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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Glad you are feeling better Anon, I think we just have to ride these off days and just have a duvet day if necessary. Apologies Firefox I didn't say Hi in my last post.

    I had an amazingly good day yesterday and want to share it with you; I hit my 60 days AF mark so that started me off in a good mood. Went hillwalking in the Lomonds and Trossacks National Park and the drive through was beautiful it had been raining hard the previous night and some of the roads around the lochs were flooded, it was a bit drizzly when we started out but soon cleared and the sun came out. The climb up was steady and not too steep (this wasn?t a munro) and the grass and trees were glistening in the sun, we stopped for lunch and managed to find an overcrop which was sheltered higher above the glen so the view was amazing, the sun was coming in and out of the clouds illuminating the glen and it was quite magical. It was highlighting all the colours of the heathers, bracken, mosses etc. and some of the clouds were dark and almost thunderous. We all sat in silence munching on our sandwiches watching it all enfolding before us. I realised that over a couple of months ago I would have spent my Saturday lost in a bottle or two of wine ? what a waste.

    I bought new walking boots recently and they kept my feet toasty warm and dry as we went through some pretty wet and boggy land and although I was tired when we got back to the cars, I had enjoyed it so much I was sorry the day was finished. However I came home on a real high and so pleased and determined in the knowledge that I have done the best thing in my life by being AF.

    Goodness I?ve written a book!!! I just meant a quick post so better get on with today, Mum arrives in a few hours so better make sure the place is spick and span. I'm so looking forward to today now so this has been a great weekend and it's not over yet

    Dewdrop :h
    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


      Sober October Challenge!

      God I'm back again, sorry but I love the NOvember Challenge idea - right that's me logging off this time!!!!! Bye.................
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        Sober October Challenge!

        Well here comes Mrs Naggity Nag.
        :goodjob: to all those that have been over to the SHOUT OUT THREAD.

        Now the rest of Team October. Shout it loud, shout it proud.

        Date Duration Calculator: Days between two dates

        Will be back later.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Sober October Challenge!

          HALLLOOOOOOO! I'm back! Actually woke up at silly o'clock and posted on the Shout Out thread just to beat JbloodyC's naggin:H:H:H(promise I'm joking JC!!) and then promptly fell back asleep till now! Had a great night last night, it was brilliant meeting the 'faces'! And yes, I can categorically say we were the rowdiest, loudest, funnest table in the place with a dozen jugs of water!! Got into town early which in hindsight was a mistake - I thought I'd go shopping but was anxious bout the meet-up and was just wandering feeling a bit scared. Met Neart early tho and I felt grand from then on - she's fabulous - she won't be round for a few days in case you're worried - I think she's emmm preoccupied, I'll let her tell all when she gets back!!
          The restaurant was lovely, and it's lovely to be able to remember where I sat, what I ate, and most important what I said!! What a gorgeous group of people, I felt so included it was truly amazing. Anyway got home bout midnight feeling smugly wonderful - that's what this place does in a nutshell!!
          Anyway enough bout me an all, great posts here in the last day, Dewdrop that sounds like a fabulous day, great to sound you feeling so happy and secure - have a lovely time with your Mum, was talking to Chillgirl last night with her lovely Scottish accent and I was thinking of you actually.
          Anon, sorry you had a bummer - like the others say we ALL have those days, flatlining is a great expression for it - but as you say, you rode it out and it went, that's great to know isn't it, took me several times to realise it's just..................normal
          Peace, brilliant on the footie - my youngest is brilliant at football and has won a few leagues as captain and those moments are some of the ones I was able to appreciate thro my alcohol bubble so I can imagine how amazing it must have been sober bet you're swelling with pride just thinking bout it! I know the drinking friend thing, it is very much up to them, tell them the scene and if they are real friends it shouldn't make a difference - and if it does make a difference.............need I say more?
          Choochie, you're full of wisdom, some great advice there, am going back to read again after this epistle (apologies, this is what you get when I lie in!)

          I love NOvember, gets my vote anyway - whaty'all think??
          Morning Firefox, lovely to meet you last night, hey to Enja, Choice, Lurk, and everyone else I haven't mentioned
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Sober October Challenge!

            Oh Molly your evening sounded fab Did you feel nervous about the meet up? So glad it went well. Sounds like you spent a shed load of money over the last few days I hope the laser card is not exhausted.

            Dewdrop I hope you are having a lovely day with your Mum and I must say your description of the walk was poetic. How wonderful to be out on the hills on a crisp autumn day especially with new boots that are comfy and keep your feet dry.:goodjob:

            Well done to the footie lad Peace-- You must be dead proud. I used to love watching my kids swimming in competitions and was always sober then!

            As for this little ray of sunshine I got myself up and decided to go for a gentle run and a bit of internal chat about how lucky I am and guess what I am completely ok now. Self pity does not suit me!

            Love to Enja, JC (the lurker) Firefox,Choocie,Spinning,Neart (the lover) Choice sorry if I have missed anyone but remember I am in my 60's and lucky to be here at all!!:thanks:


              Sober October Challenge!

              Happy Sober Sunday to Enja, JC, Firefox, Choice, Neart, Anon, Peace, Ican ,Choochie and Molly. Hope I've not missed anyone? Dewdrop NOvember gets my vote too! Enja congrats on your 55 days great stuff.
              Dewdrop :goodjob: you made 60 days!!! Brilliant.
              Anon I bet you gentle run was a bit of a marathon:H. Glad you are feeling better!
              Molly the meet up sounded great I'm so glad you had a good time.
              Well I had 10 hours sleep last night!!!! My body must have needed it! Took the girls swimming this am and just pottering around the house today feeling contented and pleased that I no longer drink. Got a busy week planned with it being the school holidays and my hubs is actually off work too so thats a bonus! Have a great AF week team :l.


                Sober October Challenge!

                :H:H love it Anon, yeah I reckon we are lucky to be here at all!!
                Don't think the laser is exhausted - better not be or we are bankrupt, but the expiry date is 1/11 and they haven't sent me the new one just a letter to say it's on its way, so I reckon it's an overlap - hope so!!
                I'm delighted you are feeling brighter - it doesn't hurt to 'self-pity' a little bit and then pick ourselves up. My chickens escaped - dont think they appreciated being left in bed till lunchtime cos I had a lie in and they did a legger into the field next door as soon as I let them out, I'm now covered in muck and briars but thankfully + 2 chickens!! Goin shoppin (no Anon, just milk and bread - no boots, shoes, coats, bags!!)talk later
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Hey SJ, cross posted, you sound good! - didn't realise it was mid-term over there as well.
                  Oh and Enja and Dewdrop, well done on all the sober days!!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Even better now I 've just bought cream cakes :H!


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Good afternoon to Molly and everyone else as usual this is a busy thread so can't respond to everyone personaly. It was a lovely night the restaurant was fab as was the food. It was great to meet up with everyone there and as Molly said put a face to the names and avators lol. Sorry i had to leave a bit early last night but i'm just back from Bray as i had arrangments to meet my brother his wife and some friends earlier today. Sure may be in the not to distant future we'll meet up again. Neart is off to Galway to meet friends for a few days lucky girl as its a lovely part of Ireland. Wishing you a good sunday. xxxx Oh once again scuse my bad spelling lol!


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Good morning all :l

                        I am back from a wonderful visit with family out of town. I stayed overnight as I only get to see them once or twice a year and wanted a nice visit.

                        Although there were not any heavy drinkers there, there was wine served with dinner and BAM out of the blue I started thinking that I could have a glass...Proud to say that I did not and really noticed that ppl don't drink whole bottles with dinner, those who had wine had a half - 1 glass. If I had one both bottle would have been finished and I would be wallowing in shame and anxiety right now. I am riding on a wave of joy having seen my loved ones :h

                        Re: this coming weekend, I am really toying with the idea of canceling. Moments like last night put it in to perspective, even though in my mind I was bargaining with myself, it was nice to say "no thanks" and that was it, no one asked why or said come on have a glass. I was enjoying my lemon water. But this weekend I know there will be some encouragement to have some. Sometimes, no matter how strong we are feeling all we need is a little push and as strong as I feel right now, I don't want to spend the night defending my decision or end up drinking Maybe I am making a huge deal out of it, I am just nervous from the last time I saw them. I am just going to say I am not drinking before the date and see what transpires.

                        Would you go at this stage??

                        Whewww, sorry for the ramble - the two hour drive alone really gave me time to think.

                        Congrats to all and it sounds like a great get together..Any Canadians out there?? would be fun to arrange a get together here.


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Hey Firefox, it was lovely meeting you.
                          Peace, I don't know what to say about your upcoming weekend. All I know is that I am UTTERLY selfish this time with my sobriety. I know that sounds pompous - but it is huge this sober state to me. I have learnt that I have to put myself first, even if it means disappointing people by not going to things, cos in the end if I don't drink the people that matter - i.e. my hubs and kids, are happy even if it means missing out on a night out. What I'm trying to say is, you have to decide what 'risk' level the weekend reaches. If it is boredom? If it is embarrassment at not drinking? or if it is real risk of drinking yourself? If it's the third DON'T GO UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!!!
                          What part of Canada are you in? My daughter is living in Toronto at the moment and I'm hoping to visit her in June! She's coming home on Friday week tho for 2 weeks, AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!! Just spent the last hour on skype with her making plans - most of which involve shopping:H, I love my sons and hub to bits but jeez do I miss having a woman round the place!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Thanks Molly, you are soooo right. Spoke to hubby about it after I posted and he said to cancel. Think I will, as much as I want to see them as of today I will more than likely cancel.

                            I am only an hour away from Toronto, would be great if you have time for a get together when you visit your daughter.

                            Oh ya...8 weeks today WOW!!! feeling groovy....


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Phew Peace good decision temptation seemed to be calling even with a week to go! Strange isn't it how little others drink as you described with your out of town family. I notice my recycling bin is much quieter these days. My husband seems to stop at 1 small drink.

                              Funny thing about wanting to meet up. i would love to meet you all --YET I keep this site secret. I do not know why maybe I am afraid my friends and family would think I was mad as I still do not think they knew the extent of my booze habit. Maybe it is part of the shame stuff.

                              Anyway I am enjoying a happy sober Sunday.


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                I can relate to the secrecy of this addiction. At first on this site I wondered if anyone I knew was on here or lurking on here and if so would they figure out who I am. If they are on here they are struggling as well, right? My husband is the only one who knows I come on this site, but he doesn't know the name of it, that is my secret. I need to share with ppl that are going through the same thing, but do not think AA if for me. This is a very small area and anonymity is at risk if I go.

                                Ok. must get myself in gear and get something done around the house.

