Evening all!
Anon, glad you had a good run, help to clear the head. Dewdrop, that is how I am trying to look at this job situation - that I'm just preparing for the right job. That's lovely that your mum is coming to visit. I hope you have a lovely time :l Molly - I was like that when I gave up smoking 20 a day 2 years ago - I was buying stuff left right and centre worth far more than 8 euro a day! This time however, I'm not working so can't get away with that. But guess what - my mum and dad went in to town this afternoon and bought me the coat!!! I am so spoilt!! I had an inkling cause Mum asked me two or three times over lunch which size it was, but it was soooo lovely cause they wouldn't have a lot of money. Just as well I had the dinner made and had done some jobs around the house or I'd of had the guilts

I'll be away from the hinternet for about a week cause I'm heading to Dublin tomorrow then over to Galway to some other friends so I might not be back till next weekend. Just to let ye know! It;ll be my longest time away from MWO. Molly, I presume you want a picture of himself?! I'll take a pic on my phone for ya

neart x