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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Evening all!

    Anon, glad you had a good run, help to clear the head. Dewdrop, that is how I am trying to look at this job situation - that I'm just preparing for the right job. That's lovely that your mum is coming to visit. I hope you have a lovely time :l Molly - I was like that when I gave up smoking 20 a day 2 years ago - I was buying stuff left right and centre worth far more than 8 euro a day! This time however, I'm not working so can't get away with that. But guess what - my mum and dad went in to town this afternoon and bought me the coat!!! I am so spoilt!! I had an inkling cause Mum asked me two or three times over lunch which size it was, but it was soooo lovely cause they wouldn't have a lot of money. Just as well I had the dinner made and had done some jobs around the house or I'd of had the guilts

    I'll be away from the hinternet for about a week cause I'm heading to Dublin tomorrow then over to Galway to some other friends so I might not be back till next weekend. Just to let ye know! It;ll be my longest time away from MWO. Molly, I presume you want a picture of himself?! I'll take a pic on my phone for ya To be honest, I'm almost scared cause he is just sooooo perfect and kind - seems too good to be true. I wouldn't believe it only I know him so long. Sure we'll see what happens!

    neart x
    AF since 13th July 2010
    NF since 5th July 2010


      Sober October Challenge!

      :thanks: guys for all your support to get to 60 days

      Now I'm 3 weeks off the smokes too. So a big accomplishment today. Going on a nice long hike tomorrow with the boyfriend who is now 13 days AF. Love and life is so much better without the booze. He's lost 7 pounds? WTF?? It took me nearly 2 months to loose 10 lbs. :H Now we are having a (hopefully healthy) competition on staying healthy. Makes since because we both were so competitive in sports when we were younger.

      Anon :l . I'm kinda always amazed at hearing that a couple of drinks or half a bottle of wine aren't enjoyable after some af time I'm going to just trust you on that one and not give it a try. So strange, today I woke up, started organizing the house and craved wine big time. At 8 am?? I wasn't a morning drinker... I think I'm missing that strange relationship I had with myself when I drank alone. And it's Friday here and the start of Labor day weekend so maybe that's it? Don't know, but I won't cave in.

      Cheers to everyone!


        Sober October Challenge!

        Still heading to bed! Great to see you Firefox, it's when we have weak moments and stress that this place is most important so hang around girl! Can't wait for Sat!!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Sober October Challenge!

          Cross post Firefox - hope you are doing okay and really looking forward to meeting with you on saturday x

          Cross post with Choice too - so happy for you on 60 days - you go, girl!! Have a great weekend
          AF since 13th July 2010
          NF since 5th July 2010


            Sober October Challenge!

            Thanks Molly and Neart. Good night sleep well.


              Sober October Challenge!

              Choice and Neart xposted. Choice, I had the same experience with booze as Anon the last time I drank. I actually disliked the first couple of drinks I had, it made my mouth taste horrible and gave me a crashing headache - to be honest, anything short of a lightening strike on my head wouldn't have stopped me tho - doesn't make sense but then if you rationalise alcoholism............

              Neart, oops can't meet you Sat, buggered if you're gonna show up in a smashin new coat and me like the poor relation:H:H (only joking bout Sat - You couldn't keep me away for anything!). Aren't your Mum and Dad sweet!, now I wonder if I told hubs that .................emmm. Course it's piccies of Mr Perfect, actually bring him as well if you like! We'll all give him the once over!!
              Now lads, I am GOING TO BED - oh, got my new bed today, it is fabbo! 6ft wide so even the Octopus can't spread from one side to the other!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Sober October Challenge!


                Congrats SJ and Choice on 60 days....I am right behind ya :yay:


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Congratulations on your 60 days Choice :goodjob: !!


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Morning Girls! Have to report on my new bed:H, no seriously, I have just cured my insomnia in one fell swoop!! It is gorgeous - felt like I was in a 5 star hotel, I'll never get up tho - have to see counsellor at 10 and am farrrrrr toooo comfortable!! Tho............maybe I'll have a little look at the coat!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Molly my new bed is also fab. I love having a decent night sleep in a large comfy bed. Since getting the new bed I have slept so well and combined with the no drinking has upped my energy levels---so maybe Molly you will join me on the runs??

                      Neart So you got the coat What great parents. I want to see new boyfriend too!

                      On my drinking front I may have not liked the taste of the wine but would have carried on drinking just to get drunk and to be honest if I had not discovered this site I would have continued drinking that evening---Well back on track now.

                      Firefox lovely to see you. Poor puss cat loads of TLC.
                      Hello to everyone-

                      BTW dinner at my house for 6 tonight AARGH

                      Love not having a hangover:thanks:


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        morning evveryone! I am v jealous of those of you with fancy beds! I woke at 5 am but thankfully got back to sleep. There's a limit to how early I want to get up! I know, I am very lucky in so many ways. I think one of the luckiest things tho is that I realised that I needed to stop drinking, and that I found this site. I mean that truly - sometimes I'm just overawed by the level of support here. Thank you all x

                        Molly, you are not even allowed joke about not meeting me tomorrow!!! Not funny!!! I will take a pic on my phone so Anon, I think you're brilliant for how you've handled the past few days. Firefox, hope the kitty is ok - we always had cats growing up and I miss not having them. Choice, SJ, Peace and everyone else - hope things are good with ye!

                        Anyone heard from Sidney or Enja?
                        AF since 13th July 2010
                        NF since 5th July 2010


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Hello All,
                          I haven't posted in a week as I've been out of town first for vacation and then for work. Unfortunately on vacation I broke down and had a few glasses of wine and then last night I also drank two glasses. I'm so upset with myself!

                          Anyway, I'm back and going to start again. I just wonder if it will ever be a non-issue with me not to drink? (Sigh). Well, here I am again back on day one! Thanks for listening!
                          Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Hi, Molly I am sorry you no longer have your Mum with you, my Mum is one of my best friends and she has been there with me through thick and thin. My Dad had a major operation a few months ago and we have all been spending more time together as a family since then, not that we didn?t before but it?s made us aware of the fact that things can change in a minute. Firefox it?s lovely to hear from you again, please don?t stay away if you are having problems it could be any one of us tomorrow or next week. Cats are great companions; I have an old rescue cat called Maisie who is 15 years old and such a friendly thing, she?s had a hard life I think and is easily startled and hides if someone knocks on the door or anyone comes into the house. She follows me about the house and sits besides me at every opportunity, I think she knows that she has been very lucky in her final home. Not interested in mice though unfortunately, the ?mouseman? is coming later!!

                            Neart how wonderful of your Mum and Dad buying you the coat, that was really thoughtful and kind of them. On the boyfriend front just you enjoy yourself and be grateful that life is turning around for you simply because you deserve it. And Choice I am happy for you and your boyfriend too, isn?t it great when life is sweet. You too have worked really hard and put a lot of effort into (and still do) getting to (and staying) where you are. Icando it?s good to have you back and it doesn?t matter if you are on day 1 or 10 or 20 we are all in this together, sometimes you are faced with difficult situations and the timing isn?t right the main thing is you are on the path and going forward.

                            I am so looking forward to the weekend and next week.

                            Dewdrop :h
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Morning everyone. Neart thats great that your parents bought you the coat i'm dying to see it and the pic of your boyfriend. Thanks to everyone else for you support which is always welcome. My cat is a lot better but still hobbling a bit with his injuerd back paw. He's eating better now and is a bit more lively. We have an appointment next friday at the blue cross clinic in Inchicore which is a bit out of the way for me as i live n Loughlinstown and don't drive. Its at 9am for x-ray and nutering scuse my spelling. Just trying to organise a lift. Well have a good friday i'll check back later. :cupajoe::catroll:


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                Welcome back icandothis. If I got back on the wagon so can you! I know what you mean about being dissapointed for slipping but I think it knocks your confidence but can make you stronger knowing the triggers!
                                Best wishes liz

