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I need a new life

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    I need a new life

    I feel blessed to have this forum to open up about my addictions.
    My experiences are quite daunting that some of them i've never shared with a single soul. It all started from a very young age. I was abandoned by my mum at two months. Left to stay with my dad who was a restuarantuer, you know what that means. The first couple of months, i didn't realise that the lady who brought me up was not my mum but a baby sitter. It was fine until at the age of 7 my dad married the 1st of he's many wives. Wife number 1 didn't like me from the word go because of the very close relationship i had with my dad. So the baby sitter was laid of and this is were my journey of what i've turned into today begun.
    Stepmother 1 made life very miserable for me and the only way i could fight back was to rebel. I was a very intelligent kid at school and i loved it as this is the only place i could be me but, that didn't last long. My frustrations crept into my studies and i was moved from school to school because of my grades. At age 10, my biological mother took me to boarding school as my former teachers informed her about the way i was mistreated at home. It was fine for 2 and a half years untill my mum couldn't afford my tuition fees. I left sch at 13 with no formal grades as i hadn't done my primary living examinations.
    I went back home to my dad hoping he would send me back to sch but alas. He had lost all his businesses and he was at the mercy of the two remaining wives he had and i had never been in their good books. Step mom 1 suggested i move to an orphanage which wasn't very far from home if i wanted to continue with my studies. I obliged but didn't stay long. All the kids and the staff at the ophanage knew my family and my step siblings. The kids always asked why i didn't live at home with the rest of the family and some used to tease me for this. after a couple of weeks i had had enough. I went back home but was not welcomed by my step moms. A few weeks after i'd returned home, i was framed by my step mom's for stealing my dad's suits and shoes, he got so mad at me that he took me to a police station were i stayed for two days. I was the only female prisoner and the youngest in those cells that the male convicts i found there looked after me and for the first time, i felt someone really loved me.
    Dad came to pick me up on day 3 and i remember refusing to go home with him. I prefered being in a police cell than at home. Anyway's, my new freinds convinced me so i left the next day. On my return home, my dad separated me from the rest of the family and gave me a room outside the main house (boys quater's) and i started life as only a 13 year old would manage. I met a couple of new freinds, mostly drop outs or kid on what we used to call home run. I started experimenting with drugs and smoking cigarettes. At 15, i joined a band and things started to look up for me. I met my first boyfreind, he took good care of me and protected me at all times. He never let me touch alchohol, drugs nor cigarettes yet, he used all three. As you might guess, that relationship and my time in the youth band run out due to the fact that i fell pregnant at 16 and was not a good example to the youth anymore. My boyfreind dissapeared because i refused to have an abortion. He was 7 years older than me and a foriegner. He didn't want to take chances of being locked up.
    My only happines during my pregnancy was the fact that i was going to have a baby. My own baby who i would love and in return love me back. I did odd jobs in our neighborhood and by the grace of God, i survived and although i lived on potent gin through out my pregnancy, i had a healthy baby girl. Who turned out to be my savior. I went back home and at first my stepmothers wanted me out again but this time, my dad stood by me. He found me a job in a factory and on some occassions when i didn't have a baby sitter he offered to baby sit for me. After a couple of weeks into this job i got involved with another older guy. He offered to marry and look after me and the baby i had no other option but to give in. Besides, he was my boss. We married just afer 1 month of dating. The beggining was good. I had 7 years of bliss and the other seven of hell. He never ceased to remind me how he helped me by marrying me. An Un educated mother of 1. Gosh it was painfull. On top of that he had extra marital affairs which bore him six kids with six different mums. I hit the bottle and cigarettes big time. I managed to quit smoking after ten years and i stayed NF for another ten. Needless to say, we traveled to England to have a go at saving the marriage but alot of water had gone under the bridge. I managed to go back to college which he was surpotive of in the beginning then loathed it towards the end. In my second year, i was asked to choose btw the marriage and my education. Naturally i chose to let the marriage go as i was hungry for an education. I was left high and dry, with no job and tuition fees to pay. I almost droped out of college but my tuitors having known my past history, managed to get me a scholarship for my higher education. Throughout this time, i was abusing alchohol but i'd learnt to cover it up very well. In the last six years, i've attempted suiside twice, gone back to smoking and if i'm honest with myself, i've tried quiting once and it lasted for exactly 30 days. I have to drink every single day and it is affecting everything around me. I sometimes joke to my freinds and family that alchohol is my husband but deep down, i know it is taking away everything that i have fought tooth and nail to be today. I moved back to Africa last year and started my business this year in Feb. Because i've lost trust in humans, i find myself using every single penny i get to purchase my two vices. Most days i can't get up for work today being one of them because of a hang over. I am surrounded by people who feel it is normal to get blazed anytime of the day or night. I've noticed that the people i feel confertable around are those who are addicted to alchohol, cigarettes or drugs. Please someone help me. This is a genuine cry for help otherwise, i am done for.

    Sorry my cry for help is too long but, i didn't know any other way of doing it.:new:

    I need a new life

    dont know what to say,shaasha, just:l:l:l
    life is simple its just not easy


      I need a new life

      Saasha - Welcome! I am so glad that you felt safe enough to open up to everyone and share your story. I am pretty sure there is not a single person on this sight who hasn't been through their own personal hell. But that is why we are here....we all want to get better! Keep posting and keep sharing your feelings. We are here to listen to you and encourage you. You CAN get better!
      AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


        I need a new life


        I just wanted to say :welcome:
        I'm glad you found a place to get a lot off your chest. Your story is amazing. I almost feel like suggesting you start a blog. Writing can be such good medicine. Do you live in Africa now? My heart goes out to you and I hope you find some peace here. I have really found a lot of wonderful information here. Keep reading and posting. I hope you feel better soon.

        -Choice :h


          I need a new life


          :welcome: Saasha. Everyone on MWO has a story to tell. They're all painful, but some are more painful than others.
          You, dear girl, are one hell of a strong woman. Your circumstances were against you from the get go, but you are still here. You are a credit to 'sisterhood.' A heroine. An inspiring and courageous lady.
          Here on this site you will find many friends. Some younger, some the same age and some, (like my good self) older. Some men, some women and some kids. We're all here to help one another and your bravery in sharing your story with us will win you many who will be there for you to care about you with empathy, compassion and love.
          Please, consider me one of that number.
          The greatest education you are ever going to have in this world, with your own personal set of circumstances, is to educate yourself aboiut AL. AL is a vicious, crafty, and unrelenting liar who preys on those of us with a particular genetic make up. You will learn about AL's machinations here. You will learn about the mind games and the consequences of failing to take a stand against our common enemy.
          Saasha, find the "Rain In My Heart" documentary and watch it, because it vividly depicts where we will all end up if we allow ourselves to keep getting sucked back into the vortex.
          To have survived your experiences tells me of your fortitude and will to succeed in this life, which, in so many ways, has treated you so unkindly. You're a success story already, girl. Don't stop now because baby, one day you are going to shine.
          You didn't mention your daughter in the latter part of your story. I hope she is doing well. Any time, Saasha, I'm here.
          :h Mish :h
          Never give up...
          GET UP!!!

          AF since 25th November, 2011

          What might have been is an abstraction
          Remaining a perpetual possibility
          Only in a world of speculation.
          What might have been and what has been
          Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


            I need a new life

            get yourself to AA meetings find a sponsor with a lot of sobriety and
            you can start making new friends like I did, you don't have to spend
            your whole life in that tortured life we call alcoholism.

            I'm almost 4 months sober now and I made a lot of new sober friends
            in AA, it's the best thing I have found to battle this insanity.


              I need a new life

              Hi Saasha , Thats a hell of a story , We all have our own stories of the journeys we have had before finally doing something to change our lives, I agree 100% with Bugz, Get to AA and listen and find people you feel comfortable talking to. I am certainly no expert as i have been going to AA for over 15 years and yet i am on my day 4 alcohol free and i believe i did'nt put sobriety my number 1 priority, I have went to meetings for a while, last one in and first one out, sat at the back quietly listening to people sharing and identifying with what they had to say, made friends and got their numbers and promised them and myself i would call if i had urges to drink, been sober for a few weeks only to start making excuses to drink again, think i have cracked the addiction and can drink like normal people ,i had a crap day and need a drink , tired and can't be bothered going to a meeting any excuse, Big Mistake, each time rapidly falling back to my old ways and hitting rock bottom only things are worse and continue to get worse each time, as i said i am only back 4 days ago but i really need to stop for good as it is going to kill me . I have zero self confidance and defo not a public speaker but i am trying to share at AA even if i think i am talking crap , i am talking to people who have been around for a while and trying to find out how to get started on the 12 steps, trying to get involved, make a plan for your day and a plan if you feel the urge to drink i really regret the years i have lost through drink, i have missed my kids growing up, lost a well paid career through heart disease caused by alcohol, been bankrupt and lost everything, But thats all history and i can't change them things all i can do is live today , i used to think how will i enjoy christmas or holidays or any social event in the future without alcohol and forget about today, but all we have is today and i try to live life today, forget about the future,i try and be a nicer person to my wife and kids, thank god i hav'nt lost them . MWO is an excellant site as you can read other peoples stories who are on the same boat whether just starting out or been here a while and its here 24/7. Hopefully you will find it easier to get it than i did ( not being complaciant as i am still suffering withdrawal but a lot more optomistal than before )and i really hope you do . Sorry for hijacking your thread and good luck:h


                I need a new life

                Welcome Sasha.

                You have been through quite a lot in your life. On the positive side, look at all you have overcome.

                You have taken an important first step in coming here and posting. Stay close. Read, and post more. I look forward to hearing and sharing.
                AF since May 6, 2010

                Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

