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    Ok so you can probably guess by my title, I drank last night. A lot. I am feeling so sick right now and can barely type. I feel so angry and want to cry as I write this. I had done 28 days AF and now I have to start all over again. I don't really want to go into why I did it. To all of those people who are abstaining right now let me be an example of why not to drink. Ok I have to go I think I am about to be sick
    Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


    Hi Angel,

    YOu had a setback....try not to be too hard on yourself...just climb right back on that bike again and even if a bit wobbly to start with, get peddalling again. Soon you will be feeling better and with renewed optimism. Look at this slip up, as just that. A yucky reminder about what it is you are trying so hard to achieve. No one gets it right first least noone that I know anyway. YOu will be feeling pretty ragged and down today, but remember that this will pass...its the post drink depression. Tomorrow is a brand new day and you will be on your way to feeling better again for today be kind to yourself, pat yourself on the back for your 28 days af.....drink lots of water and eat something nutritious and rest. All the best
    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs



      Angel, if this reinforces to you that you really CAN'T drink and don't WANT to drink, then it's a good thing. I applaud you for coming right back here to get on the wagon.

      What scared the crap out of me when I relapsed was that I just.could.not.get.back.on.the.wagon.

      Remember this sick feeling and don't fall for the AL lies when it fades.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.



        Hi Angel

        I realise you must be feeling pretty down on yourself right now but it is great that you got straight on here and get some support to start again. 28 days is a great achievement and proves that you can do it. Don't let the bad feelings start the drinking again honey. Think of it as a reminder of why you ended up here in the first place and kick it in the arse!!!!

        Thinking of you.:h:h:h


        22 days AF



          Hey angel. Well done for getting back on track so quickly. Thanks for posting cause it really helps me. Hope you are okay. x
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T



            Angel, the important thing is to get right back to sober. And stay there. Don't kid yourself with that "tomorrow" stuff. You can learn from this and be even stronger so get up and get going!!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



              Angel, so sorry you feel like shite. What a graphic reminder of why you want to stop, and what a lie alcohol is. The only time it's really there for us is when we're sick and full of self-loathing. This is a new day, back on the horse. xoxoxo Pride
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers




                Take care of yourself Angel. Don't beat yourself up, for me that sets the cycle of bingeing to forget.

                We are all human and as it has been said before this is a journey and we learn many different things along this journey. Remember how you feel today to prevent another hangover. That's what is keeping me AF, the reminder of how sloppy I was during my last drunk and how sick I felt the days following.

                Keep coming back :h



                  Doggygirl;968760 wrote:
                  What scared the crap out of me when I relapsed was that I just.could.not.get.back.on.the.wagon.
                  This is so true- for me-to get back on the wagon- and so glad I did- YOU CAN TOO- so-stay on the site-when you feel like a drink and wait for the urge to pass by....that's my plan, Angel-
                  Think of your slip as part of the learning process of why you can't and shouldn't have a drink-and don't be so upset with yourself-
                  All the best,
                  It's always YOUR choice!



                    Angel, there must be something about 28 days as I've seen a couple of posts where others have slipped around that mark. I just know you can get up instead of giving up, so quick sticks, Angel, back on board and you'll be ready for AL's lies next time he tries to pick you off.
                    :h Mish :h
                    :h Mish :h
                    Never give up...
                    GET UP!!!

                    AF since 25th November, 2011

                    What might have been is an abstraction
                    Remaining a perpetual possibility
                    Only in a world of speculation.
                    What might have been and what has been
                    Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot



                      thank you

                      Hi Guys, when I posted that I was feeling really weak and sick so I hope it wasn't too graphic. I am feeling a lot better now and a little more clear headed. Thank you so much for all your messages of support. Someone on here referred to this place as a "godsend" well I think "god" has given me a second chance and I really want with all of my heart to stop drinking. So I am jumping back on the wagon with you all. Day one today.
                      Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.



                        Good on you Angel !! :l



                          Angel :l
                          Sorry you're having a hard time. Remember how you feel right now. I too messed up after 160 AF days. It's disappointing and frustrating. But good job for coming right back. Just start over....I hope you feel better!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



                            :goodjob: Angel,

                            I'm glad you are back on the waggon, you've done it before and you can do it again.

                            Good luck :l
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....



                              You had four weeks sober and one day drunk.
                              So OK, you spoiled your run, but I'm betting a while ago you'd have been amazed at being able to achieve that goal.
                              Now that you know you can do it, do it again and keep doing it until you've got where you want to be.
                              And try to remember that sobriety isn't a punishment. It's a choice of lifestyle, and a bloody good one.

