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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Happy Friday all,

    Icandothis, keep at it. For me, this is my third try in 2 years and it's the longest I have gone. I agree, timing is everything.

    I am off work today :yay: My youngest has a big High School Football game out of town and the hubby and I have taken time off to go. Sooo excited, I love watching him play and this will be his last year :upset: It's starting to hit me that he will be out of the house off to University this time next year. My oldest is in his third year and doing great. We are definitely very proud parents. We are hoping the youngest gets in to the same Uni and the oldest, would ease the transition for all of us.

    Well, Thursdays (my old trigger night) are definitely starting to feel like any other day, that is huge as it has decreased any thoughts of drinking. Popcorn is my treat on those trigger nights.

    Speaking of Mom's - I lost mine 25 years ago when I was only 21 and I miss her soooo much. I look at my sons and wish that they had the chance to meet her. I know she is up there looking down on them and can feel her love. Enjoy every single second you have with your loved ones, you never know when it will be your last. :h

    Will check in later, hopefully with a winning score from the game :grouptrophy:


      Sober October Challenge!

      Hope the counselling session went ok Molly. Was the coat in the sale today?
      Enjoy the footie game Peace probably different from our football though?


        Sober October Challenge!

        Thanks Anon, yes it is the American football....and thanks to you I ran today, first time in a long steps though, walk 5 run 5, for half hour working up to where I was before.


          Sober October Challenge!

          :rays::armsaround::hug:Just feel happy girls, hence the random smilies!! Had a brilliant morning - finally dragged meself out of the new bed, and yes Anon who needs sleeping pills, just a new bed!! Went to counsellor, it was a fabulous session - really bonded with her today for the first time. She was so supportive and remembered little things I told her ages ago which was nice. Arrived into her smiley and - as always - left with big red eyes, but it felt good, sort of a release, anyone who feels a bid screwed up in the aftermath of booze, I would recommend thinking bout going to someone like her.
          ANYHOW - I went shopping and spent heaps more bloody money, fabulous pair of shoes.... - went to look at the coat - still not in the sale so am not buying it - not today anyway:H.
          Came home, youngest gone off for the day with his mates so am now GUILT RIDDEN lying on couch with big duvet and a fire, MWO, milky coffee and Eastenders for the week on record 0000000000000000000000hhh I feel great!!!!
          Anon, don't know bout the running, I think I need a buddy to go with, or something to work towards, see you have Peace converted! Peace, my kids all knew and ADORED my mum - she was the most wonderful granny to them, they were the youngest grandchildren by miles and she spoiled them all rotten - don't know if any of you remember the ad that used to be on tele - Maureen Lipman congratulating her grandchild on getting an 'ology'? Well if anyone remembers it, that's what my Mum was like with my kids!!
          Icandothis, back on the wagon - none of us have got it first time (well I certainly haven't) and each and everyone of us is only a 'raised' glass away. Hope the footie went well Peace - I loved going to my kids football but even the youngest has given up now, girls have taken the front seat!
          What's for dinner tonight Anon?
          Dying to see you tomorrow Firefox and Neart - maybe some of you girls not too far away can make it the next time - there's folks coming from all over!
          Neart, best of luck with the date, do I get info tonight or have I to wait till tomorrow? Are you wearing the coat?
          Hey Dewdrop, Choice - yes where is Enja and Sid?? and our little lurker JC?
          Anyone else????????..................right girlies, a bit of thought on name for our November thread WOW, we rock:l
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Sober October Challenge!

            Wow Molly!!
            Dinner tonight is starter= prawns in a chilli dip and garlic olives
            2nd starter=mozzarella, sun dried tomatoes in filo patry
            main= mango chicken (yummy) with veggies
            puddings= lemon syllabub, apple and gooseberry pie and raspberry pannacotta.
            Drinks = Champagne Ozzie white wine aaaaaaaaaaaand Perrier for moi.
            I am picking everyone up and dropping them off.
            Feel great today No running just cooking and playing house:l


              Sober October Challenge!

              Oh my god, that sounds absolutely gorgeous - no joking, my mouth is salivating!!!! Need a recipe for that mango chicken - not tonight obviously - got a MASSIVE mango in M&S and I've eaten bout half of it so could put it in something tomorrow maybe?
              Hope you have a brilliant night - is it a special occasion or is your real name Nigella
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Sober October Challenge!

                My goodness Anon that sounds delicious wish I was coming to your house for dinner ! I have a bag of carrots in the fridge and was going to make a pot of carrot and lentil soup for the weekend but that seems a bit tame given your menu. Neart have a lovely time out tonight we will all be waiting to hear with bated breath, wear the new coat and a bit of slap and you will knock him dead.

                Molly you seem to be on cloud 9, I am so happy for you that your session went well and you are getting loads out of it. You have come such a long way and are so helpful and supportive to everyone on this site. :l:l And i am so envious of you all having the opportunity to meet up tomorrow, if there is another meeting I will definately make the effort to get to it. In the short time I have been here I feel that I have made so many new friends.

                I'll be hanging around later in between making soup.

                Dewdrop :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Ok,ok I admit it. My name's Jackie and I'm a lurker

                  Ican - my darling, just jump straight back on the wagon. If we all got it right the first time when you logged in it would be just blanks pages.

                  Peace- Funny how Thursday used to be my trigger day too, it was just an early start to the weekend for me until my weekends used to start Saturday morning and end the following Friday night. What a relief not to have to go through that nightmare any more.

                  Went to the doctor with the daughter yesterday another round of blood tests and definitely treating her for Gerd at the moment. She was in with him ages and really took notice of how afraid she was of her panic attacks and how worried she is.

                  The meet up
                  Checked the flights again this morning on the off chance there might be one for ?5, not a cat in hells chance. Forgot it was half term over here and public holiday in Ireland. So there would have been little change out of ?160.

                  What time would you like me for dinner. Is it formal or casual. Would Highland Spring be acceptable.

                  And a big :hello2: to everyone.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    So sorry, Spinning J and Choice how could I have not celebrated your 60 days. Fantastic.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Hiya everyone! Hubs is poorly and think I am too now. Cant wait to go to bed! Have a great weekend everyone. Hope you all have a nice date / meal / meet up and anything eles you might be doing
                      Will catch up tom. xx


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        thats else! I keep spelling that wrong on the computer! x


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          re: November thread name suggestion - Never in November, Not in November - going to remember November....


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Emmmmmmmmmmmm - any more suggestions:H. Sorry Peace, only teasing!! SJ you sound a bit grumpy - maybe an early night's a good plan? Now anyone else I can insult. JC, are we not worth a few Euros:upset:It's great that they seem to have a handle on your daughters illness - sometimes the not knowing is the most frightening bit.
                            Yes Dewdrop, I feel very good today. I have more or less decided to let an awful lot of shit that is in my past (my 'evil' sisters mainly!!) just sort of - go. Not dwell on it, wasn't sure if I did that that it wouldn't come back and bite me on the bum, particularly when the time comes that I will stop taking anti-depressants (spl), but I feel now that I'm over-thinking things and maybe to enjoy my 'present' instead of agonising over my past and worrying bout my future.
                            Anyway, sorry for getting a bit deep there - hope everyone is in great form, I'm going to bed shortly, I've a busy day tomorrow (have to get my hair cut, go shopping nooooooooooooooo can't shop again!)
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Good night everyone!

                              Anon, thanks for the kind words of encouragement. Maybe we can get each other sober for once and all!

                              Jackie, thanks for the laughs. I needed those tonight. I love your posts!

                              Nert, Peace, Spinning thanks for being inspirations for days of sobriety that can happen in my life!

                              Have a great weekend everyone.
                              Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                WHATZ UP!!!

                                HEY JAN... ARE YOU STILL OUT THERE???
                                Runningwind/Connie :H
                                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)

