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Not sure I can do this!

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    Not sure I can do this!

    I really tried this time. I went 24 hrs and did not drink,(first time i went that long in 5 years) felt pretty good this morning even woke up before the alarm. However, as the day went on it was not so good. I could not stop thinking about it, I kept thinking maybe just one would not hurt. My hands were shaking, it really was not so good. I am leaving to the liq store now maybe i have to try again in a few days. I just dont know if I can do this, I feel very alone in this. I DONT WANT TO DRINK ANYMORE. This sucks!

    Any advice!

    Not sure I can do this!

    Corinne628, I'm just a newbie and not qualified to give you any advice but I just wanted you to know that Im thinking of you and praying for you...


      Not sure I can do this!

      Hi there Corinne :welcome:

      Sorry you are having such a hard time of it, the cravings can be really bad sometimes especially at the start. But well done you on getting through 24 hours. Have you got a plan together, check out the Toolbox in the Monthly Abs and there are a few good posts on What you Loath About Drinking etc. I'm not sure what your drinking history is but have you talked to your doctor about stopping? You may need meds and there are some good threads and advice on that too. I have taken the supplements and found them really effective especially the L-Glut to help with the cravings.

      I hope you hang out and don't open that bottle because if you get through tonight then you will be onto another day. Keep posting no matter what and keep reading as much as you can, I'm sure some others will drop by soon and give some more advice.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        Not sure I can do this!

        You are not alone! I have the same struggles. The cravings suck so bad. Hugs to you.
        ?A year from now you will wish you had started today.? Karen Lamb


          Not sure I can do this!

          Hi Corinne,

          You don't mention how much you have been drinking and withdrawal can be dangerous on your own. Take care and read the information in the toolbox.

          Keep coming back, this site has enabled me to reach 31 days.


            Not sure I can do this!

            Hi Corinne, Big welcome to you:welcome: and good job for doing 24 hours. As some of the others have said, the first few days are very hard. How much have you been drinking? Some folk need medical assistance to withdraw depending on their consumption, withdrawal history and general physical condition. For some cold turkey can be dangerous. Have you thought about seeing your doctor and asking for help to withdraw? It may aslo be more appropriate for you to taper off rather than stop suddenly. Look in the toolbox thread, there are loads of things that you can do to help. Keep posting and let us know how we can help, even if it means talking you through the cravings. Sending you strength
            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


              Not sure I can do this!

              Margaret345;969310 wrote: You are not alone! I have the same struggles. The cravings suck so bad. Hugs to you.
              Welcome to you Margaret,

              Keep posting and let us know how we can help:welcome:
              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                Not sure I can do this!

                Soulsearcher;969278 wrote: Corinne628, I'm just a newbie and not qualified to give you any advice but I just wanted you to know that Im thinking of you and praying for you...
                Hello there Soulsearcher,

                Pleased to meet you:welcome:
                I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                  Not sure I can do this!

                  HI Corrine,

                  Read, read and reread these posts. There is a ton of info here and all of us have been there. It is possible even if you cant believe that it is. Do what the others said, be careful,and never give up. Do pay attention to the medical part withdrawel. Sobriety is a helluva gift and it's worth fighting for and being selfish about.

                  Be strong!


                    Not sure I can do this!

                    Im up to about 8-9 bottles of smirnoff ice (coolers) and depending on the day 1 or 2 bottles of wine. This is usually consumed from 3pm till i fall asleep(around 10pm). I have been viewing this site for about 2 months now but never felt like i am in any position to reply to posts, there were times i wanted to. This is the first time I really am just sick of this and starting to get concerned about my health. I did go to the liq store and about to have a drink first one in about 30 hours but i just cannot take this right now. As far as the doctor goes, I am just ashamed to admit to her that I drink. I know her as a doctor and a friend and she does not know. Man, i feel like i am stuck .
                    I wish there was an easy answer!


                      Not sure I can do this!

                      Hi Corrine,

                      I think your Doctor/friend know's you are a heavy drinker just by looking at you. Bite the bullet and have a chat to her. You might be surprised at her response, and how she can support you. If that is too difficult, why not try another doctor, and see what help is available to you to stop drinking. Use the fact that you've gone 30 hours without a drink as encouragement, and knowledge that you have the gut's to do something about this. Get a plan together, and take action. I know it can seem overwhelming, but we've got to just put one foot in front of the other, and pick up that phone, or walk out that door, and take action. You can do this. Go for it.

                      Best wishes, G.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Not sure I can do this!

                        Corinne, honey, it's a horrible feeling where you're at, but you can do this. If you've been lurking for a couple of months you'll see how much support and encouragement there is on this site when you're ready. I strongly recommend watching "Rain In My Heart" and reading the link about what we hate loathe and detest about drinking. The footage from the video is very confronting but it gave me the wake-up call I needed to stop giving up, and start getting up.
                        We're all here to help. Keep posting.
                        :h Mish :h
                        :h Mish :h
                        Never give up...
                        GET UP!!!

                        AF since 25th November, 2011

                        What might have been is an abstraction
                        Remaining a perpetual possibility
                        Only in a world of speculation.
                        What might have been and what has been
                        Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                          Not sure I can do this!

                          Hi Corinne,

                          It is very hard for the first few days but you have to commit yourself & get started. We all had a day1 & a day 2, etc.
                          It does get easier as time goes on. Perhaps you should talk to your Doc, see about getting a Rx for something to get you through those first days. With the amount of AL you are consuming on a daily basis you are going to havesome withdrawal symptoms. Do you have someone nearby to help you out?
                          Being alone is rough, I was alone too when I quit.

                          If you have the Hypno CDs, use them. I found them very calming & relaxing. I used them for quite a long time.

                          There is no easy way, you just have to do it! I'm 18 months AF now - you can do it too!

                          Wishing you the best on your journey!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Not sure I can do this!

                            Sheri- That was one of the best inspirational-motivational posts ever I've yet seen- I am going to print it out and keep it with me at all times ( except when showering...)
                            Corinne- You can do this- you go girl! You've already got some al-free time in go for more-!
                            All the best,
                            It's always YOUR choice!

