Hi everyone!
Hippy, mucho respect for writing that post - I know myself how hard it is to commit some of the things done under the influence to writing and admit them "out loud". If I were there, I'd give you a hug :l My lowest was waking up in hospital and I still struggle and cringe about the details of that incident, not to mind all the other million stupid things I did. I have to say, I feel a sense of relief a lot of the time at the thought of remaining AF. Like Dextie said - what's the point of having a good time if you can't remember it?! I do miss AL sometimes, but if I were drinking I'd miss the feeling of being able to trust myself a whole lot more.
Dewdrop, so glad to hear your job is coming together for you! Witchy, sounds like you are busy - coming up to Hallowe'en, eh?! haha

Molly, how is the kiddo? Spinning, I guess it is a bit stressful, but I do love the kids - they come out with the funniest things. Anon, sounds like you learned a lot from your experience. Icandothis - sorry about problems with your hubbie.
Hi to everyone else!