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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Neart--I am not sure why but your post has made me cry something I have not done for years. I think it is something to do with wondering/ideas about what would be nice for me to do.
    Thank you for giving me something to think about.


      Sober October Challenge!

      Anon, you will really be proud of yourself tomorrow - you may very well look back on tonight as a very important part of your sobriety. My mum swore by 'germolene', can't imagine it'd be much good for booze cravings tho! and yes the cravings do decrease, the longer you are away from the 'beast' the less you crave it - or even think about it for that matter! And being tearful is also part of all this - we are all over the place - learning to live again, and truly truly truly it is worth it
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Sober October Challenge!

        Oh Anon, I didn't mean to make you cry...but sometimes tears are good for us? A release of tension, of something we're holding inside. I haven't cried in nearly a year, and I actually think it's a bad thing.

        Maybe it's important for you to be kind to yourself, to be your own best friend, and to focus on the little things that make you happy - cause the little things add up together to form the bigger picture of our lives.

        Thinking of you xxx
        AF since 13th July 2010
        NF since 5th July 2010


          Sober October Challenge!

          :thanks:Cravings passed and feeling much better which is just as well as my husband has come home and opened the bottle of wine I was craving!! Thank god I do not drink anymore.
          Thank you all so much for your support tonight. Molly i think If Gemolene helped would use it:H


            Sober October Challenge!

            So glad to hear it - have a good night, anon and enjoy your hangover-and-guilt-free Saturday morning - I know I will! I am going helping train little 5 and 6 year olds in soccer. Not something you could do on a hangover
            AF since 13th July 2010
            NF since 5th July 2010


              Sober October Challenge!

              neart;971455 wrote: I thought to myself "why am I pretending to drink?"
              I love this thought you had! When you put it this way, it really doesn't make much sense does it?
              Hang in there, you are doing great. Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "I wish I had drank last night"
              Here's to a hangover-free Saturday!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Sober October Challenge!

                Okay I'm in, got most of September under my belt now and ready for the next challenge.. a completely AF October...
                AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

                So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  K9Lover;971579 wrote: Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "I wish I had drank last night"
                  I love that!!!!!
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Hi Guys
                    managed to pull myself out of my little funk, were I ended up drinking, I kept thinking about how I wanted to come online & see how everyone was, but couldnt while I was drinking, so I chose you guys. Am going to be really busy, I am on day 6 out of 17 in a row I am doing at work, so definatley will nog be able to drink, I plan on staying online for awhile, then having an early night, I recently went to my doctor & he gave 5 sleeping pills to use to help me get my sleeping into a regular pattern so I plan on takning one of those for the next 5 nights, another weapon in the fight, i wont be able to drink!!!
                    I hope everyone is doing well & staying strong, I am looking forward to tomorrow morning.
                    Progress, not perfection!!!
                    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      GOOD MORNING

                      Just woke up had a fab night sleep Thank you so much Enja, Dewdrop, JC, Neart, and k9 I could not have done it without you


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Morning (evening) Team Sober October! There are loads of us on this thread now, great stuff . Hiya Mararet, K9, Overit, enja, Design, Nora, and witchy . Dewdrop thats great news about your job and well done on resisting all of that temptation :goodjob:.
                        Anon I'm sorry you had a rough time with the cravings last night it must be hard having alcohol in the house. But you didn't cave and thats brilliant! I bet you feel great this morning? I'm day 41 AF today and feeling positve! I hope everyone has a good AF Saturday.
                        :l :h


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          cross post anon glad you are feeling better !!!


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Had to rush off after last post as I had an appointment at Drs. I was asked about units of alcohol in the last month and I could honestly answer none.
                            My bloods were normal including liver function test and my weight was 9st 4 llbs (I do not know what that is in American!!)
                            I am so happy and to think I was going to sabotage it all last night.
                            Again thank you so much to the people that came to my rescue and I would advise any one with overwhelming cravings to get online to this forum ASAP.
                            Molly do you think Gemolene toothpaste would be a no no.
                            JC The craving thread was very useful
                            Enja the link you sent me was fab
                            Neart you helped me to cry. Much needed tears.
                            Dewdrop wonderful support
                            K9 Final straw in my craving was the/YOUR thought that nobody ever says "I WISH I HAD DRUNK LAST NIGHT' I cannot believe my husband opened my fave bottle of wine and I sat there letting him drink it.
                            Off to do something nice for myself.
                            Race day tomorrow and babysitting tonight so no temptations for me.:h


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Wow, just reading over the posts from day one..this is going to be a wonderfully, busy, supportive thread as Septembers was.

                              Anon - you sound stronger after making it through your major craving - good for you:goodjob:

                              Dewdrop - pat yourself on the back, that was a tough situation to be in and to make it through to be the only one without a hangover is great isn't it. I think seeing everyone who was drunk the night before the next day is definitely a real eye-opener. Nice to be the one filling in their gaps of memory loss:goodjob:

                              I dumped a near beer as well thinking the same, why pretend?? Last time I quit I depended on them and non alc wine, now I cannot stand the taste of them.

                              Everyone else, welcome and enjoy your hangover free Saturday. I love waking early and enjoying the stillness of the new morning...listen to me I am getting quite poetic in my sobriety lol It's true though, everything is beautiful and to be able to appreciate is amazing.:h


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                Hi everyone! Anon, good to see you feeling bright this morning Witchy, you have a good plan there - you are doing great!
                                K0 and Peace - yep, I think I've been using it as a bit of a crutch - it means I don't have to deal with people asking me why I'm not drinking. I had a few AF beers last weekend and I swear I was hungover the next morning - all dehydrated. I'm meeting a friend tonight, for pizza then the cinema. In the past we would usually have a few glasses of wine aswell, so although I don't feel tempted to drink, i am dreading having to discuss it. She'd expect me to be drinking, and I know she's not 100% accepted yet that I am AF. We used to have great craic when we went out, to be honest, so I think she's afraid that's all gone now. I am probably a bit worried about that too. And I'm afraid she'll try to talk me around a bit. But, I will just have to deal with it. I don't want to spend the whole meal talking about it though. I do wish I had some friends who don't drink - none of my friends are actually AF. It would be nice to have some people where it's not an issue.
                                AF since 13th July 2010
                                NF since 5th July 2010

