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Question about the Hypno CD's

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    Question about the Hypno CD's

    Just got these in the mail. My goal is moderation and I see nothing in the paperwork about it. So, how do these work?

    My story. For about 4 years now (maybe longer, but not as bad or noticable), I have fallen into a pattern. I don't drink for a couple of weeks, then plan to do something with my freinds and I am drunk for a couple of days. I got in the habit of treating the hangover by drinking. It works...not really. Just leads to another day of drinking. I have notice a change in myself, its affecting my home life and I refuse to be this disfunctional for my two little boys (6 and 5). I don't crave alcohol, but this pattern keeps repeating. I know this is behavioral, but now I have the habit from this repeated pattern.

    As I said...I want a life of moderation. The ability to say no if I don't feel like having a drink with the confidence to say yes knowing I can stop when I want, be responsible, and have fun at the same time.

    I have chosen not to do the Topamax. I have a demanding mental job and am leary of the mental side affects. Can I start with the CD's and do the moderation program? How? I am working on the supplements also but am low on $$ this month, so can I still start with the CD's.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!:new:

    Question about the Hypno CD's

    Sure....go ahead and use them. The Clearing CD...second part....puts me to sleep. It is so relaxing.

    Welcome to MWO! Pull up a chair and start sharing and reading!
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Question about the Hypno CD's

      Hi Ken,

      Welcome! Different things work for different people, so don't add pressure on yourself by feeling there's a right and a wrong way to go about tackling this (they only wrong way, of course, is allowing alcohol to hurt you and your family). I would've wanted a life of moderation too, but I know in my heart that will never work for me. I tried many times before I came here.

      I took supplements and topa the first week or two after I quit, but stopped both because I didn't feel the urge to drink; it was more of a pre-emptive strike, I wanted out so badly. (Also, it made diet coke taste really funny!) I keep them around just in case. I've been sober for a couple of months now. I take a multivitamin, and exercise at least 4 days a week--I think that last bit helps a lot.

      I don't use the CDs from MWO, but I use a couple others pretty faithfully; ones I found hunting around online. Some can be incredibly soothing and restful, and some can be pretty darn annoying, so I 'test-drove' a few before buying. I listen to them almost every night at bedtime.

      I have no way of knowing if self-hypnosis has been the key to keeping me free of cravings, or if that freedom will last, but why ask why? At the very least, they help me relax, and that's saying something for me.

      Below is a link to a test used in primary care and ERs to assess alcohol problems. It might help you get a better sense of your relationship with alcohol while you consider your plan from here. I got a 20 (there, I said it).

      AUDIT Alcohol Screening Test - Alcohol & Substance Abuse, Addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Cult & Depression

      Best of luck to you!

      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        Question about the Hypno CD's

        Hi Kenneth,
        I too would have liked a life of moderation at firs but found I could not do it without letting the al take over and me keep drinking until I was asleep or the bottles were empty. I had to admit that I could not sustain a life of moderate drinking. I used the CDs just as they are prescribed in the book. There were some suggeastions with the CDs when I got them too. I used the supplements pretty faithfully and am just now weaning off them, with no ill effects. I was taking them for five months. I found the cost of the supplements to be less than the amount I spent on grog every month so it was money well spent. I know I can't moderate and at the moment I don't want to drink again. Pride mostly I think and determination not to go back to day one again. It's just not worth it anymore.

        I hope this helps. Come to this site as often as you want, to just read what others say or to make your own views known. It's very supportive.
        Good luck

        AF since 12 April 2010


          Question about the Hypno CD's

          Thanks all. Very helpful.


            Question about the Hypno CD's

            Hello Kenneth :welcome:

            I didn't find the cd's from this site very useful to be honest but everyone is different so they are definately worth a try. I have used relaxation/meditation/motivational cd's over the years and actually prefer the ones I had already been using so have gone back to them.

            I have been using the supplements and started with L-Glut, starflower oil, Vit B complex and Co10 on about Day 3 AF and then about 2 weeks later got the Kudzu and gaba and really feel they all help. I take the L-Glut and the Kudzu 3 times a day with a big glass of water with lemon and the others once. I guess I'll keep taking them for another month and see how I feel at that stage.

            I don't think there is any formula for what works as everyone is different, but good luck and keep posting. Some of us are going for a Sober October so once you get started why not join us?

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              Question about the Hypno CD's

              The clearing CD's allow prepare you for the full hypnoses. I followed the program completely and it has worked for me. (altho I only took the topa at a low does for 2 weeks) I AM now able to moderate I use the first clearing CD and the first hypnotic one as that one allows you to make drinking choices. It didn't work so well for me when I was completely abstaining, but even then it did hellp with sleep and for an insomniac that was great!!


                Question about the Hypno CD's

                Thanks. That helps a bunch. I work for the state and we have had severe budget cuts already with more to come. That combined with taking care of 6 and 5 year old boys and a 17 year old stepdaughter who is having a baby as we speak has, needless to say, pushed me to the breaking point of stress. My reaction lately is to drink heavily about every two weeks to "release". I want to break this pattern. I have been able to moderate in the past with conscious effort so I think the subconscious will really help.

                Good luck,

