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Need Help -NOW

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    Need Help -NOW

    I am just about 2 mins away from drinking myself comatose.
    we have been drinking all day -
    my husband has just called to me that he is opening a good bottle of chablis...
    At this moment it's hard to see why not
    is anyone there -any help....

    Need Help -NOW

    Why are you guys doing this? Are you in active in the program? Taking meds & supps? If you are really drinking that much, please stop and think about it before it goes further. Help is here and lots of places...don't do it.


      Need Help -NOW

      chang come back to chat i am waiting


        Need Help -NOW

        Right now it's hard to see why not ... but can you think about tomorrow? You'll feel soo bad. And you'll have to start all over again. And that sucks.

        Sending strong thoughts your way


          Need Help -NOW

          Why are you drinking at 2:00 in the afternoon on Friday with your husband. Are you on vacation? You will not be able to function like this. Why stop, your recovery time tonight and tomorrow will be easier if you stop. Switch to water to hydrate so you are not as hung over. I'm not judging because I have also been there. Just trying to help. Take a step back and try to think about what you are doing. I know it is difficult.

          Good Luck
          Starting over again 09/06/11

          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



            Need Help -NOW


            You must not want to do this, or you wouln't be posting. Just say, "No thank you" I don't feel like any tonight. Water is a great idea. I know it's hard. You're strong. You can do it. You know you want to do it!


            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              Need Help -NOW

              Wow.. well I've been there and back. believe me if you stop now it will be easier. keep writing, there are a lot of people here to help you



                Need Help -NOW

                Sat Morning

                Saturday morning here
                Woke up feeling real bad after yesterdays partying.
                Have found such support here - thanks for all your replys to my post yesterday.

                I know that I am a valuable person and that drinking is causing all my problems.
                I've been kidding myself with this moderation rubbish - I know I need to STOP
                Day 1 - start again.
                Wishing I didn't have friends staying in my home (until Thursday)
                Wishing I could shut myself away and not come out until I am a
                Sober, better, decent, person.


                  Need Help -NOW

                  You are a decent person!

                  Never, ever think you are not! This is something that is taking control and holding your soul at ransom. I only joined this forum last week and the folks here have helped me so much - just look at the responses you got to your post.

                  I know, WE know it is difficult and I think everyone is thinking of you.

                  Only you can do this but you have so much help here. I am only one but please make that step and think about stopping today, and if you need to scream then use us here!

                  We are with you!


