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hello new here

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    hello new here

    hello 39 year male ,father of two lovely children 4 and 2 . i have a drink problem . hard to say. i dont drink every day? but i wish i did .i am the stay at home daddy since i cant get any work ,wife still with me god bless her. i dont like being me , i hate it i have all the reasons to stop drinking now just trying to find the help,

    hello new here

    Hello madman and :welcome:

    You've definitely come to the right place and you will get lots of help and support here.

    Think we have all been in that "I dont like being me" space at one time or another. I for one find that my self-esteem improves immeasurably when I dont drink.

    Have a read around the various threads and jump in wherever you like - there is much wisdom here to be had.
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      hello new here

      Hello Madman and Welcome

      Thanks for sharing where you are at and how your struggling. May I suggest you read lots and lots and share your thoughts. This is the time to work on improving your knowledge and yourself, as all the answers to how to change lie within you.

      Be Strong, we can all do this, together!
      Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


        hello new here


        I can really relate to not drinking everyday but wanting too. Also to not really liking myself anymore because of drink. You have found a wonderful place to sort out your relationship to alcohol and find the best answers to feel better. I for one am much happier since I have eliminated booze from my life. It wasn't easy but so worth it, and I really don't know what I would have done without the support of this website.



          hello new here


          I was in the same place you are not too long ago. It is a much better feeling knowing that you are sober and you don't have to worry if you did something stupid. It was hard for me to stop also, and I didn't drink every day. I would have if I could have, but I had to support myself. Thank God for that.

          Be good to yourself and do something fun instead of reaching for the bottle. It will certainly pay off in the long run!



            hello new here

            a lot of good advice thanks day one tomorrow will post tomorrow night promise


              hello new here

              Hi Madman, welcome. Do come back and post. Keep coming back everyday, read, post, ask questions and read some more. This can be beaten as many people here bear testiment too. We need to want it more than anything and put a plan of action in place. This includes suppliments, good diet, exercise, learning coping methods and being accountable here. You might consider downloading the book as a good place to start.
              Keep safe
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                hello new here

                Hi Madman, good to see you here. I am the worlds worst at taking advice or anything -I sailed through my life thinking I knew more about things than other folks. It's only as I've got a bit older and accepted my drink problem that I know I know shag all and wished I had listened to wiser folks, particularly about drinking. Your children are young, how I wish I was as wise as you are to deal with alcohol when my kids were that young. I have gaping holes in my childrens childhood where I can't remember lots of big events like birthdays, communions, christmas etc. cos they were all excuses to drink. I like to think most of it went over the kids heads - they genuinely were surprised last year when they realised my drink prob, and they are mostly grown up now - but WHAT A BLOODY WASTE. Grab hold now Madman, cos it will only get worse - and if you don't drink every day now - it will come believe me!
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  hello new here

                  Hi Madman, and welcome. This is a great place for you to read lots, write lots, and learn from many kind and caring people. I am like you, father of two young children. I decided to quit altogether, and I am so glad I did. Whether you want to cut down, or go alcohol from we can help. Let us know. All the best,
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                    hello new here

                    Hi Madman, Welcome. I just discovered this wonderful site less than 2 wks ago and I feel like I have my own personal cheering squad on my side! The people here are incredibly warm and welcoming. All here for the same reason in the end. Put your story out there and the advice and support will come flooding in. I consider this my safe place to share my thoughts and feelings. Best of luck!!!:welcome:


                      hello new here

                      I so agree with soulsearcher-I too have only been on the site for a week and a half but what a difference! Read the posts and continue to post definately helps!


                        hello new here

                        Hi madman and :welcome:. Hope you had a good day. But even if you didn't, I hope you come back and post either way.

                        I was just talking with another friend on this journey about how we want to be "perfect." This seems a common trend among us with drinking problems. And then if we can't be "perfect" we don't want to be here at all.

                        This site is to help us no matter where we are on the journey. If you had a fabulous Day 1 AF, we want to help you celebrate that. If you didn't, we want to help you figure it out and modify your plan for tomorrow.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          hello new here

                          Hi Madman!
                          I just wanted to welcome you to this site. As you read around, you will see that you are NOT alone in this, no matter how you feel, what you've experienced, etc., there is someone here that has been through the exact same thing. Knowing that has been such a huge help to me, to know that I am not alone in ANY of this. Keep on posting so that we can get to know you better! Good job for reaching out to us, you have taken a major first step towards living the life you desire.
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            hello new here

                            thanks everyone ,had to post under madmans cant rember password under mad man . doggy girl you got it spot on if i have to do it it has to be perfect
                            AF 5/jan/2011


                              hello new here

                              Hi there Madman/s :welcome:

                              Just dropping by to say hello and keep posting, this is a great place to get some support and advice just keep reading the threads as there is some great experience shared.

                              Dewdrop :h
                              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

