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Day one

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    Day one


    My name is katie and I've just consumed two bottles of wine again. I so much want to become a moderate drinker but cannot leave at one glas let alone bottle. My family life is taking it's toil and I'm up at this ungodly hour due to excessive drinking. My liver needs a break as it feels so swollen and uncomfortable. Anyone out there that can relate and give just a little advice I'd appreciate it.
    I've tried the counselling which worked for a little while and AA which has not worked at all due to total abstinence not being sought.

    Day one

    Hi Katie and:welcome:.

    Yes, understand where you're coming from. We were all in your shoes when we found this place. Most of us started by reading through many of the threads on this board and could relate to so many of the stories. Take a breath, read and then decide if you would like to download the book and start a whole new journey.

    This really is an excellent place to be. Hope you stay with us.



      Day one

      Katie, hello and welcome.

      I can hear the exhaustion in your note... and in that state, you have come here and spoken out.. so well done for that.. thats a huge thing... not to be underestimated.

      You are not alone... and this has been a great place for me.. and I hope it is for you too.



        Day one

        Hi Katie

        Well done for taking the plunge andspeaking to others. I am in the samr situation. Cant stopn at one glass or bottle either. This siteis brill! Ive only benn on the site for 3 days and feel great. havent had a drink for three days but not stopping completely.
        My fella is on the verge of leaving me so i have to do something quick.I get very violent and angry when i am drunk so i am just trying to find the old me at the moment.

        Hang on on there you will find lots of support from others on this site.

        Try the chat room as well. I did last night and couldnt pull myself away from it.

        Love Kath X:new: :welcome:


          Day one

          Hi Katie:
          You are definitely not alone I joined this forum just a week ago and it has helped so much. I am now taking the vitamins and reading the book, but I've found emailing with people on this site has been my strongest support as I know I am not alone. I am also a wine lover and seem to have a problem stopping with a glass or two. I've been really well this week and hope with the support of others on this site I can continue into the weekend without drinking or ONLY having a glass or two.



            Day one

            Hi Katie,

            I tried everything in moderation. It didn't work for me. Yes I could demolish two bottles of wine and wanted to make sure I had a little scotch around in case it "wasn't enough", which of course it wasn't.

            It gets better actually faster than you think. I pretend I have taken a new road and can let go of the awful way I used to feel. I actually like feeling that I have a secret way, that is just my secret, and I have a lot more energy. I think you will begin to feel you can make decisions in your life for yourself, without feeling guilty.

            I am looking forward to driving again without the fear and constant irritation, which made me a bad driver. I was afraid of EVERYTHING, and it was the alcohol all along, not getting older or the crazy roads, just alcohol induced fear.

            You will make it...believe in yourself and your own little secret.

            from new England

