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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Morning everyone Brilliant stuff Hippy--keep reading and posting.:goodjob:

    Hi Dextie keep up the good work it took me years to get to 30 days so never give up giving up as it is so worth it.

    Hope your dishwasher does not cost much Firefox if it is anything like our electrical stuff here we usually have buy another one!

    How is the boy Molly?

    Enja I like sparkling mineral water better than AL I think I always did but alkie brain wanted the hit.

    Love to everyone else neart,choice Spinning,
    Mere,JC,Dewdrop,Witchy,Fluff,Cmhguy and Icandothis--Hope that is everyone.

    I am worried that I am becoming addicted to this site!:h


      Sober October Challenge!

      Its evening here and I am trying to bestir myself to cook dinner (I've sorted the kids meal, just got to figure out something for self and hubby!

      Today was a lonf day at work and mentally draining.....did have some errant thoughts of al..but oddly not at the usual times. I think it was at about 3pm that I thought about it, then kept working with a diet coke in hand, and then when I drove home & collected the kids from Day Care..I'm amazed to say I drove passed the bottle shop and did not even notice it!
      Wow! there's a stunner...just realised that now!

      Having random thoughts of..'will I drink day.. maybe moderate???' But to be honest I don't think so...why is that a sad feeling?? Odd really isn't it, to feel like that about my enemy?
      The human brain is a strange thing at times!
      Have re-read today's posts as I find it very hard to keep up with it all. But needless to are an inspiring mob!!
      Well done for trying your best to us all!


        Sober October Challenge!

        Morning Campers!! Was awake at the crack of dawn and then fell back asleep till ten, it was lovely, on a late shift today so enjoying a lazy morning. The boy has gone back to school Anon - thank God! Still coughing but - he will smoke ciggies!! Says he's going to try to give up, jeez he's only 16 - mind you at 16 I was drinking like a mad thing and smoking so it's very hard to lecture (not that he knows about my past, like all kids I think he thinks his Mum and Dad were real goody-goodys).
        How's the Hipster today? Feeling strong and determined? Firefox, Hope the plumber does the job - I too hate people coming to the house to do work - never know when to offer them tea and stuff. I'm waiting for my bed to be delivered - at least you got yours already Anon.
        Dextie and Choice, interesting you talking about blackouts. I thought I had been having them for years when drinking but actually I think I'd just been falling asleep. The last time I drank I truly 'lost' 2 hours, not asleep, but not at home either, to this day I've no idea where I was - that was my 'rock bottom', I still shudder when I think about it - I try not to think about it.
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Sober October Challenge!

          Molly-I know all too well about the difference between blackouts- and falling asleep-when people are saying 'oh, don't you remember....' and totally nothing -don't remember-
          Anyway- hope everyone has a super Wednesday!
          It's always YOUR choice!


            Sober October Challenge!

            Good morning Friends,

            Everyone sounds good, this site is a flurry of wonderful activity. Quick check in before work, I myself am feeling addicted to this site, but it is getting me through. The first week I was on constantly, I really needed it, now I have tapered to a couple of times a day.

            Blackouts...that is what really sent me over the edge. I have had a few nights where ppl would say something and I had to really rack my brain to remember, but eventually I would. My last drinking episode I had a true, scare the crap out of me blackout. I have never been that scared and thank goodness it scared me straight. I never, ever, ever want to put myself in that situation again.

            I have forgiven myself for all the stupid things I did or say while drinking, but I will never forget how awful I felt for days after my last binge. That's keeping me from even wanting a drink...

            Keep strong everyone, remember how crappy it makes us feel afterwards and even during. How much fun is fun if we don't remember it???



              Sober October Challenge!

              Wouldn't it be 'wonderful'? - to have a video of our most appalling drinking experience, and replay it every time we 'hallucinate' about that 'lovely beady cold glass of white wine'?
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Sober October Challenge!

                Like you Molly and Peace my last binge was the scariest ever and I shudder to think what could have happened ! My angels have had their work cut out protecting me over the years . Molly I would die if I had a video but yeh what a deterant! I know can't drink anymore and I'm ok with it now but never have been in the past. Maybe something has just clicked this time?I hope so. Anyone else feel the same? Lovely and sunny now after torrential rain! xx


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Good morning everyone! Of to My grandson's baptisms in two other states away! Wish me luck and will check in hopefully at some point in my trip. All drinkers there so I will think of all of you and your wise and wonderful supportive messages to all!


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Happy Wed All!

                    I made it thru another day. I also had a wopper of a headache last night but I pushed thru. Thanks for bringing up the Plant analogy Spin! I have Carr's book somewhere "hidden" and I will find it tonight and reread it! It is another Sunny Day in Central Indiana and I am so glad to wake up before the alarm and watch the sunrise this morning while walking the dog. That NEVER happens when I am hungover!

                    Day 7 AF!
                    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Cmhguy3- Nice work on 7days AF! Isn't is so refreshing to have a morning to enjoy?

                      Well, it's the middle of the night here and I can't sleep. I've been having trouble the past 3 nights. So I thought I'd check in to see how everyone is doing and get some good vibes to relax my over thinking mind... to hopefully find some peace and try and get some zzzz!

                      ha ha Spinning J that's cool that we are the same age on the same day!

                      Good luck everyone on their journey today... I think I'm going to try again to sleep. :h


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Morning everybuddy! I am so glad to see that everyone is so positive. This is a wonderrful thread with great energy. I believe threads like this are the real reason that MWO works! Keep moving forward everyone. I will misquote my favorite saying, "The only way out is through". So keep going through.....


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Good afternoon everyone. Yes I remember the awful memory loss after drinking and
                          my family saying "but you already told us that" or "can you not remember us telling you that"

                          I am never sure if I blacked out or just fell asleep.

                          Been Mrs Grumpy again today but for the FIRST time no cravings which occur about now


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Afternoon all!
                            Busy here as always I had a good day in school teaching. Just getting used to them and getting into the swing of things, when I finish up - oh well! Fingers crossed I'll get more consistent work soon.
                            Mere, best of luck and enjoy the baptism! Try and focus on how good it will feel to really be a part of it, fully sober, and secure in the knowledge that you can relax because you won't be blacking out or talking sh*te (something I was fond of doing when drunk )

                            Choice - way to go on the cigarettes! I know different people say not to give up smoking at the same time, but I honestly felt so free after quitting that I think you should go for it. Smoking has an effect on our mental wellbeing, and I'd say it's why you're not sleeping too good? Keep reading Allen Carr and think how much better it'll be in the gym without any cigs! I used to go to the gym, then walk back smoking - crazy...

                            Guy, you are doing great!! :goodjob:

                            Molly, Peace and Spinning - about the black outs...they are one of the worst parts of it, aren't they. One of my last big nights out, I got wasted. I remember giving out to my friend at the end of the night, giving her "advice" but I have no recollection of falling over on my way out of the nightclub and cutting my knees. When my friend was telling me this the next morning, I ended up pretending I remembered, as I was so embarrassed that I had blacked out, and didn't know for how long. The shame... I couldn't stand to watch myself drunk on video!!!

                            Hello to everyone else too
                            AF since 13th July 2010
                            NF since 5th July 2010


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Okay guys I?m not going to try and keep up, this thread is far too busy!!! Glad everyone is doing well and we are at Wednesday evening it feels like the weekend is only a breath away. I am now really looking forward to my weekends sober, at first they were a bit of a struggle but now I can?t wait for them to arrive there is just so much to do or not do depending on how I feel.

                              I had my first good day at work today all year; I?ve been lagging behind quite a bit recently (due to my drinking) and managed to get behind with some important projects. I always claimed to drink due to the pressure and stress of work and to be fair my job is quite challenging, however now that I am sober I realise that I am so far behind because I procrastinate so much ? plain and simple. No one and nothing to blame it on but me. I never used to be like this as I used to love my job and the challenges it threw at me but somewhere along the way I?ve lost my motivation and enthusiasm. Not sure how it happened or what came first the drinking or the loss of motivation, that chicken and egg situation??

                              Anyway I thought when I stopped drinking that I?d need to face facts and change jobs, that it was too much for me, that I had lost my drive, that it was probably for folk a lot younger etc. etc. However today I really threw myself into it, caught up with a lot of work I was behind with and suddenly I can see light at the end of the tunnel and it?s given me a real buzz. I am still gong to have a bit of a struggle at my yearly appraisal but actually feel that I might be able to pull some things out of the bag ? would never have had that clarity and sense of direction when I was drinking. So I am going to work away tonight and catch up on some things, I?ll check in on you guys to give myself a break.

                              Sorry if this is a bit of a self absorbed ramble didn?t mean it to; just started typing and it all came out.

                              Dewdrop :h
                              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                morning Kids
                                hope all is well in Sober October world!!! I am waking up feeling totally in love with the world sinceI am waking up sober.. lovin it....
                                any way just a quick check in, to day is te start of stock take, & we have to scan the store & warehouse to day, so not sure what time I will get home
                                have a great day all
                                Progress, not perfection!!!
                                A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!

