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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Hey Choochie, great to see you on this thread. Good on you 4 days - bet you're feeling better already?
    Icandothis -OF COURSE you can do this - you're already doing it
    Chill and SJ, I had forgotten that I had sober pregnant Christmases, somehow they didn't count, prob cos I never wanted to drink then. I was only 11 days AF last Christmas day, but I had a lovely day - then blew it all in January
    Anyway, hope you all have/had a lovely Fri evening - I'm working tomorrow so will check in when I get a chance
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Sober October Challenge!

      I am definitely feeling better mollyka - check in with you guys tomorrow. Thanks for being there.


        Sober October Challenge!

        A quick post tonight as I am tired and want to read a little, hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the start to the weekend. I have my little grand daughter staying and she has been an angel so far, off to sleep at 7pm with a story and a cuddle. We?ll have to wait and see what the weather is like tomorrow whether we have an inside or outside day as it has been torrential rain tonight and might scupper my plans.

        :welcome: Choochie you?ve landed in a very supportive place with some great people who have lots of experience and advice. Keep posting and get to know people you?ll make friends quickly. It's amazing how quickly you start to feel better even after only a few AF days.

        I?m looking forward to my first AF Christmas this year, it will be good to be probably the only sober person around that day, and for once I?ll be able to walk off Christmas dinner rather than sleeping on the couch all afternoon with everyone else.

        Take care everyone and a happy sober weekend to all.

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          Sober October Challenge!

          Dewdrop - thanks for the warm welcome. I feel I'm in a very good place. I feel secure here and will be following this thread! Signing off for now.


            Sober October Challenge!

            :welcome: choochie.
            Just another member of Team October saying my hellos.

            Good strong thread here plenty of 'oldbies' as well of newbies, a really good mix. Remember just shout out if you're struggling with a craving. Post before it gets beyond thoughts.

            Actually coming up to my 3rd AF Christmas, had a big falling off the wagon after the first, but believe me they are so special with out alcohol in the picture.

            Let's make it an AF weekend.

            J x
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Sober October Challenge!

              JackieClaire - can't wait until I can talk in terms of being AF for years rather than days! I will get there!!


                Sober October Challenge!

                Choochie enjoy every step of the journey, I remember what a big deal a week was then a month felt like I'd really won a watch it's all fantastic! :l
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Hey guys,
                  I had chicken curry for dinner at home. I am watching Y&R relaxing getting ready for thanksgiving this weekend, turkey and family, love it, but my whole family drink like fish. Not trying to be rude, I always did the same, its how we grew up and I have alot of good memories but it is me that has changed and can't handle my booze. This weekend will be a test. I believe my husband is out drinking right now. He has tried to stay on board with me but sometimes its hard to be insinx.
                  End of day 5 tonight. Yahoo! !
                  I am going back to reading posts to keep me strong.
                  Hugs all! !":nutso:


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Hi everyone! I am a big disappointment to myself went af for 5 days and drank tonite- a lot of issues with my daughter (grown) who:upset: has 3 autoimmune diseases and is getting a divorce my grandson is 14 and it is not excuse but hard!!!!


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Hi Kids,
                      hope everyone is doing well, I had today off work, we did two 10+ hours days & got a lot of stuff done for stocktake so was able to take today off, I so needed it, I slept in & then had a 2 hour nap this afternoon & still felt like I could keep sleeping, back into it tomorrow.
                      welcome to our new Sober Octoberers, I hope you are enjoying the thread, as much as I do, it is such a source of support & inspiration.
                      anyway just a quick check in, am still exhausted so, going to go lie down on my bed & listen to some music.
                      Progress, not perfection!!!
                      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Good morning October gang.
                        Welcome to all the new people the more the merrier!

                        Went out with the family brothers and sisters etc. for a meal and drinks last night and when a relative asked me why I was not drinking I said one drink was never enough for me and I would find it hard to stop --embarrassed silence followed from him.
                        Anyway had a great night every one commented on how well I looked (hair just cut and coloured) Lovely to remember all that happened!!!

                        Going to have a lovely Saturday out on my bike in the last of our Indian summer.

                        I love this sober life:thanks:


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Anon - Well done on staying AF on night out isnt it fantastic to not only remember the night but to wake up feeling good today! Please dont worry about the embarassed silence, I have tried answering that Q in so many ways to try to make the asker feel more comfortable and now I just say it like it is. "I drank too much and cant stop at one or two" everyone's reaction is different and I have had much more positive reactions than negative so stick to your guns.

                          Britches - Glad you are back on board, I promise it gets easier to deal with stress the longer you are AF and you soon realize that by drinking you only make things worse.

                          Have a wonderful AF saturday guys.....
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Good Morning Gang!!
                            Britches I'm sorry to hear that you are having a hard time at the moment you have found a great place for support :welcome:
                            Choochie great to have you on board and well done on your 4 days AF :welcome:
                            Dextie I hope you enjoy a sober Thanksgiving with your family you are doing great .
                            Anon I'm glad you had a good sober night out with your new hairdo!:H. All the talk of hair made me pop into a random hairdresser this am to sort out getting my hair cut and coloured ( got a slight hairdresser phobia long story!) Anyway it turns out that the girl who is going to do my hair is my hubs cousin!!! So I'm very pleased and getting it done in a few weeks to celebrate my new sober life. I'm just about to start doing some painting in the hall and landing then I'm going to make a curry for tea . Hope everyone has a good day.
                            :l :h xx


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Good Morning Everyone,

                              SJ - thanks for the welcome - feeling great today (day 5 AF). Resisted ordering wine at dinner last night and felt super afterword - didn't have that tired, irritable feeling. Read a book, had a good night's sleep and feel wonderful today. What a difference! I'm starting to really understand the saying that "Virtue is its own reward."

                              Going to a function tonight where people will be drinking - will be my first test being around others without drinking (think this will be my biggest challenge). I'm determined to do it though and just have a non-A drink -- don't want to blow my healthy unhungover feeling. No one is worth giving this up for!


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                Good morning sober October!

                                I had a really rough week not sleeping well, and it caught up with me last night. I fell asleep at 9 pm and didn't wake until 9am. I woke up feeling GREAT! Now starting day 7 AF!

                                Anon and Choochie well done on going out and not drinking! And well done with the answer Anon. I remember I was at a party once and the hostess kept offering me drinks and I luckily had a good excuse that I was driving, but she kept pushing "just one" and I would just smile and say "no thanks!" Anyway, then she turned to the gentleman next to me (who I didn't know), and said "where's your drink?" and he said "I haven't touched Alcohol in 8 years and I've never felt better". She didn't even know how to respond to that and just said "oh, okay!" Anyway, I thought there was a reason that man was standing next to me and I was meant to hear that!

                                Anyway, well done everyone. Have a great Sober October day! It's beautiful and sunny and cool here, I'm going for a morning run.
                                Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h

