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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Thanks Molly,

    Thankfully I have no thoughts of modding at all. It's awesome to be up early without a fuzzy head, many times in the past I would be packing hungover popping aspirin and groaning. Not today all chipper and looking forward to some easy reading, lots of movies, napping and enjoying every minute with my most amazing family.:h



      Sober October Challenge!

      Morning all
      Just a quick hello before iget kids up and rolling.
      Feel anxious today, Friday or thinking about bills not sure
      I am working out, work then I am also getting hair cut. Girls r having sleep over tonight.
      Can't wait to get back to chat, good thoughts all! :blush::nutso:


        Sober October Challenge!

        Haha Peace - I know the drunk/hungover packing thing. Once went to the arse-end of the country on hols, at least 100 miles from any shops, with no knickers, socks or toothbrush!!
        Dextie, thinking of you, anxious is not nice but being aware of it is half the battle. Have to go and shower, heading to doc in an hour
        Back later
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Sober October Challenge!

          Everyone sounds great hangovers here, though today the stress levels were high enough to tempt me! Now its off to bed..cause I'm stuffed!!!
          Have a great weekend folks!


            Sober October Challenge!

            Had a lovely lunch out with Hubs (he's working nights all weekend!) Managed 3 courses! No temptation to drink just had water and the bill was sooooo much cheaper than it used to be!! Have a great time with your family Peace . I fancy a new hairdo myself its long and has been the same for ever! I also have to get it coloured as Im going grey Boo Hoo! Have a great weekend Team whatever you are doing.


              Sober October Challenge!

              Hi Guys - has anyone heard from Sidney recently I havent seen her post in a while?
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Sober October Challenge!

                Was wondering about Sidney I hope she is ok.

                Molly was everything ok at the Doctors?

                Went for a bone scan yesterday and they said I could start doing some gentle exercise. Did not like to mention the 14 k I ran on Monday!

                My hair looks fab pity I cannot do it like the hairdresser! Anyway I will enjoy looking at my best drinking orange and soda with my family in a pub this evening.

                Lots of hugs to everyone.:l


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Hi Everyone!
                  I love this thread, it's very lively! Molly - I read The Help and The Book Thief...both very good, now I'm going to look up the 2 others you mentioned that you have "lined" up to read!
                  Well tonight I am going to a "girls night" with some friends from church, and my sister. The like to drink in moderation, so I am not at all worried about being "pressured". This is actually the FIRST time since I quit drinking that I'm even in a situation where I'm around others drinking. Then tomorrow I have a wedding, and there will be lots of alcohol I guess I made it over 6 months with no pressure, and now I get 2 days in a row! No worries though, I don't even have any desire!
                  Going out to lunch (or tea, is that what some of you call it? lol) with my mom and sister. It's so nice to be surrounded by family :h
                  Everyone have a great AF weekend!
                  p.s. I havent seen Sidney in a while either...hope she's ok!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Hi everyone!

                    Molly, hope it goes well at the docs. So funny about the bath :H
                    Peace, have a lovely weekend. K9, sounds like you have a busy weekend planned! I went to a wedding last year and didn't drink and I had a great time - couldn't believe it! Anon, I could do with a haircut - I can hardly see through my fringe I'll have to get it cut before the meet up in Dublin... Hi Chill, Dextie, Chicken and everyone else who comes along. I was wondering about Sid too?

                    Busy day here, I sent off about 10 job applications today, took a few hours to put together, and I only cursed a little bit There's about 20 pages in each one, and each school looks for different things, but it's done now till next week! The last job I went for, they got over 300 applications, so chances are slim, but I'm trying to believe that whats for you won't pass you and that the right job will come up.

                    Planning on chilling out tonight - I might pretend to watch the soccer to keep my dad company but have a book open in front of me
                    AF since 13th July 2010
                    NF since 5th July 2010


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Sid, if you're around let us know how you are, I was also worrying about you.
                      Neart, keep plugging away - the job will come along. Not everyone has a 1st ya know!! Good luck with the 'outings' K9, actually going out to pubs or whatever are no danger to me at all cos in the last couple of years the only place I wanted to drink was at home - was always out of sync with everyone else, wanting to drink too fast etc. I do find drinking co. boring tho - possibly with the exception of a wedding, being sober at a wedding would be like being breathalysed sober:H:H
                      Got on grand at Docs, he clarified a lot of stuff for me - wants me to stay on the AD's for some time - he reckons I had a bit of a breakdown, and judging by the way I feel now, I believe him, I feel so much better. He wants my counselling to 'catch me up' so that I can safely ease off the AD's in time. He thinks the headaches are linked to the AD's as well and should not last, so he doesn't need to see me till after christmas. It will be my 2nd sober Christmas.
                      Anon, with you on the hair - like Neart I'll have to have an aul cut before the 'meet-up'!
                      Will check in later
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Hi Neart!
                        Your haircut plans remind me of the DIY (do it yourself) haircut I gave my little dog. She is STILL mad at me. I don't blame her, I'd be embarrassed if my hair looked like her does. LOL
                        At least hair grows back!

                        Molly - I never wanted to drink anywhere except at home either...1) I was too cheap to buy drinks and 2) I didn't want to be around anyone, I liked to isolate! The wedding tomorrow should be interesting, I'll be keeping my eyes open for any drunken behavior! lol

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Hi everyone! Glad your doctors apps went well anon and Molly . K9 have a great time at the wedding I'm sure it will be fun 'people watching' keep us posted!!! Neart good luck with job hunting keep banging out those applications and you will fine your dream job I'm sure. Molly I'm hoping this will be my first completely sober Christmas apart from when I was pregnant and I'm looking forward to it. I normally get really excited for it and dread it at the same time because of my drinking! Having a quiet evening in on my own! Hubs is working nights, one daughter is at a sleepover and the other in bed so i'm just going to watch a bit of tv and have an early night. Keep strong everyone and enjoy your weekend. xx


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Happy sober Friday guys
                            God Spinning I hadn't thought of Christmas yet, this will be my 1st sober one in over 25 years! I really don't mind as last year I was at rock bottom so this one will be a joy, clear head and no dreading the party season for fear of making a fool of myself....
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Hi Everyone! Busy Friday for me! That's a good thing -- keeps my mind off that it's Friday!

                              Hope you're all doing well. I had a hard time last night but feeling better today. This is now Day 6 for me!

                              Have a great weekend everyone!
                              Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                Chillgirl, thanks for recommending this thread. I'm 3 days AF - after tonight it will be 4. I'm going out to dinner tonight for Indian food and having Chai Tea...........this will be a biggie because I'm a huge red wine fan with a nice meal. I will just think of all you guys (my inspiration buddies) and be strong!


