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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Peace, just wanted you to know that you are being celebrated on the General Discussion Forum.



      Sober October Challenge!



        Sober October Challenge!

        Hiya everyone! I'm still poorly so this is a quick one!
        Hi Pat :welcome:!
        Congratulations Peace on your 60 days :goodjob:.
        I've got some sort of virus :upset:. Will check in tom and hopefully be better .


          Sober October Challenge!

          Oh dear SJ take care and get well again.
          Feel tired tonight had a good run in the sunshine today.


            Sober October Challenge!

            SJ sorry to hear that you're under the weather! :getwell:


              Sober October Challenge!

              Hope you feel better real soon SJ. Get into bed with a hot drink and just pamper yourself.
              Hey Choochie and Anon and all the other lurkers. Just in from work - bit tired so heading to bed. See you all tomorrow
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Sober October Challenge!

                Thanks everyone :l

                SJ hope you feel better soon..

                Quick check in before heading to a friends for dinner, I am picking up a bottle of wine for the hostess and I am not even nervous about going to buy it. This friend knows I am not drinking and didn't even question, that's what I like, to be able to just say "no" without many questions.

                Have a great evening all,


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Hiya Molly Had a real struggle this evening even got as far as the drink fridge but had a good talk to myself and got past it. Bloody hell this is a real mind game affliction.
                  I was feeling so pleased with myself too. Anyway I did not give in and off to my comfy nearly new bed feeling a bit proud but a bit fed up about the craving stuff!
                  Looking forward to meeting you in the flesh at the meet up.


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Hey Peace, hope you have a lovely evening - it's great when it's uncomplicated isn't it!
                    Anon, well done winning the struggle, every single time we beat that feeling it makes us so much stronger. It really can work for you - sometimes when things are going too easily, it can all be a bit dangerous. Be grateful that you are heading to your lovely bed, looking forward to your running, sober and not waking up to the horror that is caving in. Meet up will be great!!!! Now I am also going to bed
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Sober October Challenge!


                      Well done Peace on 60 days. Great effort.

                      Welcome Pat. Good on you for making that first step towards sobriety. AA, MWO whatever gets you there.

                      Hi Choochie. Nice to meet you.

                      I wish you lot would talking bloody English..... blethering, craic..... what the? :H

                      Hope you all have a good Thursday.

                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Hi Team October!

                        Congratulations on 60 AF days, Peace! :wd: I reached that milestone today as well. I'm excited to switch to counting months now.

                        I went to the ballet with a friend this w/e - the same one who had given me a bit of hard time for not drinking when we last went out - seems like they have got used to the idea because after the show they said "lets go for a drink", then remembered that I'm not and said "let's go to a bar and you can watch me drink" :H Bars, restaurants, etc. don't bother me at all so that's not a problem and my friend is just happy that I'm still up for going out and not trying to "convert" them. Actually just in the past day or two, I've really started wanting a drink (well, the buzz, if I'm being honest) when I'm at home and have uninteresting stuff to get done. It hasn't been superbad but enough to be unsettling as the well, why not? voices started up - I feel like I'm able to deal with the *big* challenges but these sneaky little thoughts somehow seem much more dangerous to me.

                        Dewdrop - I'm happy to hear you had such a lovely time with your Mum and you're a star if you're able to actually put IKEA stuff together! Anon - I'm continually impressed with your running and aiming for a marathon next year? Wow! Just wow!!! Choochie and pat hoolie - great to have you here...this is a wonderful thread, full of success and terrific support. Hi to Molly, Hip, Choice, JC, Neart, Firefox, ican...hope I'm not missing anyone! :h
                        :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Now Hipster, we've had to put up with Neighbours and Home and Away since like............forever!! So a bit of 'craic' and 'blethering' is pay back time:H:H
                          How are you Girl? Your big house move must be imminent? I know you're a veteran of moving, but beware my 'kitchen renovation' debacle (falling into a bottle in May!!) - moving can be very stressful!
                          Very frigging gloomy and dark here this morn in Dublin - just felt a bit yuck when I woke up. Wonder what the statistics are for depression and the climate we live in? Anyway, I'm grand, learning to count my blessings when feeling a bit blue!
                          Talk later (by the way Hips, I'm a closet Neighbours fan - love it!!)
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Enja, cross posted. BRILLIANT another 60 day success!! Yeah that really is when you start counting the months isn't it Wow! I so agree with you about the little sneaky thoughts - actually last night I knew I was never going to drink - but like you I just felt I'd have loved that 'buzzy' feeling, pity there is no little harmless pill we can pop and have a buzz moment, the big times sort of 'flag' themselves but anyway - we survived!!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              :cheering: :goodjob:

                              Congrats Enja, it feels good doesn't it? And those pesky little voices will be trying to lure us back for awhile I'm afraid. When I quit before I think it took a good 6 months before I realized that I wasn't thinking of drinking.

                              That is great about your friends, it makes it sooo much easier. I am like you, I don't mind going out and being around AL and if it doesn't bother us, then others shouldn't be bothered. My trigger is being alone, puttering around the house, but that is getting better.

                              I had a wonderful visit with my friend last night, we chatted non stop for hours. No AL involved at all, I did bring a bottle of wine for her but she didn't drink either. I felt fine going to buy the wine, but once I got into the store I got a little sad thinking I would never enjoy a nice Shiraz again...but really, how enjoyable is a hangover and major anxiety NIL.

                              Off to get ready for work, have a wonderful day all :l


                                Sober October Challenge!


