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Just dropping in on my nightly visit

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    Just dropping in on my nightly visit

    I usually log on to this forum most nights and have a look at old and new posts. It really helps me to stay focused. What stands out for me is the positivity of the long term abstainers and how much your lives have improved since giving up alcohol, it just seems to get better for you. I hope to be in that position one day. Doing well and feeling OK with not drinking. I have pasted some of the comments that mean the most to me in another document and I look at this for time to time as a reminder of what the future can hold for us all. There are some incredibly inspiring people on here - finding this forum has to be the best thing to help me make the decision to stop drinking. Many of your experiences and feelings are familiar to me. I'm off to my son's wedding in 3 weeks time and am determined not to 'fall off the wagon' and make a fool of myself - god knows I've done that enough times in the past. What a waste of time it was.

    Anyway, off to bed with a good book - a pleasure that was denied until recently!


    Just dropping in on my nightly visit

    Hi Cupcake! Wow what a fabulous post. Congratulations on your progress! The miracle can happen for all of us I believe. Think how good you will feel being AF and fully present from start to finish for your son's wedding. That's such a special day that you can never get back again. Definitely worth staying sober for that one. just gonna tease us with your comment about a good book, but not tell us what it is?????

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Just dropping in on my nightly visit

      Hi CC it seems to me you have a lot going for you. View the wedding as any other day in your sobriety. Everybody will appreciate it, and you'll feel like a million. Best wishes...Techie
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Just dropping in on my nightly visit

        Hi Cupcake,

        I am like you in being able to enjoy reading again. It's wonderful to be free of the constant thoughts of AL.

        You must be so excited for the wedding, I am sure it will be just a wonderful time.

        Keep us posted.


          Just dropping in on my nightly visit

          Hiya Cupcake ............... great post .........

          I remember reading and having to read again the following day .......... but not any more .........

          Like DG says, Don't tease us ......... What are you reading??


            Just dropping in on my nightly visit

            Hi Cupcake,
            Just want you to know what an inspiring post you have written. I wish you well, and happy reading! Thanks!


              Just dropping in on my nightly visit

              The Book!

              The Book! Its just called The Friday Night Knitting Club - about a shop in NYC where they unwittingly start a club where everyone sits and knits and 'unravels' their lives. Bit girly but a nice easy read for a change. Its so refreshing to a) read a book and b) remember what I read!. Yes, the wedding is major for me as I'm in UK and the wedding is in USA, so quite an adventure.

              Thank you all for your lovely comments. Such a nice bunch of people on this forum.



                Just dropping in on my nightly visit

                I will look for that book cupcake as I love a girly read ...........

                A wedding in the USA sounds great, where in the US is it????

                Well done on your sobriety sweetie ............. keep checking in!!!

                Love & Hugs, BB xxx


                  Just dropping in on my nightly visit


                  The wedding is in Nebraska - so yes, it will be an adventure indeed.

                  I get lots of my books in Charity Shops and at Boot Fairs. I have joined a book club but our first read was 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' - not my cup of tea I'm afraid.

                  Yes, I intend to keep on checking in here - its a comfort and a great help.

                  Have a good Friday!



                    Just dropping in on my nightly visit

                    Cupcake;971039 wrote: The wedding is in Nebraska - so yes, it will be an adventure indeed.

                    I get lots of my books in Charity Shops and at Boot Fairs. I have joined a book club but our first read was 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' - not my cup of tea I'm afraid.

                    Yes, I intend to keep on checking in here - its a comfort and a great help.

                    Have a good Friday!

                    Well done Cc,

                    I enjoy reading and it is such a blessing to be able to concentrate again and remember the storyline. The little things mean the most when sober. A nice warm cup of tea in front of the fire on a cold night......waking up early and feeling the joy of being alive....the first blossom of spring and the bright flowers.......the selfless gratitude for all of these things as opposed to the selfish hell life that is a drunk........we are truly blessed CC
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Just dropping in on my nightly visit

                      Hi Cupcake, I am glad to hear that your are doing well. It is a great motivator to have a goal to work towards, like your son's wedding. A goal of staying sober now and than, so you can truly enjoy it. In case the stress of people asking you why you are not drinking is weighing on you a bit, I have found that walking around drinking club soda and a little red fruit juice or something, or a diet coke with a lime etc and people assume you are drinking alcohol. In addition, after the party gets going, those who would have asked you, how come you are not drinking, will be getting tipsy, and they don't ask anymore.

                      I am glad that this site is helping you, and I am glad that you are helping you. All the best,
                      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

