!
If your ready to make some changes, then decide whats the best course of action to take. Its pretty hard to do this without some sort of plan. I take Antabuse to ensure I dont drink. I havent been taking it all that long but it does work for me, and my life is tons better and happier being sober.(Like night and day better!!)
What course of action would you like to take?? Im sure others will come along with some great advice, but my advice is.... Today is a good day to start (why not?) and tell us what course of action you want to take.
All my best to you and you CAN do it!!!I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!
Day 1!!!
I have the supplements so I am going to start taking those....I have the CD's so I will start listening to those again! And most importantly I will not shop where they sell AL!!! I need to do this! I need to show some self control and determination and stop making excuses!!"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Day 1!!!
Hi Taw!
You can do this, and we are behind you 100%. How about making some plans for tonight to get you out of the house and into an alcohol free environment? Maybe a movie or the library? I had to switch up my routine the first few days and just stay occupied (outside of the house, which is where I drank). Plan something that you and your son can do together. With each day that passes, it will get easier. You can do this, and we're here for you!
K9:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Day 1!!!
Once you break the addiction, which we ALL KNOW IS HARD, your life will improve by leaps and bounds and so will your sons. Anyone who has a little bit of sobriety will tell you that. You see it posted on here over and over. Its pretty much always the same situation, the people who are getting sober get happier and happier (well most) and the ones who continue on the same path post for help and stuck.
YOU CAN BE one of the ones who gets the sober time under YOUR belt too, and watch your life change for the better. Im in a motivational mood today, LOL, but I would love to see you get there too! Your worth it, know that!! Were always here to help too. Know that too!!I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!
Day 1!!!
Hi Taw,
Yes the first few days I was crankyand felt like all my nerve endings were exposed but that has passed now, I also had many many headaches, zero concentration and very poor sleep. But I kept reminding myself of how I used to feel every morning that I woke up with a hangover from hell and a bucket load of guilt because yet again I had drunk too much and broken my "I'm not going to drink tonight" rule! I got sick and tired of riding the same old merry-go-round. It is bloody hard and there is no point me pretending but you and your son deserve better - I know me and my kiddies do which is why I am going to try my damndest to get this under my control :bat as opposed to me being under its control - failing that its total abstinence.
Good luck, get a few days under your belt and it will feel worth it.
Day 1!!!
I also am on Day 1 today! And I hope and pray that there are many more AF days to follow. I can't wake up one more morning wondering what I did or said because I was blacked out. This is not why do we do it to ourselves?? I am fully ready to embrace this change and take it one day at a time. I am turning a new page in my book.....and I am really excited to see where it takes me!AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!
Day 1!!!
I too am a blackout drinker....I felt the same way this morning after a weekend long blackout! My son was with his dad so it was just me and my wine...not anymore! As hard as this is going to be it has to be better than how I felt this morning! I am ready....for me this time!"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Day 1!!!
Taw - I agree with you completely! Let's do this for us......we deserve to be AF. We just have to remember the terrible feeling of waking up on Monday morning and not knowing what happened over the weekend. I still feel so sick to my stomach from it that I haven't been able to eat a bite of anything. This MUST stop.....and today is a great day to start! Keep me updated on your progress!AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!
Day 1!!!
Taw and Ronald... YOU CAN BOTH DO THIS!!!! Supporting you both 100 percent. Can you both try really really hard to get to one week AF (alcohol free??)
In my past experiences, Once I got to what I called the "Magic Week" One week AF, it got so much easier. Can you both try really hard to get to one week??? I promise you both you will be amazed at how it just gets easier and easier and before you know it the days are adding up to weeks, and then months. YOU CAN DO IT!I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!
Day 1!!!
Over It,
Thank you so much for the encouragement. It literally has brought me to know that someone I don't even know can have so much faith in me is amazing! I WILL make it to one week.....I won't just try....I will succeed! I need this now more than ever.....AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!
Day 1!!!
Ditto on the encouragement!!! Ron, we can do this!! I am off tomorrow and don't have internet at home but I expect to come back to see Day 3 for both of us!!!"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson