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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Peace - I subscribe to this thread and thought I would answer in case Molly is out and about. It's under Monthly Abstinence on main page (right at the top after you go into the Monthly Abstinence category)


      Sober October Challenge!

      Night night. Off to bed again
      Urge surfing has got me out of many craving situations in the past few weeks. It is great having the tools but you have to use them!


        Sober October Challenge!

        Thanks Choochie, I found it and there are great tips that I needed to read.

        I think I know what's going on with me, I have lost the wonderful "Pink Cloud" effect that happens in the first weeks of quitting. The hard work starts now and I am determined to get that wonderful feeling back.

        Here we go.....almost at the 2 month mark, isn't that when ppl start to have struggles???


          Sober October Challenge!

          Peace - I hear you about the pink cloud effect. Once the new wears off, I know it's going to be tougher for sure.

          You know, one thing I did that I think is worthwhile is: (not sure -- it may be in the toolbox because I found it on the main website page)........the suggestion was to write a letter to yourself in great detail about why you should never drink again. You're actually supposed to mail it to yourself and then keep it where you could read it if you ever got tempted. The instructions said to do so even if it seemed "daft."

          I actually did it -- wrote a long, two page letter and pulled it out when I was about to go to a party. I must say it did the trick. Guess it's kind of like logging onto MWO but hand written and obviously specifically tailored to you-- that way if you're out and about you'll have something.

          Don't know if it would work for you but .............Anyway, best of luck -- I think there will be many "hurdles" because the more time that passes, the harder to remember AL it will be.......ugh!



            Sober October Challenge!

            Hi boys & girls
            well stocktake is finally finished, & I have had a day off, which was awesome.
            I feel like I am one of Molly's "dirt little stopouts" the thread has been so busy & so much has happened. Still itsounds like everyone is staying strong!!!.
            I have just finished reading a book called "Sweet Poison" about the role sugar has in the alarming trend towards obesity etc in the last 50 years, but it also has a lot of imlications for us Alkies, as AL is mainly fermented sugar, along with all the mixers we add to it. I am going to try the "no sugar" thing for a while, see apparently although in the last 30 years or so we have been exercising more & eating less fat we are still gaining weight, because in order to make things "fat free" still taste good, they up the sugar content.
            any way just a quick post, still way exhausted from almost 3 weeks in a row, will check in later.
            Progress, not perfection!!!
            A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


              Sober October Challenge!

              Ah man, I just wrote a long post that addressed pretty much everyone and wanted to say good job... and it got lost. I hate that!! grrr. Oh well... take care everybody! :h:l


                Sober October Challenge!

                Morning all you lovely people - I'm a 'dirty stop out' myself I'm afraid. Life just seems so busy! - Ican't even begin to address everyone, but with a quick flick back everyone seems to be doing great. The 'pink cloud' - 2-3 month mark is a very very real phenomenon, I've experienced it twice and failed,:upset: not proud of that!
                Neart, way to go wit de lad!! Don't dare make a date for next Sat - there'll be whippings!
                Hope you found the Urge-surf Peace - sorry I didn't get back, I save this thread for last when I'm reading thro the site as my 'secret little pleasure' and got so overrun last night didn't get here at all
                Christmas is sorted for 13th Nov - have to order the Turkey soon
                Flying to work, see you all later
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Morning everyone,

                  Aww Peace I?m sorry to hear you were having problems with cravings last night; they can seem to come out of nowhere and can be so draining on the mind and on your energy. I know that people talk about certain trigger points in terms of time sober but I?ve decided to concentrate my thoughts positively on the fact that I am determined and strong and I?m not going to be sidetracked by negative thoughts. If I can keep my head full of encouraging, good thoughts then there won?t be room for the doubts and mental arguments. I refuse to allow them head space. I truly believe that this is going to be the best time of my life; it?s not difficult ie. it?s only hard if I allow it to be and I?m emphatically not going to allow that. Now I might end up with egg on my face lol but this mind shift is the way I?ve managed to get this far.

                  Choochie I have copied loads from this site and keep it in a folder which I read over in times of need or when I am going out just to prepare my mindset and keep me on the path. Witchy it?s great to have you back that must have been quite a draining three weeks, hopefully you can have a relaxing weekend. Choice I often keep a word document open while I?m on here and then copy and paste it in when I?m finished, also tick the remember me box as that seems to keep you logged in.

                  Well I?m so glad it?s Friday and I am looking forward to the weekend but better get on with my work for today and I might be able to get away an hour or two early! Love to you all.

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Happy sober friday folks! We are half way there now! Hi to Dewdrop, molly, anon, Peace, Choochie, witchy, choice, enja, icandothis, neart and dextie!! Hope I haven't missed anyone?
                    Day 54 AF for me today and feeling good. I have managed to get through 2 lots of PMT without drinking :yay: it's a major trigger for me! I'm going out to a gig tomorrow night watching a band I first saw 20 years ago when I was 17! Should be good slightly worried about being surrounded by booze but should be ok cos hubs not drinking either.
                    Dextie how's it going? Enja I hope you have recovered from your procedure :l. Icandothis I hope you enjoy your weekend away with your hubs at the beach. Neart I hope you have a good date/ night out with your friend!!! Dewdrop it's great to treat yourself I bet you look v glam! Anon how did the ten miles go??
                    :goodjob: to you all on your AF time! Have a great weekend.


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Happy sober Friday everyone.

                      Well did the 10 miles hard work but so much easier without a hangover and tummy problems that go with to much alcohol.
                      Cannot believe this new me so much better than before I love this new life!

                      Not counting days anymore as I find that a pressure but know I started the journey 4th September with 1 slip.


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Well I've had a very busy day and kept my head down, switched off my mobile so no one could side track me and I'll be finished in about half an hour so an early start to the weekend for me :thumbs:

                        I'm going to a 40th birthday party tomorrow so I'm off to buy a pressie and might get my nails done if I have the time - something I never do but it's nice to splurge now and again. Good on you for the 10 miles Anon I am so impressed by all the fantastic commitment to exercise on here it makes me feel guilty :upset:. I know what you mean about the counting AF days too anon and the great thing is everyone can simply find what works best for them here.

                        I'll pop on later tonight and see how eveyone is but the shops are beckoning!!

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Hi SJ, Dewdrop, Molly, Anon, Peace, Witchy, Choice, Enja, Icandothis, Neart, Dextie et. al... - just joining the group to offer words of encouragement and to tell you (excitedly) that I had the best night's sleep I've had in years. Hands down worth fighting every little craving that sneaks into my consciousness! My husband can't believe it -- used to wake up EVERY morning virtually sick with a hangover that I fought off until at least noon. I feel a great burden has lifted from me.

                          I hope everyone has a wonderful AF weekend - Anon - great on 10 miles! I'm impressed. I can do 5 but have not gone beyond that.


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Hiya again! Ten miles is amazing anon you must be super fit I think I'm going to up the running and try for 10km ( 6km max normally!). I know what you mean about counting the days. I have mine on my phone and change it every morning and feel a sense of achievement before I even do anything lol! Enjoy the party Dew! Choochie I bet you feel great after your mega sleep you are doing so well


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Just popping my head in to Team October Sober.

                              Well here I am as living proof that the solidarity of this thread works and MWO works.

                              This morning at 7am Mr JC had to rush our daughter (she's 24) to A & E with pains in her chest. She's been having panic attacks for over a month now and this was the mother of them all. The doctors did an ECG (which was fine ) took her blood pressure (which was low.......not so good). The doctors are now thinking it may be acid reflux and probably send her for an endoscopy.

                              The thing is in the 15 months or so I've been AF I don't think I have been as near as caving in and having a drink. Where did that stupid idea come from that I could perhaps just have the one. I DIDN'T.....I logged on here instead said hello and knew that I could shout out and any one member would have been there in a heartbeat.

                              She's now resting here at home in her own bedroom so I can spoil her rotten for a while before she goes back to her own flat.

                              J x
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                JC - don't know if it will help or not, but my husband (only 55 yrs old) has been really ill (cancer) and just had to have a life-changing enormous surgery on his intestines. When he was first diagnosed about 2 years ago I started drinking a lot more. Then, a few months ago, his cancer recurred. I really hit my stride then and had a few scary moments. I realized I could not deal with life's problems by drinking - that it would just become a bottomless pit. So, that's a big part of why I stopped.

                                I totally understand the inclination to drink when dealing with a sick loved-one. I'm coping so much better with everything sober.

                                Sending you and your family very good healing wishes - keep us posted about your daughter.


