Janey Mac lads, thought I was up in the middle of the night (where is that shagging sleep fairy, gonna ring her neck!!) and you lot are all up an buzzing already!!
Notice the little 'thoughts' are creeping in???? I find that the most dangerous time and succumbed twice! It's very easy when we have a decent few days/weeks/months under our belts to forget just what a bad place we've come from - for me anyway. Choice, I read somewhere that something else 'clicks' round the 6 months mark, I think it was something to do with 'neurotransmitters' (help SOMEBODY, I am soooo out of my depth here

Anon, you amaze me with marathons etc. I was never much of a runner even in my superfit days (was mad into sport in the day) but have dabbled with thoughts - we have a gorgeous beach just down the road and it's vast and isolated - often think it would be a great place to start a bit of jogging without feeling foolish!
I HATE, ABHOR photos of myself, but I think they are truly grotesque - don't actually think it's low self esteem - think it's realism:H, as for you young Neart, I KNOW how pretty you are so 'kick up the backside time' for you girl. I actually look back at photos of myself in my 20's and 30's and I really wish I'd known how good I looked - what a waste!!
Morning SJ and Dewdrop, SJ 57 days :goodjob:, and Dewdrop, I reckon vigilance is something we have to live with forever - small price to pay tho isn't it

Booked a hol last night - heading off to Canaries Stephens day for a week - can't wait!! This time last year hubs mentioned going on a holiday and I remember thinking he had LOST HIS MARBLES - how could ANYONE go on a holiday sober! Wow, when I was booking last night, never once thought about drinking or otherwise - I love love love this new life!!