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First AA Meeting Tomorrow night

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    First AA Meeting Tomorrow night

    Flip thats amazing news! Two weeks is wicked!! Dont let the religion side of AA put you off ( cause it's not religious, just spiritual) and dont worry if you dont want to share. Somepeople took over a year until they did. You dont have to do anything. The main thing is that you listen to people's recovery.

    Thats what hit home. I hears stories of people really hitting rock bottom and coming out of it drug free. I thought if they can, then so can I. AA will put your own issues into perspective.

    I went to a few bars intially but it pissed me off. It just made it more difficult. I would avoid such places for a while. I dont go to pubs anymore but it doesnt bother me as I have replaced them with other things that are more important.

    Way to go Flip! x
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      First AA Meeting Tomorrow night

      Hey FF.
      I was here trying to moderate for two years. Then I tried to go AF and managed some time but would always return to my previous ways. When I had tried to do it "my way" and failed so many times, I surrendered and went to my first AA meeting thinking I had failed. In fact, the AA meeting proved just the opposite. I learned I could never drink in moderation and that I needed to be sober in order to get better. Nobody demanded that I do anything. I took there suggestions and did the 90/90 accordingly. I am about 8 months sober right now and the fog has lifted. Now don't get me wrong, it doesn't make every day perfect but it sure helps me to deal with things better as they come up. I am so grateful for the day I walked through those doors. It saved me....good luck and if it benefits you...keep going.
      AF since 2/4/10
      Nicotine free since 3/31/10


        First AA Meeting Tomorrow night

        Hi FT and well done on 2 weeks, I have just started going to AA again after a long absence and am really enjoying it, When i first started going i felt like i did'nt belong there and as you said i was'nt as bad as some of the people there but i honestly think it was my head making excuses for me to stop going, In AA they talk about the "yets" things that hav'nt happened to you "yet" like losing your licence , job etc, believe me the "yets" catch up with you eventually. Re the religion as others have said its a higher power of your understanding and can be anything you want it to be. I have been about AA for over 15 years and as i said im just back, i hav'nt a clue about 12 steps or sponsers etc but i go and don't drink and at the minute thats all that matters, this time i hope i have the mix right, i don't want to drink for me nobody else but me and i'm making AA my no 1 priority even arranging my work shifts to suit going to meetings. You may get urges to drink and your head will make any excuse to justify having a drink but try and have a plan so you don't lift that first drink. Good luck and keep posting Mo


          First AA Meeting Tomorrow night

          Flip - great job on 2 weeks AF! And on getting to AA
          Only speak if you feel comfortable, I still get nervous but it always feels good to off load as it does here. Like UKblonde says your higher power can be yourself, I believe in God although not in the conventional sense so my higher power is very much me.

          Your GF knows all the shit you have been through and I hope is understanding of you not going to bars with her, Flip you have to put yourself and your sobriety 1st here at all costs and being around drinkers sounds like a very bad idea. There are loads of great coffee bars you can meet friends in or let your GF go without you.

          Wishing you much strength :l
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            First AA Meeting Tomorrow night

            FlipTop, congratulations on 2 weeks!!! I'm really excited for you about going to the AA meeting. It shows real courage to do that when you have reservations about it. I agree with the others about avoiding the pub. :goodjob:
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              First AA Meeting Tomorrow night

              Ok im still doing well. 3 weeks in the bag now... Feels good.... AA meeting again tonight (gives me a goal line each week).....

              Have been staying away from the pub -- Got invited to a friends birthday booze fest.. Had to phone her and say what my situation was and we are going out for a meal in a more controlled environment....

              Got to say I have just got out of a job that was really getting me down. They offered me ill health retirement so I took it... Lump sum payout ;-p
              Glad I spoke to the union before I did this as my manager being the to$$er he is was trying to get me to hand my notice in and then I would receive 4 weeks holiday pay. Just say IHR was worth 18 times that.....
              Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down - Eat Them Alive

              1 - 2 - 3

