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The shakes

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    The shakes

    I haven't had a drink in 3 days. Tomorrow will be day 4!!! I'm not feeling much withdrawal symptoms except being really tired. Plus, the's really embarrassing. I've woken up the last 3 mornings, with my whole body shaking. It's almost like as if I was shivering but it's not cold. I take a vitamin B complex and a multi vitamin while I'm getting ready for work and, usually, when I get to work the shakes have calmed down. But come around 12-1pm they set in again. I don't want to over do it on the vitamins, and I'm drinking tons, I mean tons! of water, which I've always done. But it still sets in midday. Anyone experience this? And if so, what helps? It's embarrassing when I'm at work and can't even point to something without my hand/finger shaking. Is there any additional vitamins or herbal supplements I could take to calm it down?

    Thanks to you, all of my MWO friends. I would have never have made it to day 4 without your support! xoxo to you all!!!

    The shakes

    Hi Jewels

    Well done on not having a drink for three days. That takes huge effort.

    Not too sure what you can do about it. It might just your body withdrawing. If it gets too bad, you may need to find a doctor and tell them about what you are doing. I know that may be a bit confronting, but if you find a sympathetic and understanding doctor, they can be so much help for you.

    Stay close to MWO and post when you need to.

    Good Luck

    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      The shakes

      First, let me start by saying :cheering::cheering::cheering: for 3 days AF. It's my guess these shakes are just withdrawal and my advice it to just bite the bullet and ride through it. Water is very good, but a drink like hydrolyte or gastrolyte (used for vomiting and diahorrea) will replace your fluids quicker than water, and also contain minerals.
      I had a few drinks last night...the AL in my brain told me that this was my last chance for a drink before I try to do October AF. Hate it when that happens, hate it even more when I listen because I'll have some (milder than before) withdrawals, but I was liking life without any much better.
      It took me about 8 days to feel as though I had come out the other side of withdrawals, so you might have a few to go. Is it possible to get some Urgent Personal Business time off work while you do this, or would that put you deeper in temptation's way?
      Keep posting and best wishes.
      :h Mish :h
      :h Mish :h
      Never give up...
      GET UP!!!

      AF since 25th November, 2011

      What might have been is an abstraction
      Remaining a perpetual possibility
      Only in a world of speculation.
      What might have been and what has been
      Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


        The shakes

        Hi Jewels: WooHoo for day 4!

        I never got the whole body shaking, but my hands shook about 3-4 weeks. Not saying yours will - might well go away in a few days. I think what you're doing with the B's and water is great. You could try 500-750 mg of GABA, 2x/day - probably morning and at noon? It's a "calming" neurotransmitter, to see if that helps. Just a guess on my part, but certainly can't hurt.

        I didn't know about GABA when I de-toxed, but I take it now and I think it would have been very helpful.

        Another "off-the-wall"option is to tell people you have "essential tremor." It's a hereditary condition that actually does make one's hands shake ongoingly. Not to diminish the distress of those with essential tremor, but it would certainly be a great explanation. And then, of course, you could get all of that support and excitement when it gets cured!! (do I need to apologize for my dark humor? If so, please consider it done.)

        Bottom line, Jewel, IMO, you're doing great! and I KNOW the shaking will pass, sooner or later. The results of continuing to drink do not pass. They only get worse.

        So just keep on not drinking. I wish you all success.
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          The shakes

          Jewels83;971007 wrote: I haven't had a drink in 3 days. Tomorrow will be day 4!!! I'm not feeling much withdrawal symptoms except being really tired. Plus, the's really embarrassing. I've woken up the last 3 mornings, with my whole body shaking. It's almost like as if I was shivering but it's not cold. I take a vitamin B complex and a multi vitamin while I'm getting ready for work and, usually, when I get to work the shakes have calmed down. But come around 12-1pm they set in again. I don't want to over do it on the vitamins, and I'm drinking tons, I mean tons! of water, which I've always done. But it still sets in midday. Anyone experience this? And if so, what helps? It's embarrassing when I'm at work and can't even point to something without my hand/finger shaking. Is there any additional vitamins or herbal supplements I could take to calm it down?

          Thanks to you, all of my MWO friends. I would have never have made it to day 4 without your support! xoxo to you all!!!
          Hi Jewels,

          Good for you for getting to day 3. I think that taking a Bcomplex every 3 hours is not overdoing it and it will help to restore your nervous system to normal. It is water soluble and will be excreted in your urine if it isnt used, so theres little if no chance of overdose. Vitamin C is a natural anxiety aid also and taking it to saturation point (just short of causing diarrhea is a good idea)...that would be about 6,000mg in 24 hours. The G.A.B.A. as mentioned is a great calmer downer as well. Stick with it, the shakes are part of withdrawal, but if they continue to worsen then you must seek medical attention. There is a whole host of other vitamins and supps that you can take, but seeing as you have gotten to day three and still functioning o.k. the B & C and G.A.B.A. will help a lot. Keep going Jewel you are on your way....well done
          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


            The shakes


            The most important thing is keeping AF free, with that removed from the equation your shakes will improve with time. The supps will help but it's the AL elimination that's going to have the biggest effect.

            So keep at it.



              The shakes

              Jewels I was so happy to read your post this morning! I had the shakes initially and took multi vits, vit b complex as well as drank lots of water. I also ate alot of chocolate!! I didnt sleep properly and I woke up thinking I had a hangover for weeks on end. Just stick with it because it gets easier every month.
              Persevere! You can do it jewels.

              Sending you a massive hug and tons of inner strength. xxx
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                The shakes

                Hi Jewels,

                As everyone has already stated, keep with it and it will subside. Think about it though, do we really want to imbibe in something that affects our bodies this badly, it is poison it is.

                Lots of lemon water helped me, I also had (have) incredible sugar cravings which I am fighting now. I gave in to them at first to make it easier, but now I have to fight them.

                Take care and join us in Sober October, this site has helped me get to day 34...


                  The shakes


                  Great job on getting to here! I second lemon juice in water - helps flush the liver.

                  I bet by tonight you will start feeling better and the shakes will settle down. You can do it!
                  AF since May 6, 2010

                  Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

