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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Morning All! funny Hips, I'm exactly the same bout leaving the house. Don't think it's phobic or anything, I just love being at home - love my own space, never feel hard done by by not going out. I know some friends of mine and even hubs to an extent get 'cabin fever' when they are stuck in the house for too long - I consider it a real treat when I don't have to go somewhere. Don't know if I should fight it or not, I just don't feel unhappy bout it and I feel if it feels ok and it doesn't involve drinking - go for it. Very nearly lived in Perth actually Hips, bout 25 yrs ago, had filled in the forms and all but my Mum, who never interfered in any way in our lives actually told me how lonely she would be if we went - so we didn't. Hubs had worked in the mines in Kalgoorlie for a while and was just home here for his sister's wedding when I met him.
    SJ, hope you're feeling better soon - mind yourself!
    Back to work today - haven't been there since Thursday so bit of a heave-ho needed now to get out of bed and showered and stuff! Talk later everyone
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Sober October Challenge!

      Hi everyone.
      Spinning - I am glad you felt welcome when you joined. I felt it was my way of giving back to make the newbies feel welcome as I had been made to feel the same when I first joined. I remember how nervous and scared I felt when I first started exploring this site and I wanted to take away that fear that people may have felt when joining. I knew this site was going to be very important to me. I actually got married on the beach in Noosa five years ago. We eloped! Told the kids we were going on holiday in Queensland and at the airport told them we were getting married while away. We had planned everything on the internet so we were rather apprehensive about it all. But it actually turned out fantastic. The celebrant, photographer and videographer were all brilliant people. They ended up as our "rent a crowd" so we had someone at the celebration lunch. It was perfect weather too. One of the best days of my life so far.
      Molly - I used to work just down the road from Kalgoorlie, well about 394km's north of it anyway. I love Kal. It is a really interesting place. Ask Joe about Hay Street!
      Hope everyone is staying strong in your commitment to a Sober October. It's nearly over.
      Take care
      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        Sober October Challenge!

        Hope you are feeling better SJ being poorly is horrible but would be worse with a hangover.

        Hippy and SJ I have been to Noosa also what alovely place.

        Funny the talk today was about feeling more content at home although I love my home I get gate fever if I cannot get out. I love being out in the countryside whether it is walking/running/cycling or just sitting taking in the view.

        How is the new bed Molly? I think a good nights sleep without the interference of booze is one of my greatest pleasures at the moment.

        I am carbo (garbo) loading today because I am doing a 13 mile run tomorrow as my Spanish half Marathon is a week on Sunday and I need to know I can do the distance.
        Could never have done all this before!!


          Sober October Challenge!

          Happy Tuesday all,

          I am feeling the same about staying home. Even though I am early in recovery, I don't have the need to be busy on the weekends. It was the alcohol fueled anxiety that made me want to be at the centre of the action in case I was missing something or felt left out if we didn't go. We had to go to everything, now I am very content with staying at home. And to top it off I don't get the cravings that being alone use to trigger.

          Bravo to you Anon :wd: - one of our most memorable events is when my hubby ran a marathon. I wasn't drinking at the time and was running for fitness myself. I was sort of his coach and it was a great time. When I think back to that day and that time, I was soooo happy and content. I think I was at 1 year sober and really feeling good.

          Thanks to the support of my wonderful hubby and to you my friends, I am going to get there again. :thanks:


            Sober October Challenge!

            Thanks Peace for your slant on going out/staying in.
            I am hoping to do a full marathon early next year and that will ensure I do not drink probably like Antabuse without the side effects. As I realise it is either drinking or running!


              Sober October Challenge!

              Hello Everybody, very quiet round here today. Anon, where in Spain is the race? I'm even more impressed now. Have you done a full marathon before? You're so right - I can't even imagine running without the drink!! The bed is absolutely gorgeous. It's 6 ft wide and really high, I feel like the princess and the pea! Can't get up in the mornings tho.

              Imagine you eloping Hips! I wanted to do that back all those years ago, but hubs wasn't too keen.
              Talk to you all tomorrow folks
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Sober October Challenge!

                Hi to everyone,

                Goodness I go away for a couple of days and there is loads of reading and catching up to do. You all sound good though and I?m not going to try and mention everyone. The meet up sounded like a fantastic night for everyone there, I see there are plans for another one in February so will make plans to be at it if at all possible

                I had a lovely few days with my Mum; we did a lot of shopping, lunching, blethering and generally putting the world to rights as only women can do!! I told her about not drinking, said it was for health reasons and that I felt I was drinking too much and she was great. I said that I?m looking forward to my first Christmas AF and she didn?t bat an eyelid, said ?Good for you, now what time are we getting our hair done??

                I spent today at Ikea and bought far too much, why can I never go there and just buy what I went for?? So I am halfway through putting together a jumble of flatpack with an allankey ? why is there never a man around when you need them? I had started to curse a bit so thought I?d have a break and check in with you lot but I?ll need to get back to it before bedtime. I?m sure they miss a page or two of instructions out because I always get to step 4 and find out I didn?t do step 2 and then have to dismantle everything :damn:

                Catch you all later :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Hi Dewdrop-Glad you had good time with your Mum she sounds lovely! Ikea arghh lovely stuff but assembling it is a nightmare.
                  Glad the bed is a success Molly I love my big comfy bed too and will be in it soon ready for my long run! Race is in Granada on 7th November.

                  Have you all heard about the UK meet up? I was hoping it might be up a mountain or in the countryside (only joking)


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Where are you all?
                    Off to do my 13 miles along the coast in the sunshine!
                    Hello to everyone!


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      I'm here! Dewdrop, just had a great giggle at myself reading your post, I thought you said 'putting together a jumble of flatpack with an alkie' - luckily reread:H. Great you could tell your Mum, I bet she prob knew there was a problem? Mums usually do, unfortunately my alcoholism was in the mad stage right up to the time mum died - still reckon I appeared functional, and she wasn't aware of lots of stuff towards the end so I like to think she didn't know how bad things had become with me. I envy you having that chat with her tho and how she took it all in her stride - sweet:l
                      Granada sounds lovely Anon - can you have a wee holiday along with the run or is it straight over and back? I have a brilliant 'vacant' face when confronted with flatpacks - hubs wouldn't even dream of having me involved. I did grand in Ikea the only time I went, didn't spend that much until I heard a woman mention 'downstairs' oh jeez I was like a child in a sweetshop!
                      Can us Irish still be the bossers of you if we have a meetup over there - there's an awful lot of us you know!!!! Really hope I can make it, sounds brilliant. Talk later
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        hello Sober October, im presuming there will will be a 'never in november'! So I think , based on that presumption this is the place for me. I am to attend my first ever aa meeting tomorrow at 6.30. Why wait till tomorrow do I hear you ask ?? Well its the only one local to me , meetings tuesdays, thursdays and sundays so I will attend tomorrow, just hope I dont leave with a full time 'guardian of my sobriety' stalking me! Jeeze, that place seems cultish but time will tell, whatever it takes Pat, whatever it takes...


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Good morning my friends,

                          I was going to start off my saying " I can't believe....but no, I can believe today is Day 60:happy:

                          The reason I can believe is my mindset this time, it just feels different. Not to say there aren't any challenges mind you, that would be too easy. It's just that I really want/need sobriety.

                          Thank you to all of you :thanks: Your wonderful support, insight, advice, camaraderie, laughs and cyber friendship means a lot to me.


                          Dewdrop sounds like a wonderful visit with your mom, and good for you for being honest with her. I bet you felt a huge load off afterward.


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            60 days, good going ! Heres to the next 60..


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Good on you Peace 60 days is really really great, and I know what you mean about it feeling different - that's how I feel this time round, just couldn't imagine drinking - long may it last!!
                              Pat, you are so right - whatever it takes. So many of the experienced folks here come out with that mantra, and finally now I know what they mean and it is the key. The suggestion for next month is NOvember - catchy eh? and you are so welcome to join us, so far this thread has produced success after success - Peace being the example you just spotted! There's a bit of craic and chat and also the serious stuff going on, it seems to work! Speaking of work.........................I'm off!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                Hi Everyone - Choochie the newbie coming over to this thread. Day 23 AF for me. I'm moving over from a more "established" thread to a more "newbie" thread.


                                Pat - I see you are new here. I think it's super that you're trying AA. I'm thinking about it myself. Have been doing really well with the help of the wonderful people here, but thinking it would be good to have some extra "insurance."

                                Hi Molly - we have chatted several times. I always love reading your posts and am glad you are here. You always have spot on advice for those of us just starting out. And, I love your openness. Seems to me that's an important part of all of us conquering the beast.

                                Anon- brilliant on your running. I keep up with how you are doing too! Congrats on accomplishing such a feat. I jog, but only 3-5 miles. Am happy for that, though. Something about being outside is essential for me - guess that's true for you too.

                                Dewdrop - I have chatted with you too - you are a veteran like Molly who is so good for us newbies. We need your guidance and sage advice. And, of course, I enjoy following your "regular" life too. - love the mom story where she just moved right past your telling her about being AF. My mom would have done the same - just no big deal to them - nothing to dwell on - a real no-nonsense generation!

                                Spinning - think I may have been on other threads with you before but it's been a while. Hippy - nice to meet you!

                                Sending all of us strength and peaceful vibes for a fantastic AF Wednesday!


