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Ashamed to be back after months away

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    Ashamed to be back after months away

    Hi Hazeleyes. Welcome back. I'm just starting out too. I wish you all the best and if I can offer any support I'm here.


      Ashamed to be back after months away

      Hi Hazeleyes, welcome back. I have done exactly the same as you, so many times. Good luck.


        Ashamed to be back after months away

        Hi Hazeleyes,
        I'm a Newbie so I didn't know you from the past. I don't think you disappointed any of us but only yourself. That's the biggest hurtle is to forgive yourself and get right back up. Others have told me the same thing when I slipped. And everyone has said to just "get right back up." I have faith it will eventually work but for me it's going to take a lot of work to meet my goal and to post when I'm feeling weak and have "those thoughts."
        I agree with Dewdrop - join us in the October challenge!


          Ashamed to be back after months away

          Hi Hazeleyes - Welcome back. I just started back up in July and I don't recall you from before. It's good that your back - I look forward to getting to know you. Best wishes and goo luck!
          AF since 7/13/2010


            Ashamed to be back after months away

            Thanks Doggygirl, Rebirth, cucko, mere, paula, and paguy.
            Great to have your support and welcoming words. I really appreciate it.
            Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


              Ashamed to be back after months away

              No need to feel ashamed Hazel. Give yourself a pat on the back for coming back here where you know you will get support and asking for help.
              It certainly isnt an easy journey but with each others support in this site, we can do it together.

              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Ashamed to be back after months away

                Hello Hazel. I too have rejoined this site after being sober for some time and then deciding I could moderate. The unfortunate part with moderating is it's not that hard (for me) for a short time, but then it creeps up on me, and pretty soon I realize I'm rushing home to get that glass of wine each night and then it becomes two, three, four...
                Anyway, I have finally decided I just prefer not to have alcohol in my life. It shouldn't be that hard, but it is! Maybe we can get and stay sober together. Welcome back to both of us!!
                Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                  Ashamed to be back after months away

                  Welcome back,

                  I too tried to moderate after a lengthy sober time and failed. I found this site and all the wonderful supportive ppl here are helping me to get back to that peaceful sober place again.


                    Ashamed to be back after months away

                    Hi hazel eyes welcome back, i dont know how many times i fooled myself into thinking i had this beast under control,keep posting and surrounding yourself with like minded people helps a lot. :-)

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      Ashamed to be back after months away

                      Thank you Hippy chick, Icandothis, Peace seeking, and Mario
                      Great to have your welcome and support - as you say this is a great place to return and we can all get better at living AF if we do it together.
                      Kind regards
                      Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


                        Ashamed to be back after months away

                        Hi Hazel,

                        I too thought I could moderate many many times after al free time. I thought I was different (as others have said) and that I had slain the beast but all that got me was right back to out of control drinking very quickly. I had a business too and ended up with it being in ruins because I couldnt keep up with the creative energy and focus that it needed while suffering massive hangovers. I eventually started drinking at work and having to be taken home by my employees (oh the shame of it all). Anyway, I am firmly committed to complete abstinance now and thats a huge step in the right direction for me...I dont have any lingering thoughts about being able to drink "socially" one day...there is nothing social about alcoholic drinking. I dont look at it as having to give up anything, on the contrary, I see it as giving myself the gift of sobriety and a more fulfilling life. We can do this, we can slay the dragon...Saff x
                        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                          Ashamed to be back after months away

                          Amen, Sapph. Alcoholic drinking is anti-social. Even when you feel like the life of the party, you're typically making an ass of yourself and alienate good people. That vague uneasiness when you start to wake up, then the hazy awfulness of a shameful memory. (Or worse, casually asking around to figure out what you did.) Going into repair and minimize laugh-it-off mode. Ugh. Never again.

                          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                            Ashamed to be back after months away

                            Well said, Pride and how true!! It really is anti-social. I almost am looking forward to my first outing to be able to sit quitely, observe and be a good listener. Instead of becoming the person that is "so funny", aka, making a fool out of herself!! Ugh! Don't want to do that EVER again!


                              Ashamed to be back after months away

                              I couldn't agree more Sapph and Pride! I feel so good when I don't drink that I have to wonder why would I want to drink and feel so awful again? Really, the addicition is amazing when you think about it! There is really NO enjoyment involved with drinking but the addiction fools us that there is! I can't wait until all thoughts of alcohol are a dim memory and a "why did I do that?".

                              This is a great site! I"m so happy to be back and posting. Have a great evening!
                              Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h

