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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!


    I'm in for the rest of October if you'll have me!!!



      Sober October Challenge!

      :welcome: MIE !! :l


        Sober October Challenge!

        Hi Spinning!

        Thank you x


          Sober October Challenge!

          Love new recruits MIE! You are soooo welcome! This thread has a bit of magic about it - the success stories are absolutely amazing, and even any of us who 'screw up' 'drink' 'slip' whatever you want to call it come straight back and get back on that wagon - that's the hardest part sometimes!
          Witchy - what a lovely post, I think we probably all feel the same way. Have to say when I was having my tantrum at hubs last night, this was the first place I thought of:heartsnflowers:! Neart, if you are out there(wit the 'not date') and Choochie, hubs was so apologetic I couldn't stay mad for long, and had tea and the newspaper in bed this morning - have to sort out the library books tho!!
          Good luck SJ let us know how you get on, great to see you back DFL! Hi JC if you're lurking, hows the daughter today? And Sid, if you're out there, let us know how you are.Hey to all else, have to plant some plants and then go to the pictures will report in later
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Sober October Challenge!

            Thanks Mollyka! So excited about day 1 again!!!

            MIE x


              Sober October Challenge!

              Hi Everyone - just wanted to check in on my DAY 12 AF! Had a wonderful night's sleep and am feeling super. It's supposed to be lovely here today so I plan to go for a run.

              MIE - so glad to see you jumping in (here and also on Chicken No. #3's String of Pearls thread). This place will work wonders for you - at least it is me. Fantastic, supportive people who will help you whenever you ask.

              Have a wonderful AF day and weekend everyone.



                Sober October Challenge!

                Hi Everyone and welcome:welcome: made in england this a great and supportive place.

                Molly my husband also opened a bottle of red wine last night and I had to go to bed to resist the temptation and when I got up this morning there it was half full on the table--That would never have happened before, as the wine in the bottle would have been yelling "DRINK ME"
                Molly I am so glad you got pampered this morning.

                Neart I hope the meeting goes well last time I was at Kilkenny Castle I saw a man sitting outside on the grass very very drunk with his toddler son begging him to stop. It was a long time ago before Euros I think. I thought the castle was lovely neverthless!

                Well my alcohol addiction has morphed (is that a real word?) into a running/mountain walking addiction. been out for a 6 mile run in a local forest and off to the hills walking tomorrow. I feel as though I want to catch up with the life I should have lived before the booze. I feel fitter and happier thes AF days but on the other hand knackered and ready for my bed every night.

                Nearly lost this post WHEW!!:l


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Hi everyone,
                  I agree totally with Witchy's post. This thread is wonderful and as gotten me through some really rough days, and also has been a great place for me to share my accomplishments.

                  I am very thankful for the friendships I have formed here, it is a very powerful group.

                  After having a couple of rough days this week I feel so much better. My sugar cravings are subsiding as I am not eating any - that was probably half my problem this week, going through sugar withdrawals. I have adopted a new healthy eating plan. I have eliminated all sugar related products, including anything that converts to sugar ie. white flour, white rice..etc. Woke up with a horrible headache today due to the detox, but it has subsided thank goodness.

                  JC - I have gerd - acid reflux and it really does mimic heart problems. One I had the endoscopy I was diagnosed and feel soo much better. I hope you get answers soon, in the meantime spoil your daughter as much as you can while she is home.

                  Molly - isn't is great when we get through our tantrums without AL, another great thing about being AF it is true tantrums not AL fueled ones. Not that I like tantrums LOl it's just nice to feel "real" feelings not matter at what spectrum happy or not so happy.

                  Choochie - going through health concerns is a tough one, that is why I resorted back to drinking. I lost too many loved ones these past three years that I just caved into a deep denial, despair of grief.

                  I really didn't think I would be rambling on so much this morning, quick check in before I start my weekend of chores.

                  To everyone else, have a wonderful AF Saturday. - you all ROCK!!

                  Welcome MIE, keep coming here it has helped me...


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Hi everyone
                    Just had a lovely day out, went to the pictures 'the social network' (something like that) it was very good, about the fella who started facebook - really enjoyed it, went for a lovely meal then - rightly stuffed now and home with hubs and a big fire lighting and no sprogs in the house - youngest having a sleepover, so feel lovely and relaxed.
                    How did you get thro Day 1 MIE?
                    NIght night to Choochie, Anon, Dewdrop, Peace, Witchy, Enja, SJ, where's Firefox these days? JC Neart DFL, Icandothis, and everyone else, talk tomorrow
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Molly, nice to hear from you - I'm glad you mentioned Social Network. I've been thinking of seeing it -- is getting good reviews here (I think). Glad you are over the hubby's spill ordeal.


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Morning Team Sober October,

                        It's that time of the week when I have my naggity nag. Everyone over to the SHOUT OUT SUNDAY thread. I'm heading there next. Remember we all started with one day, one week.......... So today's the day to give yourself a pat on the back.

                        Here's the calculator link again
                        Calculate duration between two dates ? results

                        :welcome: Made in England, I was made in England and stayed in England. Glad your're and hope we get to know more about you.

                        Lastly thankyou so much for you goodwishes for my daughter, I showed her some of the posts last night and she promptly burst into tears, nice tears, I might add.
                        We've printed of a load of stuff about GERD and written down it looks blindingly obvious this is what it is. So we're going armed to the doctors on Wednesday. She's much better and more relaxed today and managed a shift at work last night.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Hi Everyone - just wanting to check in (day 13 AF yea).

                          Peace - thank you for talking about losing loved ones. It's not easy no matter what, is it?! The alcohol not only doesn't help - it makes things much worse. Don't know why it's taken me so long to understand this. Just glad I do now.

                          Anon, so great that you're now hooked on something so healthy! I hope to segue my gummi bear addiction into something more constructive soon!

                          Molly - keeping up with you on other posts as well as here.

                          MIE - hoping you're still with us.

                          Jackie - thanks for the calculator - hope they are able to help your daughter figure out a way to cure her anxiety. Speaking of anxiety ...............mine is gone. I used to wake up in the middle of the night (3 am) and be so anxious I couldn't go back to sleep. No More. Isn't that phenomenal!?

                          SJ - hello to you - am also keeping up with you on other posts.

                          Thanks to everyone for being here. On my way to my sisters and taking her a bunch of homemade goodies (lots of time and energy now that I'm not hungover). What a blessing.



                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Hello and Happy Sober Sunday!
                            8 weeks AF for me today . I had an amazing time at the gig last night without alcohol!!! I always thought in the past that I wouldn't be able to dance or have fun without it..... I was wrong ! So feeling positive today but very tired due to lack of sleep! Have a great day everyone and I will read all your posts later got to go and watch dancing and Xfactor from last night!!! :H
                            :l :h


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Hi everybody,
                              Sober Sunday here, funny one tho. Was doing a bit of work today for hubs business - he has a shop and I do the wholesaleing for him a couple of times a year. Was headed out the motorway to the wholesalers and suddenly OUT OF NOWHERE just felt tears welling up and found myself really crying as I was driving. No idea why. Anyway I'm grand now just a little bit unsettled by that - scared me the way those dark feelings crept up on me unawares.
                              Delighted the daughter is in better form JC, keep doing the 'mammy spoiling' - it works wonders with my lot anyway!!
                              SJ, good on you having a good time last night, haven't done any sober dancing yet - maybe that's on my list! I have Strictly and Xfactor recorded for later too.
                              Choochie, I thought you got movies way ahead of us in the States? I remember years ago my kids getting all excited in Florida cos there were movies on there that we'd only heard of over here.
                              Hi to everyone else - in, we are AGOG waiting!!!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                Evening everyone and Hi to MIE :welcome: it?s great to have new folks on board it doesn?t matter how few or how many AF days each have we are all taking it ODAT. JC so glad your daughter is feeling better and hopefully you have gotten to the bottom of it, kids are a worry no matter what age they are, and then along come the grandkids and there are more to worry about!!!!

                                You all seem to have had a great weekend; I?ve been busy and didn?t log on yesterday for the first day I think since I started this journey. Made me realise how much MYO and all of you guys have supported me and contributed to me getting as far as I have. I had tried on a weekly basis if not daily since the start of the year to go AF and it only happened when I registered here and started checking in each day.

                                Molly sorry you had that experience today and hope you are okay now, occasionally when I meditate I can be emotional but I was taught to stay with it, acknowledge how you feel and let it run it?s course. There is a technique of moving the grief/distress from your heart area to your belly with your breathing and I find it effective and helpful.

                                Anyway I'm off to check the other threads and will come back later.

                                Dewdrop :h
                                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

