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Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

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    Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

    Here goes... Until 36 hrs ago I have never had a violent episode from drinking. I have never thought I had a drinking problem before this. I need to step back and take a good long look at my habits.
    College was the typical binge drinking. My first marriage was with someone who drank everyday and liked to party and in the beginning I did too. Within the first 2 yrs of our marrigae he got 2 DUI's and I started marriage counseling because the drinking was becoming a problem between us. He didnt want to change his ways so I eventually left.
    I still continued to drink socially and again did the occasional binge drinking. Met my 2nd husband who in 11 yrs only ever saw him drink excessively two times. Alcohol and drugs were just never part of his life. We got into wine and would have a glass or two with dinner. At parties or social functions I would have more. Only once in 11 yrs did I lose control of my emotions and it was with jealousy. For other reasons this marriage ended.
    Then I immediately met the man Ive been living with for 2.5 years. This is where the real story begins.
    All my life I have dealt with insecurity issues concerning my looks, body and not feeling like #1. Typical older sister growing up was always viewed the beauty while I was told I was the ugly duckling who eventually became the swan. Boyfriends cheating on me, all the normal stuff that happens while growing up. The man in my life now has never cheated on me and started out loving me with all his heart. I was his high school crush and we crossed paths after 25 yrs. I fell head over heals in love with him and as he says, has loved me all his life. The one that all others were compared. The only part that didnt work for me was that he had been single all this time and has quite the past with women. Even has 2 children with 2 different women. I didn't pass judgement. I had an abortion after college, that was my choice. His was quite honest and today feels he should have kept some things to himself. Maybe. His past and my insecurities became an issue almost immediately. Then we have to throw in the discovery of porn on the computer and now i have a constant storm inside myself.
    This is finally where the drinking doesnt mix. I could have total control over those insecurities until the glasses or bottle of wine come into play. Every time I drank more than 2 glasses and something related to this topic came up I would lose control. Get mad at him, yell at him, beg for reassurance of his love. Our good times the best ever in my life with any man, our lows the worst feeling in the world. They don't make me very proud and and from every episode I tried to learn from it. I realized the wine didnt help so I would put ice in to dilute and try to limit to 2 glasses. For some time I've been working on my insecurities and have made lots of progress. But still when I've had too much to drink they sneak back to the surface. So 36 hrs ago I was having one of the best days with him until the evening ended up involving way more alcohol than planned. At the end of the evening I lost control in an instant. I mixed alcohols, didn't eat very much and got bothered by something stupid. He also had too much to drink and it turned into the worst night of my life! I tried to stop him from leaving and grabbed his arm, we fell down the stairs and I hit my head. It then turned into quite the yelling session full of mean, very hurtful comments. He threatened to call the cops to settle me down but I wouldn't stop. In this state of mind I don't know just to get out of his face. I followed him and tried shoving him. He did call the cops so he could leave peacefully. I don't blame him at all for doing this. The saddest thing is that I couldn't remember much of this the next day. Not sure if I've ever been this scared before. Frightened of my behavior and that I lost this man for good. I have never ever been violent in my life. My closest friends are shocked. Just not in my nature to be mean or hurtful. So I ask? Is this a drinking problem, an emotional problem or the bad mix of both...

    Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

    Hello soulsearcher and :welcome:

    I don't know the answer to your question but I can venture to say that alcohol certainly was a contributing factor there. Have you considered stopping drinking altogether? Then with a clear head you might be able to better tackle the other issues. Often guilt, shame and anxiety accompany an unfortunate episode such as the one you had and those emotions just make things so much worse. Are you wanting to quit drinking?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

      Hi Soulsearcher, and welcome here!Neither do I know the answer to the question - I do know tho that if I was in the same situation and I really loved that man, I would consider that I would have to take alcohol out of the equation and see how things would go. Easier said than done, I know, but you need to ask yourself would you have behaved the same way without alcohol and if you wouldn't therein lies your answer I'm afraid. I had a fairly volatile relationship with my now husband when we were much younger. I had no idea at the time but without a doubt nearly all problems we had had their root in alcohol (purely shouting matches I hasten to add!)
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

        Thnx Greeneyes. Absolutely! I immediately threw out the alcohol in the house. I have every intention of not drinking till I can figure this out. And if all the other issues go away then i guess I have my answer? No more wine again.


          Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

          Mollyka thanks for words of encouragement. I often wonder if a relationship that starts out so volatile can ever survive. Was it a gradual realization that alcohol didnt work for the relationship? Did your husband stop too?


            Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

            Soulsearcher, I applaude your desire to tackle the issues. To better prepare yourself, you might consider reading the MWO book, and take a look around some threads - there are PLENTY of people who have had similar experiences. And you'll need a plan. You may be suprised at what is on your plate to deal with when you are not able to avoid it by drinking wine. That is where sticking to a plan comes into play - so you don't convince yourself of things like "just this time" and so on. Lots of helpful supportive people here for you soulsearcher!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

              Evening Soulsearcher,

              I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you but know that if you get 30 days AF under your belt you will be able to deal with this much better, you will be in a different place and will see things clearer.

              Keep posting and reading.

              Good luck :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

                Hi Soulsearcher,
                It sounds like to me that Alcohol is putting fuel on the fire on some issues that are already serious and painful. Things have become very dangerous with violence. I was having some terrible issues with my boyfriend and didn't know where to begin to make things better. I'd pushed him while we both were drunk and was really embarrassed and ashamed. I couldn't believe "I?!" did that. We were both being jerks and our issues were going around and around like a broken record with no resolve. I think both of us were loosing our self esteem because we were treating each other like crap when we drank. I decided to stop the madness and step one was to avoid alcohol completely. He followed my lead... (he still drinks) but not around me and not to the point of drunk. I can't tell you how much our relationship has improved. We simply could not handle our strong emotions under the influence. Lots of jealousy and rage. It's been just over one month for me AF and I could care less about a ton of crap that I couldn't seam to handle only one short month ago, now I just care about being sober and happy. I guess really focusing on my own real big problem of: getting drunk and violent, I took so seriously. Even though it wasn't normal drunken behavior for me, at the very least I never wanted to suffer that shame again. It made me take a long hard look at the person I wanted to be and how AL wasn't going to let me be her.


                  Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

                  Hi Soulsearcher and :welcome:

                  I can relate to so much of what you describe. Alcoholism was progressive for me, and in the last couple of years it seemed that my fears and insecurities would be magnified tenfold after lots of wine. I would pick fights with my husband - it was a horrible cycle. I would swear I wouldn't drink any more after those incidents, but my resolve never lasted and I kept on drinking. And sure enough, it was just a matter of time until a horrid fight.

                  I can also relate to the earlier years you describe - where you were with someone who WAS in way worse shape than you. I too remember a boyfriend when I was in my early 20's who was already well on his way down the slippery slope. Because my own alcoholism had not progressed to that level yet, I felt there was something very wrong with him (I dumped him) but *I* was *fine.*

                  I have still had to address my underlying fears and anxieties as a sober person. Just stopping drinking didn't magically fix everything. However, I was completely unable to identify and address my problems while I was drinking. And the drinking certainly made the average problem a whole lot worse.

                  Like the others, I applaud you for coming here and posting and looking for answers for yourself. I agree with Greenie's suggestion to start by downloading the book. See what you think from there.

                  Stopping drinking was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but by far the best thing I've ever done for myself and my marriage. Strength and hope to you!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

                    there is a latin phrase: "In Vino Veritas" meaning that there is truth in wine.
                    I think it is more disinhibition and we say and do things that, while maybe true, are harmful and destructive. This is what happened to you. It won't happen again if you stop drinking. The fact that you have to "work" to keep it at 2 or fewer per night means that you have cravings for more. This indicates a likely substance addiction.
                    Abstinence is a good plan. The shame can be overwhelming but in time you can relearn and re earn you self respect. Handling this problem is the first step in a series of steps to growth and understanding. Use what you learned last night as a stepping stone to this end. Don't worry about the man. You are much more important than whether that works out or not.
                    Good Luck and keep posting.


                      Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

                      To say I'm overwhelmed with gratitude is an understatement. It's amazing me that total strangers can care and are willing to share their own stories. Helps so much to know others have been down this road.

                      Choice, Doggygirl and SunnyValenting: Thanks. It's only been 2 days for me but I'm still stuck on the fact that I did that, acted like that. It's so not who I am or who I want to be. Im hoping without the wine I can conquer those insecurities inside me and see if this relationship becomes the one I think it can be....

                      I also hope my boyfriend takes my lead and follows down this path. I know too that through this I may come to the realization that this relationship is just not healthy for me and will also have to let that go to become the woman I want to be.

                      Yes, I agree that saying I limit myself to 2 glasses of wine at night is an admission that there probably was an addiction in the making. Wow that's difficult to look back on.

                      If anyone has any good advice or books to read about physical insecurities and self confidence please share. I do realize that is my biggest hurdle, where the real pain resides...:thanks:


                        Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

                        Hi Soulseacher....I agree with what everyone else has said. This is a question you will have to answer yourself....but speaking from experience, I can tell you that the alcohol doesn't help things! I have been in the same situation you husband and I have both had too much to drink and what is a minor issue becomes a shouting match (or worse) and then the next morning you don't remember what was said or why you woke up on the couch. This has happened one too many times for us and we have finally decided it was time to get AL out of our life. We have been so much closer and happier since then. I really hope you can work things out with your boyfriend. I know this site has helped me a ton and my husband can see a huge difference in me already......keep posting.....keep sharing.....we are here for you.
                        AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


                          Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

                          What is my fiance feeling?

                          What is my fiance feeling? I know the event that led to this was mostly my doing but do I take full responsibility when both of us were in a drunken state? He just returned to the house yesterday afternoon since friday night. We haven't spoken and I have stayed out of his way.

                          I understand the hurt and pain. I understand the need for space. I understand the confusion and frustration of my behavior when I drink too much and cant control my insecurities but I was hoping through this he would also take a look at his drinking habits.

                          He went out last night and came home having drunk some fair amount. He woke me up, kicked me out of bed and started yelling and calling me nasty names. It was eye opening since I was sober to see him and his anger.

                          Is this just a stage he is going through? Is this the hurt of what I have put him through? The disappointment he has with me? He hasn't asked me to leave yet and I believe that is for the sake of his daughter... can we recover from this???


                            Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

                            I have discovered that it's not so much as how much one drinks, but how one drinks. I had to consciously limit myself (or try to) to two glasses.
                            When you find yourself drinking more and having blackouts or partial blackouts, then it's almst a certainty that you have addiction/dependency issues. When one drinks like that, it is "alcoholic drinking."
                            You are so blessed to have found this site while you are still young. You have wonderful AF years ahead of you if you put becoming sober in first place in your life. It certainly sounds like you're doing that.

                            :h Mish :h
                            :h Mish :h
                            Never give up...
                            GET UP!!!

                            AF since 25th November, 2011

                            What might have been is an abstraction
                            Remaining a perpetual possibility
                            Only in a world of speculation.
                            What might have been and what has been
                            Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                              Newbie: Is this a drinking problem, emotional problem or both?

                              We haven't spoken and I have stayed out of his way.

                              I understand the hurt and pain. I understand the need for space. I understand the confusion and frustration of my behavior when I drink too much and cant control my insecurities but I was hoping through this he would also take a look at his drinking habits.

                              He went out last night and came home quite drunk. He woke me up, kicked me out of bed and started yelling and calling me nasty names. It was eye opening since I was sober to see him and his anger.

                              Is this just a stage he is going through? Is this the hurt of what I have put him through?

                              Soulsearcher, my heart goes out to you. Not knowing what's going on in his head must be torture. However, have you looked at this from another point of view?
                              Maybe he is feeling really disgusted with himself over his part in the episode. Men often avoid talking about this sort of issue and he sure seems to be doing that. You said he has "drinking habits" which warrant attention. If he came home full of booze and bad manners and is avoiding reasonable communication, maybe his anger is at himself.
                              Just another way of looking at things. Hopefully I'm right and when things settle down maybe you can have an open, honest discussion and address your AL issues together. If not, be self-motivated , and put your own health and sobriety at top priority.

                              :h Mish :h
                              :h Mish :h
                              Never give up...
                              GET UP!!!

                              AF since 25th November, 2011

                              What might have been is an abstraction
                              Remaining a perpetual possibility
                              Only in a world of speculation.
                              What might have been and what has been
                              Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot

