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Need to Vent!

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    Need to Vent!

    This is really off the subject of alcohol, but I need to get it out. Latley my husband is just a jerk, it is almost as though he can't stand us anymore. He is always yelling at the kids, constantly riding their ass. I know they can definitley be trying, but to always be after them is ridiculous, give them some credit every now and then. I can't seem to do anything right, the more I do the more he expects. I heard him say to my son a couple of weeks back, that he could not stand me latley, nice thing to say to your kid, that you can't stand their mom. I give up on trying to make things easier on him, it does not seem to matter. We have not been intimate in probably 6 weeks, but I don't want to sleep with a old grump who does nothing but complain and yell. I know he works hard and he's an assistant coach on my son's football team, so he is busy there, but so am I, he is just not hear to see it. I work part-time, leave there, go to the barn to train my horse, which if I miss a day, he will ride my ass, you didn't go to the barn or you didn't do this. I think he thinks I have a magic wand and make the house clean by waving it around and everything else I do. This morning he was mad beacause my kids don't ever pick up after themselves, unless your right there telling them to, it aggrevated me too, but he said, why should they pick up if you are always there doing it, but if I don't the house would be a disaster, then he would be pissed about that. I just don't get him latley, I think he needs to go see a doctor and get put on meds, I rarley ever see him happy anymore, he is always complaining, I'm starting to not even want to be around him, maybe get a part time job at night to, just so I don't have to listen to it.

    Sorry for the rant just had to get it out!!


    Need to Vent!

    Hi Two!
    I don't have much advice in this area because I am single...but I can imagine what you are going through. All I can do at this point is let you know I'm thinking of you :l

    p.s. I hate to state the obvious, but have you tried just calmly telling him how's making you feel? Again, I'm no expert. :h
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Need to Vent!

      is he depressed?
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Need to Vent!

        My dad (an alcoholic) was the same way, constantly yelling at us and I grew up hating him. He's been dead for 35 years and it still pains me to think about the way he treated me. Some men seem to think that can treat the people closest to them like crap and there won't be any repercussions. WRONG!! Maybe you should tell him that the kids can't stand him when he's yelling all the time and may grow up to hate him.

        GOOD LUCK!


          Need to Vent!

          I have tried to say something to him before and it seems to only make it worse. Maybe he is depressed I don't know for sure. His dad is a old grump to, so I think it runs in the family. I just remember my dad, whom I loved dearly, always making me feel stupid, you grow up to think you are, so by him always yelling at the kids and calling them this or that, evetually they are going to believe it. I hope and pray it passes, he has cut down on his drinking since I quit 109 days ago, thank goodness, because he is even more grumpy when he drinks, he just does not want to be bothered. It frustrates him when my kids won't stop talking sometimes, but I figure as long as they are not fighting let them talk. Again hopefully it passes, maybe it has always been this way, just now that I am not drinking I see it more.


