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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Icando I used a few excuses in the beginning and a good one was that I had a urine infection and was on antibiotics I also added that the alcohol irritated my bladder and the doctor recommended just drinking lots of water to flush the bugs out. Another one was that I was having a month detox and trying to stay on a healthy eating and drinking programme - you could say you are doing it for the month of November so that you are fitter and healthier for Xmas.

    I know what you mean about not wanting to admit to having a drinking problem because of the assumptions people make with the term alcoholic but you don't have to tell anyone at all or only when you are ready. I feel much stronger and confident about who and when I tell people about my reasons for stopping drinking the longer I am AF.

    Dewdrop :h
    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


      Sober October Challenge!

      Hi everybody. Just a very quick hello - didn't want to just not post but I've had a terribly busy weekend, was working yesterday and literally only got in now today - just to say I'm fine, I hate when anyone doesn't post for a day or two. We are successful again folks!! NOvember tomorrow yeah?
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Sober October Challenge!

        Hi everyone! Great that everyone seems to be doing so well
        Had a great time last night at the 30th party - I didn't miss AL for a single second, which is amazing - think I'm finally starting to get comfortable with sober socialising - and sober dancing! This from a girl who wouldn't darken the dance floor for years - I dance more now when I go out than ever before. Had a good long walk today aswell then a snooze on the couch - a proper Sunday

        Dewdrop, I'm so glad things have turned around and instead of thinking back on the old days, just focus on the happy, lovely memories you are creating with your grandson now x Peace, glad you had a great night! JC how was the dinner - whats the boyf like?! Choice, great to hear things are going well for you both. Way to go with being NF :goodjob: Spinning, hope you are better? Ican - I really worried back in the day about reasons to tell people why I didn't drink - I didn't want to say the real reason. If you search under my name of threads I started, there's one about that - loads of people gave me great advice. Now, I'm more confident with the passing of time, I find that whatever way I'm saying it means that people don't really push it! If they do, I just say that I'm happier when I don't drink, and that usually shuts them up :H Hi Anon, Choochie, Molly and everyone else x
        AF since 13th July 2010
        NF since 5th July 2010


          Sober October Challenge!

          Thanks for the advice and excuses everyone. I know, half the time I just think it's ridiculous to even have to make an excuse, but I just don't feel ready. People (even kind) can be so judgemental...anyway, I think the antibiotic one might just do it! Thanks!

          It's been great getting to know you all in October and I hope it continues into November! Anyway, thanks much Dew, Anon, Choochie, Neart, Choice, Peace and the whole October gang!
          Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


            Sober October Challenge!


            Well, I thought I'd get this sober party started because it's November 1st here in NZ! and we made it!!!

            What a month! Ten weeks for me today AF with Spinning J. 1 month NF. I think I decided to go NF because I was scared I'd drink if I continued to smoke. Strange but I figure whatever works. Well, last night I got engaged. We had been planning this for about 6 months and after a long hike he popped the question. We celebrated with a nice meal and stayed AF. When I started this AF journey myself, I was worried that when he proposed that I'd fall off the wagon. I had no idea that he was going to get on the wagon with me. He's still working towards the 30 days, I'm not sure which day or week he is on because I'm trying to keep as healthy about this as possible.

            I went to the gym today, I had to get a new trainer. I told her that I stopped smoking and drinking. I was told it's okay to drink socially- err! I said well it might be but I'm sick and tired of the whole thing so gave it up. I just don't like AL at all. When she asked what I did to relax I said drinking was never relaxing, I just thought it was.. I do everything I did before only without a drink and I do not miss it. I'm more relaxed, and calm... etc. I loved hearing my own voice tell her how I really feel about my drinking. I didn't feel embarrassed or ashamed. Sober is cool!!

            Congrats to everyone!!! We've come a long way!!!


              Sober October Challenge!


              Congratulations Choice, that is awesome. You sound so happy and strong :goodjob:

              Sobriety Rocks!!!!!:h


                Sober October Challenge!

                Just to say congrats on your engagment. Hope to See you on the November challange.


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Well it has been a bit and here I go day 1 again.
                  Feeling low, ,that I relapsed, was making excuses that drinking in moderation was working. Well of coarse there is no moderation with an alcoholic.
                  Well not many words to say, one day at a time.
                  Congratulations to all of you!


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Chin up Dextie! It took me a while to break the cycle of 'moderating'. You can do it !

