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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Hi everyone,

    Quick check in before heading out with our friends tonight. I am well prepared for all the questions and am soooo confident.

    I started to write my story the other day and when I tried to post it I was logged off and I was rushing and didn't have time. Then I thought, is that a sign? I went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy back and it would have been a book as I was typing furiously, letting everything out I guess.

    Anyhoo, it is not what I initially wanted to say and I will get on it tomorrow. I think I was too preoccupied about tonight.

    Hope all is well and those who have been under the weather are feeling better.


      Sober October Challenge!

      Hi Sober October crew! I feel like I've been away for ages. I haven't had time to read though the thread but wanted to pop in and say hello's and congrats to everyone with making this happen! The boyfriend and I have been on his business trip the past week. I've been enjoying the hotel room and going for long walks around the lake. We had such a laugh enjoying a bottle of sparkling cider at a nice place for dinner, and he is being pretty harsh about hung over co-workers he has to deal with in the mornings. I just keep smiling and try not to sabotage whats happening. I know that sounds strange. Mostly I can't believe how I haven't smoked this month. I'm excited to read the thread to see how everyone has been doing! :h


        Sober October Challenge!

        Good evening everyone! Lamb Curry .... I love the Curry in the UK. We have some Indian food here, but really there's no comparison.

        Yes, I guess the Halowe'en thing is a US celebration Anon! Luckily for me this year it's more about kids and candy than parties and Alcohol. I feel so great to be sitting in my house on a Sat night with a root beer and a glass of water! Okay, I think I had some ice cream earlier...but I won't wake up craving water and looking for aspirin tomorrow! Love that feeling. Have a great night all!
        Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


          Sober October Challenge!

          Hiya Anon, Molly, Neart, Peace, Choice, Ican, Choochie, Dewdrop, Enja, HC and anyone else on the challenge! We did it ! I've just realised that you can see the latest posts below this screen! Duh ! Now I can see what everyone has written :H. These things take time!
          Well done on all of your AF time folks :goodjob:
          10 weeks AF for me today and it's starting to feel normal not to drink. We went to a Halloween party last night and the booze was flowing. I stuck to lemonade even tho the hostess said 'do you want a vodka in that'! On the topic of curry it's my fav! When we used to live in Manchester we went to Rusholm ( curry mile) every Saturday night not quite as good around here. I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween! My plan is to watch xfactor repeat and cook a roast dinner.
          :thanks: for all the support over the past few months! What's it to be tomorrow? NOvember??????
          :l :h


            Sober October Challenge!

            Well my usual fly by on a Sunday to Team Sober October.


            Also time for my naggity nag. Haven't checked the SHOUT OUT SUNDAY thread, but lets see a HUGE show of strength over there.

            Calculate duration between two dates ? results

            Plans today include cooking masses and masses of goodies as the daughter is bringing her boyfriend over for his first Sunday roast ala JC. Feeling a bit nervous to be honest.

            Have a smashing and great Sunday. It's been a privilege to be able to join the journey through October.

            J x
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Sober October Challenge!

              Glad you are up and about Spinning J I hope you are feeling much better. Manchesters Rusholm(e) does do the best Indian meals ever--I love it there maybe a good suggestion for the meet up?
              Glad you are ok Molly have missed the smiley face.
              Hi to everyone on this last day of October.


                Sober October Challenge!

                Hi Everyone - just wanted to chime in here and say happy AF Sunday to everyone. Feeling great and hope you all are too.

                SJ - so well done on partying with your lemonade sans vodka. I haven't had that challenge yet so I am envious of your having been put to the test and won!! Thanks too for telling us how you're feeling at 10 weeks. Excellent - so happy for you and your 10 week achievement.

                Peace - hope all went well last night - sounded like you had the resolve to be successful. Let us know how it was - in detail please!

                Jackie love the pic - too cute!

                Anon, Molly, Neart, Peace, Choice, Ican, Choochie, Dewdrop, Enja, HC and anyone else I might have missed - have a super AF Sunday!!



                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Happy, Happy Sunday everyone,

                  We went out with our friends last night and.....had a blast!!

                  I drove and was asked a couple of times about the not drinking but we were having so much fun it was a non issue. I am soooo happy. I wasn't even tempted :yay:

                  We didn't have a chance to talk about why, and I never said I quit. My husband wondered why I didn't or don't, but I am scared to set myself up. It's too early yet and the more I don't drink, the more ppl get use to it.

                  I finally posted a condensed version of my story on the Tell Us your Story thread......I feel like I rambled, so please feel free to ask me anything. :l


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Oh, Peace, we must have been posting at the same time. I was looking forward to a recap of your AF evening test. Sounds like you did wonderfully! Congrats!! So proud of you.:l

                    I didn't realize that hubs doesn't know that you're not drinking (with a capital D).........hope that doesn't cause any issues. I know what you mean, though about not wanting to set yourself up for a fall. You want to be more sure of yourself before you start putting it out there.

                    Anyway - way to go.



                      Sober October Challenge!


                      I wrote that wrong, My husband wondered why I didn't tell our friends I quit. He is totally supportive and my rock..


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Peace isn?t it great once you realise that you can have a great night out and laugh along without the booze. I?ve had a few now and actually feel no fear or apprehension that either I won?t enjoy myself or that I?ll be tempted to have a couple. It?s such a relief to get to that point. I?ll pop over and read your story in a bit and I love the new avatar. Choice good job on stopping smoking that?s quite an achievement on top of the alcohol, you don?t do thing by halves girl, and I?m happy for you that things are working out with your boyfriend. Hi spinning so glad you are feeling better and the hair sounds lovely, it?s good to treat ourselves and you definitely deserve it after all the work you have put in recently.

                        Molly the grandkids are just great to have around and each special in their own way. I had my grandson during the week, he?s 5, and I made us some warm horlicks as he had a cold and wasn?t feeling well, we cuddled up on the couch and I read him a few stories and he turned to me and said ?you smell nice Granny you smell of milk?. Well my eyes filled as I immediately thought of all the times I?ve had him and been glugging down wine after wine and must have smelt of booze. I used to call it Granny?s juice. I?m ashamed to think of it now and just so glad that I?ve stopped at a time when he may well forget, and the girls are too young to remember. It?s been off and on my mind since he said it and has really hit a nerve with me :upset:

                        JC hope the family dinner went well, I sure it will and I expect the boyfriend is much more anxious than you about the meeting, remember you are the one with all the power. Choochie you are doing so well and are so close to your 30 days. Hi to Enja, Neart, Icando, Anon and Hippy and isn?t it great that we have arrived at the end of October, what a month, and onto November tomorrow?????.

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Hi Everyone -- I'm hoping we have a "Sober November" group starting!!

                          It's great to hear all doing so well. Peace, I think your experience is great. I'm a little nervous next weekend as I'm supposed to meet an old friend of mine who's coming in from out of town for dinner. We usually split a bottle of wine and I'm trying to come up with reasons to tell her I'm not drinking. My husband knows, but I just don't know if I feel comfortable telling friends. I know when I wasn't an alcoholic, I would feel a little shocked when someone said they thought they had a problem. Oh well, I'm going to handle it one way or another!

                          Happy AF Sunday everyone!
                          Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Just a quickie,
                            It's tonight Dewdrop. All I've got left to do is man handle the baked cheese cake out of the tin.

                            Ooooh, icandothis I've got plenty of good excused for the early days.....meds, bit of a tummy upset, health kick, need to get up early in the morning, arrive late........leave early. A few little white lies don't hurt in the early days.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Also a quickie just off for a meal with friends they all love me now as I am the driver!
                              Enjoy the occasion JC Mmm Cheescake yummy.
                              icandothis being the driver is also good excuse.
                              I love being sober Grandma too Dewdrop.
                              peace i loved your honesty when you told your story.
                              Right off for some dinner!


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                Happy Halloween Gang!
                                What a super sober October it has been ! :groupluv:

