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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    I had all the best intentions of getting up at 6am today and takiing the dog for a walk,but youngest chick woke me three times last I turned the alarm off at about 12am and slept in until 7am...poor puppy misses out again..and I ain't getting any fitter

    Mere don't beat yourself up..!


      Sober October Challenge!

      Thanks ChickenNumber 3! I made it today and had a wonderful day - no cravings at all! Worked out at 9 am and it made me tired enough this evening that I didn't even think about happy for that.
      Tomorrow onto the challenge and I will persevere with the help of this site and my plan!


        Sober October Challenge!

        Hi Everyone!

        Anon, congratulations on your run, and the excellent time you completed it in !:goodjob: Choice, so happy to hear that you're going to stick around more often. :l Ican, never too late to take up the challenge! :welcome:

        I had a bit of an eye-opener this w/e. Went to a music festival with good friends, only took a mild ribbing about me not drinking, but what really struck me, being the only stone cold sober one, was how often some people repeated themselves. They would tell an anecdote and literally less than 10 minutes later repeat the exact same one :nutso: sometimes even a third time! Now, this puts me in a bit of an awkward position because I know I've been guilty of the same in the (drinking) past and would get a bit stroppy or defensive when I was called on it.... on this occasion I just pretended I hadn't heard the stories repeatedly in a short space of time (nobody else seemed to notice!) but now that I'm AF I'm wondering how to handle this long term - I don't think I can always do the *pretend* thing and I don't want to make anyone feel embarrassed/stroppy or draw any attention to myself by being a party pooper? Any ideas?
        :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


          Sober October Challenge!

          party pooper

          Enja,Yes I have noticed how silly people are around loads of alcohol and I know that was me also!
          Not sure how to handle it but it does reinforce how wonderful it is to be free of that beast.
          Still buzzing after my race!!
          Buzzing more cos I have made it to 30 days YIPPEE:thanks:everyone for getting me to here


            Sober October Challenge!


            Congratulations Anon! Way to go!!!

            I haven't been around anyone drunk since I've been AF. I was worried that I'd cave to drinking if I was in that situation. I know this will come up in the future and I've thought about it a lot. I remember showing up late to events where everyone was drunk and found it really loud and annoying when people repeated themselves. So I'd drink fast to "catch up" ... so silly. I'm not sure what I'll do now but I think maybe go home? I know it sounds lame but I do remember that's what my friends that didn't drink as much as I did doing. hmmmm???

            Well, I'm so glad I'm sticking with this thread! I'm on week 6 today AF. I am not as consumed with thinking about not drinking as much and it feels like a relief. Now I'm trying to quit smoking.. :H no rest for the wicked. I'm day 3 smoke free.

            :l:h to everyone!


              Sober October Challenge!

              Good morning! Day 2 AF for me. I know I'll be good until Friday when the cravings hit...I completely understand the "triggers" you're talking about daviddwilson!

              Choice, I also haven't been around a whole group of people who've been drinking when I've been AF. I think I'm going to avoid that situation for awhile. Not going to be easy with the Holidays coming up...but I'm just taking it ODAT at this point.

              Have a great day everyone! Can't wait to say I made it to 30 days AF!!!
              Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                Sober October Challenge!

                Hi count me in for sober October. Unfortunatly i had a few slipups since i made 30 days last month but i'm going for it again odat and hopefully last longer. I'm dsgusted with myself but just have to get back on track. My tummy's ill from wine and brandy yesterday and i threw up. Well done to anon for getting 30 days. And every else for doing so well. Its day 1 of this month for me but i will a full 30 days hopefully more. I'll get back on later. Happy monday folks.


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  On anon done on the race.


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Hi everyone, seriously flying, just a quick hello and yes, bloody well done Anon on the race and the 30 days. This thread is every bit as vibrant as last month - good to see you back Firefox, I was missing you. Will check in tonight after work
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Hi All,
                      Quick check in, under the weather, but had to come say a quick hello. Day 37, feeling great - besides this awful cold

                      take care, will come back longer once I am up to par....


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Happy Monday lunchtime,

                        It?s so difficult keeping up with everyone, I?m just going to keep up with today?s? posts!! I?ve pulled over and am overlooking a beautiful sandy bay, the sea is still and the gulls are squawking I don?t know why I?ve never appreciated these lunch stops before. Should be doing admin and phone calls but I?ve decided to check in with MYO instead for half an hour (actually I should be having my lunch not working).

                        Great to have you back Firefox and each slip gives us more strength to fight the next one, here?s to a Sober October. Great on Day 2 Ican you?ll get more resolve to handle the social situations with a few more days under your belt, just be kind to yourself and avoid them for the time being. Choice it?s brilliant that you are joining us this month I?m glad to have you back. Welcome David weekends can be a bit of a bummer for all of us to begin with but each one gets easier the more you get through.

                        Enja I had a similar situation last week when I was the only sober one and the rest got tanked, one person spent about 20 minutes shouting and repeating rubbish in my ear, name-calling and really being rude about some colleagues it was quite an eyeopener for me he was so bitter. The only way I could get away was to hide in the bathroom till he found someone else to bother. He clearly didn?t remember any of it the next day but I do see him in a completely different light now.

                        Hi to Anon, Molly Mere, Chicken Peace & everyone else.

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Good morning everyone! Its hard to keep up with everyone on here, seems as if everyone has been really busy! Anon, congrats on 30 days AF. I am at 29 and looking forward to tomorrow! I big kudos to everyone else that is new, remaining AF, fighting thru cravings and even those of you that have slipped but are right back here. This site has helped me in so many ways. I am feeling a bit reflective today and was just thinking about how drinking has NEVER done anything good for me, but I continued to do it anyway. Someone posted on here recently "you never wake up and think god, I wish I drank last night!" How true is that?! That is one of the many postings that I think about whenever I feel a craving. It really helps me focus. Must get off to work now, happy Sober Monday to all!


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Great success thus far everyone! Very encouraging! I made it thru the weekend and feel so energized to face the monday morning work day! wooo hoooo! Have not said that in quite some time.

                            Day 5 AF!
                            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Good morning PeaceSeeking, Dew Drop, TITA and cmhom, Great work to everyone! Wow Anon made it to day 30! I'm looking forward to that one!
                              Cmhom - I know exactly what you mean about facing a Monday morning not "altered." I had a great Sunday AF - up early this morning made a quiche already for work pot luck.
                              Wow this site is so awesome! I can't believe how much it has helped - all the quiet notes of wisdom, learnings and phrases pop up in my head to give me support.'
                              Thanks to all of you and let's all shout out for a Sober Monday!


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                Working on that sober Monday as we speak! Keep up the great work everyone. And yes, this site is great. So nice to know that you are not the only one out there with these struggles. Also nice to see that people actually do make it to the place they are striving to be!

