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I'm drinking

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    I'm drinking

    I was doing so good. I'm sorry.

    I'm drinking

    Hey jewels you dont need to apologise. I moderated for at least a year till I finally gave up. At least you did three days!! Thats amazing and it shows that you can do it.

    Just keep trying. x
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      I'm drinking

      rebirth;971773 wrote: Hey jewels you dont need to apologise. I moderated for at least a year till I finally gave up. At least you did three days!! Thats amazing and it shows that you can do it.

      Just keep trying. x
      Thanks rebirth! But I just can't handle life, like a normal person. I'm not normal.


        I'm drinking

        Normal? What is normal, Jewels? If stopping drinking was as vital to every person on the planet as it is for you, for me, for everyone here, there would be no need for MWO in the first place.
        You're as normal as everyone on this site. We're all struggling, some having had setbacks in the past, others having them now like you. The main thing is not to give up, but rather to get up
        We are here for you, Jewels. Three days is awesome. A while ago, three hours would have been out of the question for me.
        :h Mish :h
        :h Mish :h
        Never give up...
        GET UP!!!

        AF since 25th November, 2011

        What might have been is an abstraction
        Remaining a perpetual possibility
        Only in a world of speculation.
        What might have been and what has been
        Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


          I'm drinking

          The same as they said. Love the get up not give up!


            I'm drinking

            Jewels83;971794 wrote: But I just can't handle life, like a normal person. I'm not normal.
            You might not be a normal drinker (I'm not either) but we are NOT unique in our life experiences. Shit happens to all of us! That's life! The only difference between an alcoholic and a normal drinker is as alcholics, we tend to think that alcohol is the solution to everything (which it's not - no wonder drinking doesn't help anything!). Normal drinkers don't view alcohol as a solution to anything. It's a beverage and that is all. My husband takes it or leaves it as though it were milk. He certainly doesn't think a beer will solve any of his problems.

            I used to think my circumstances and problems were unique. No wonder I had to drink! Well, I found out that my problems are not unique at all. Many, many many people in this life have the exact same problems I do. Lots of people actually have WORSE problems than I do. And lots of 'em are working through life's ups and downs just fine without AL.

            I have learned to look for the similarities I have with others, not the differences. If someone who I have something in common with can solve their problems without alcohol, then maybe I can do it too. I bet if you started a thread saying "Has anyone ever had this problem?" and list the problem, people around here will be coming out of the wood work to say "yes, I've been there." Some will still be drinking, but others will be handling life sober. We can all learn from the sober ones.

            Jewels, you can get sober if you are willing to do whatever it takes, as Sheri said. What's your next step? Waht are you willing to do next?

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              I'm drinking

              jewels I hear ya and am sufferin along with ya I am so dang nervous about givin up the al by what my self imposed cutoff date is but I will not let it get me down if I fail I will try again cause in the and I dont want al to get the best of me or worse yet kill me my thoughts are with ya and hope u can find the way out!!


                I'm drinking

                Cheech and Jewels, I agree with everything DG says and Sheri.
                On the subject of 'normal' drinkers etc. had a very interesting conversation with hubs yesterday over dinner. Like DGs hub. my fella might as well be drinking milk, he has no dependance on booze, enjoys a few glasses of wine or beer (enjoy being the operative word) but would never DREAM of drinking if something was going wrong say with family of financially or whatever, whereas with me it was the first thing I wanted to do, actually 2nd thing usually is wanting a cigarette - I haven't smoked in 25 years (addict or what!!). The point I'm making tho is he was telling me how great he thinks I am not drinking and then he told me (I was gobsmacked!) that he would HATE HATE HATE to have to give up alcohol. The point being, even normies really like drinking so it is no wonder we are 'afraid, sad, miserable etc etc' when we realise we have to stop drinking - but for us it is absolutely essential, life and death stuff, to my hubs it might mean not having a bit of a hangover a couple of times a year and loosing a couple of pounds weight - that's the difference between him and me!
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  I'm drinking

                  Doggygirl;972057 wrote:
                  I used to think my circumstances and problems were unique. No wonder I had to drink! Well, I found out that my problems are not unique at all. Many, many many people in this life have the exact same problems I do. Lots of people actually have WORSE problems than I do.
                  And lots of 'em are working through life's ups and downs just fine without AL.
                  DG has a way with words. A really good way with words. A great knack for putting things in perspective. Like she just did right here.


                    I'm drinking

                    great points all, Jewels just wonderin how ur doin?? can feel little lonely in this al abyss hope u are ok keep postin it helps and helps others as well!!!


                      I'm drinking

                      Aw Jewels, can you check in please? As Cheech said, just climb yourself out of the abyss and starting making a new plan. I derailed badly the last week, particularly over the weekend. But I'm back and you can do it too!:l

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        I'm drinking

                        Just checking in everyone. Thank you all for the wonderful supportive posts. Yes, I'm still drinking. I got home from work today and am finishing off the bottle of vodka I have in the house. It's only enough for a couple of drinks so I won't over do it. I know I should just pour the rest down the drain but I won't.

                        Tomorrow I'm going AL free for the thousands time. I'm putting as much effort into it as possible. I want to me again. I'm watching a couple movies tonight and then going to bed. I'll check in tomorrow.

                        Love, peace and AF. xxx


                          I'm drinking

                          Jewels, if you ask me it's not about how many times you stop, but how much time are AF, and about you giving a damn about it. So, you drinking now doesn't negate your prior AF time.


                            I'm drinking

                            Hi Jewels, I just wanted to check to see how you are going? I have started again recently, it was quite hard to do. I hope you are doing ok.

                            love x
                            Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.

