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Sober October Challenge!

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    Sober October Challenge!

    Good afternoon. I am having a lazy afternoon which is ok and the drinking thoughts get less and less.
    Molly you must be so excited about seeing your daughter soon.
    My middle girl lives overseas and I do not get to see her often and last time she saw me was when I was visiting her and had way too much to drink fell over and wrecked my foot and broke my ribs OH THE SHAME OF IT. Anyway she is also coming home for Christmas and it will be lovely to show her my new sober self.


      Sober October Challenge!

      Hi Everyone,

      Peace, thanks! Could you please let me know when you do that by posting on this thread? Thanks!

      Hope you all have a wonderful AF day - I'm day 25 AF today! Yea........



        Sober October Challenge!

        Hello all my Oct. friends.
        I am having a 'fed up' day so am coming here to moan:crap:. Nothing wrong just my day off and everything is annoying me, hubs, son, people in the shops, you name it, I'm barking! So I'm not going to drag you all down with me I'm just saying Hi and Bye, will cheer myself up and be back later! Hope you are all having good days!!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Sober October Challenge!

          Hope the blahs pass fast Molly, days like that all it takes is someone looking at me wrong.

          Anon, it will be wonderful to be sober when you see your daughter at Christmas. That is what I am working on now, being sober for my wonderful sons. Never want them to see me drunk again. Nor do I want to be drunk again...

          Way to go Choochie, 25 days is great. Keep up the awesome work, your attitude is wonderful and positivity contagious. :goodjob:

          Checking in at lunch, won't be on the computer tonight. Hope everyone has a wonderful sober Friday.

          Does anyone find that the work week just flies by without drinking and that the weekends are that much more rejuvenating....Loving it :h


            Sober October Challenge!

            Molly, isn't it great to feel secure, though, in knowing that you won't drink! Peace, be sure to see what Techie sent you on your 60-day celebration thread. It's so cool.

            Great Friday to you all,



              Sober October Challenge!

              Neart you sound so happy on all your posts I?m delighted for you. Molly I am sorry you are feeling a bit down but we all have those days, just tuck yourself up under a duvet and come out when you feel better, just think not long till your daughter arrives. Hi to everyone else tonight :hallo:

              I have had a lovely evening with the little one, we baked banana muffins and she had her fingers in all of them and the kitchen was a disaster area by the time we were finished. I read her a story at bedtime and had to read it 3 times because each time I finished it and shut the book she said ?Again Granny? and I hadn?t the heart to say no. She?s fast asleep and looks like a little angel, and I am exhausted and heading to bed too.

              Catch you all over the weekend ? stay strong

              Dewdrop :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                Sober October Challenge!

                Hey all, just checking in. Sorry I haven't been keeping up lately been really busy. However, I have stayed AF since my last post, so that's a good thing!

                Choochie, love the pics in your post -- especially "Do not drink the poison!" Great!

                You all sound positive and happy! It's great to come here and hear you're all doing so well! I had a great weekend last week with my hubby completely AF and really didn't miss it at all. It was great in fact! I'm liking life without AL more and more and hope this feeling stays!

                Have a great weekend everyone!
                Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                  Sober October Challenge!

                  Hey troops!

                  Neart - I'm so happy for you, it sounds like the start of a beautiful thing! Anon - you are going to have a fab Christmas. I bet you're daughter is going to be thrilled with her new improved Mum. Choochie - well done you!:goodjob: So close to that first big step, can't wait to celebrate it! Molly - sorry to hear that you're having a fed-up day, hope you feel better in the morning. :l Peace - you're so right, we need to not worry about what others think when we don't drink. I guess I feel a bit hypocritical because I was one of those who thought non-drinkers were "party poopers". I'm also interested in hearing your story because even though I know I can't moderate (if I could the past 20+ years would have been very different...) those thoughts are starting up, like...well maybe only 1 glass of wine when out for a special meal/occasion or a beer at a baseball game. :no: Btw, love your new avatar! Dewdrop - what a delightful sounding day/night you had with your granddaughter and banana muffins, YUM! :H Ican - congrats on staying AF, you're well on the way! Choice - where are you, hon? Haven't seen you for a few days, hope all is well.
                  :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                    Sober October Challenge!

                    Good morning October Friends.
                    Nice to see you Icandothis good to see you have stayed AF when someone does not post for a little while I wonder if drink is the culprit.

                    Molly I hope you are ok. Did you see your counsellor yesterday? Thinking warm thoughts for you from under my cosy duvet.

                    Dewdrop what a lovely picture you paint of being a "Proper Granny" I have 3 lovely grandchildren and want their memories to be of a sober grandma.

                    When is the next date Neart? Very exciting stuff

                    Choocie the days are building up I love your positive and encouraging posts.

                    Peace I am looking forward to reading your story??

                    Enja Great to be able to count in months now. It is strange how it is a joy to be be able to be that "Party Pooper" especially when you can wake up next morning not feeling like hell

                    Hope you are feeling better Spinning--Love to Choice,Hippy etc.


                      Sober October Challenge!

                      Hiya Everyone sorry I've not been keeping up with you all or reading all your wonderful posts. Still poorly ,seem to get through the day ok then feel bad later on and full of cold now but its ok. Hubs off work too and at least the kids haven't got it
                      Got my hair cut and coloured! It's red and lush :H. Got to take kids to a haloween party tonight and dress up should be fun . Hope you all have a super AF weekend. Oct nearly through well done us!!!
                      :l :h


                        Sober October Challenge!

                        Halloween! that is


                          Sober October Challenge!

                          Hello October!

                          Hope everyone's looking forward to a AF Haloween. I'm taking my 6-year old nephew trick-or-treating, so we'll have a good time. Great to be here and great to be AF. I am feeling really good this weekend despite being on my own which is usually a trigger.

                          Spinning -- how nice to get a new hair cut and color. Isn't it great! I wanted to do that today, but the girl I go to was booked. Oh well, I've got plenty of other things on the to-do list!

                          Anon, thanks for the encouraging words. Peace, Molly, Choochie, Enja, Dew, and everyone else I really enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for keeping up the posts, positive or negative. Molly, I can relate to having "fed up" days, I've had plenty of those over the past few months, but hang in there.

                          Hope everyone has a great AF weekend!
                          Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                            Sober October Challenge!

                            Good evening everyone. Hello Icandothis We do not really do so much at Halloween round here the bits we do have really come over from USA.
                            We used to do a bit of apple bobbing but that was about it. Some kids do the trick or treat stuff but it is often frowned upon and some people reckon it borders on the satanic! I quite like the idea of celebrating anything but perhaps that has always been my problem.

                            We do however, celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on 5th November and that is usually a big occasion also pretty macabre.

                            Having a lovely hangover free Saturday and a sober Saturday night.

                            Come out to play Molly we miss your smiley face.


                              Sober October Challenge!

                              Was having a little quiet lurk before dinner - was going to post later on after I've moaned to hubs bout sore feet, busy day etc. then I saw your little invite to come out and play Anon and I just had to say:hello2:!!
                              I'm in sooooo much better form today, it is really great to know that feeling sh*&te goes away again without emmmm 'medication'!! No I didnt have an appointment with the counsellor yesterday - I'm seeing her in a couple of weeks, I feel that is enough for me, wouldn't know what to talk to her about more often than that! Just as well didn't see her yesterday, she'd have had me committed:H
                              Love the Granny talk - Dewdrop that sounds lovely. I am dying to be a granny - unfortunately the one most likely to make me one at the moment is my 16 yr old. I always remember my Mum saying about the granchildren 'I love to see them come, and I love to see them go', I know exactly what she meant!
                              Anyway girls - will get back after my lamb curry, and thanks for all your lovely well wishes - cheered me up!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Sober October Challenge!

                                Hi everybody! Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Molly, great to hear you're feeling brighter today. Those blah days just come along and slap us from time to time, don't they? I looooove curry, by the way... Anon, I know what you mean about wanting to celebrate everything! I'm beginning to notice that I'm a bit calmer than I used to be, and don't feel the need to get hyper about things like going out for a birthday or something (usually if I got that feeling before going out, I'd be trolleyed and liable to do anything...) Now, even if I get that feeling, I know I'm not going to be drinking, so it's not going to get worse. Spinning, sorry to hear you're still under the weather. Could you get a tonic or something to pick you up a bit? Icandothis - great to hear things are going well for you :l Dewdrop, that evening with your granddaughter sounds just perfect Enja, I used to think the same thing - I wasn't interested in hanging around with non-drinkers. I can't believe I used to think that way...

                                I had a busy day here, was out and about. Heading out shortly to a 30th birthday party in a pub down the road. funny cause I realised a while ago that I didn't even consider AL - I was thinking to myself - "what kind of fizzy water will I get?" Long may those thoughts continue

                                Hi to everyone else too who pops in x
                                AF since 13th July 2010
                                NF since 5th July 2010

