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New Here - Have Questions

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    New Here - Have Questions

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm thinking of buying the book and the tapes for someone who wants to totally abstain but was hoping first to hear what has worked for some of you.

    Have decided I just can't control my intake enough to sleep well and feel good the next day. I drink about 4 drinks and can't seem to stop sooner than that. Also, I drink every day (and have for a really long time). I don't think "controlled" drinking will work for me since I always seem to "ramp up." However, I read someone's post that described my biggest dilemma exactly. My hardest challenge will be eating out at a nice restaurant without a glass (or 3) of red wine!

    Thanks for any information you can tell me about the tapes/book.


    New Here - Have Questions

    Hi Choochie. Welcome to the site. I haven't a lot of good words of advice other than to stay on the boards, read the posts, and listen to those with sound advice who have achieved AF and also those who continue with their struggles. Everyone has words of support, encouragement, and ideas/tips on how to succeed.


      New Here - Have Questions

      Thanks Cuckoosnest! I'll keep reading. Happy to have found this site!


        New Here - Have Questions

        Hi Choochie. I think the book and the meditation tapes are great. Also I liked the All-in-One powder like Sheri. I even tried the Topamax, but didn't care for it and quit pretty soon. Anyway, my goal at the beginning was MODS, but now several years later I've decided Abs is for me. I just hate worrying all the time about how many drinks and what not to shouldn't be that obsessive a thing. So my goal now is just to quit this stupid addiction altogether.

        I wish you luck! This community is great and full of support!
        Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


          New Here - Have Questions

          Hi Choochie,
          The problem with the book is it seems to offer the promise of drinking moderately to everyone. I wouldn't recommend trying to just limit drinking to anyone who has become a daily heavy drinker. I haven't met anyone here in approaching three years here who was able to drink moderately effortlessly, like the book describes. The supplements are probably good to repair a body damaged by alcohol. I think some form of meditation or relaxation formal structure is necessary, the tapes here are just one choice. Many good ideas and resources are mentioned on the tool box thread Sherri already mentioned.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            New Here - Have Questions

            Hi Choochie, and welcome.
            I found the tapes an excellent tool. Very relaxing and also I feel that they definately helped me at certain key points. There are phrases that would pop into my head as I was passing the booze shop, for example.
            The book's a good read. It explains that there are no hard and fast rules and that everyone can take what they feel they need from the program.
            Good luck, and please feel free to ask anything. There are no silly questions and there are bound to be people who will have had the same feelings and thoughts as you who will be delighted to help.
            Good luck on your journey.


              New Here - Have Questions

              Everyone - thanks so much for making me feel like I have support. And, thank you for the specific tips. This website is going to be a lifesaver! There's just nothing like being able to talk to people who understand what you're going through!

              Hugs to you all.....


                New Here - Have Questions

                Hi Choochie!
                I just wanted to welcome you to this site, it's a great place for encouragement, advice and support. I know for myself that I cannot moderate my drinking, therefore I completely abstain. 2 or 3 (or 10) drinks was never enough for me! I'm so glad you've found this place, it has been such a positive force for me and many others. Stick around, read a lot, and post a lot also so that we can get to know you!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  New Here - Have Questions

                  K9Lover - thanks so much for welcoming me! I have a very good feeling that this website will be a key part of my finally being able to be AF. I don't want to be too optimistic too soon because I know people go through a honeymoon period. I'm finding, though, that it seems to already be helping me - hope it's not just wishful thinking.

                  Can you tell me what parts of the MWO program you used, i.e. did you do tapes, medication?? I've been reading a lot of the medication posts trying to decide if I need to go that route. Right now I'm not really feeling a craving - maybe a little boredom trying to figure out healthy ways to fill my "cocktail hour" but not really craving. I have certainly felt that in previous times I've tried to quit, though, so trying to look at everything.

                  Anyway, if you come back to this spot to reply - great. If not I'll just keep reading!

                  Again, thanks for your response.


                    New Here - Have Questions


                    I really agree with everyone's posts, especially Sheri's. Personally, I started the program in Febr of 2008 by ordering the book, then the cd's then I joined in on the forum, got some advice and started the supplements. I didn't use the Topamax. I started out wanting to learn to drink in moderation, and I was also trying to quit smoking. The only time I smoked was when I drank, and I found myself doing both, more and more.
                    Long story short, I was unable to drink in moderation. After about 3 beers I was mooching or buying cigarettes and then everything went out the window. The last straw for me was a real close call on a road check I just missed which would have put me in jail for sure. I am proud to say I have been totally af and nf for 2 years now! I'm still here because I still need the support and have made friends here.
                    I recommend you start with the book and go from there. I really do think the cd's made a big difference too. Keep reading here and feel free to ask questions.
                    You will never regret quitting alcohol.:h
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      New Here - Have Questions

                      LVT 25, thanks for responding to my questions. I think I'll start with the books and the tapes. I really don't want to take any kind of medication. At least at this juncture, I feel strong enough to do it that way (along with the website). I can't stress how much this site is helping me. I come in here during the coctail hour, read, then go cook/eat/read/watch tv. I just have about a 2 hour window where I think about drinking. For whatever reason, though, this time (again first try with the website) is different. I first tried moderating with the help of books, then quit a couple of times but went back.

                      The last straw for me was two straight days of the worst hangovers in recent memory. I had to function one of those days at work and my brain was fried. The other huge thing for me is as my drinking has progressed to needing more and more, my sleep has inversely suffered. So, I would wake up EVERY morning at 3 a.m. and struggle to go back to sleep. If I was lucky, I would make it until 5 or 6, feeling like shit when I got up -- then have an agonizing struggle all day long.

                      I am only 3 days AF but my sleep has been amazing. I think for this reason alone I can keep from going back to AL. I love your saying, "You will never regret quitting alcohol." For the first time in my alcohol career I feel like I'm gaining good health, serenity, and peace of mind and not losing anything at all!

                      I'll be following all of you guys. Thanks so much for your input!



                        New Here - Have Questions

                        Choochie - I just wanted to say :welcome: and well done on day 3, you have found a great place full of amazing people! I could not have quit without them.

                        It sounds like you are doing just great without any meds, I didnt use any but had a couple of weeks of unpleasant withdrawal. I knew I would and just wanted to get through that bit. Its good to have a plan for filling your time and I always came here during my trigger times between 6-8pm when I had strong cravings. Someone will always be here and at 1st I spend a lot of time in the chatroom which really helped me.

                        I had similar sleep patterns to you and always had interupted nights sleep with AL, now I sleep better than in my whole adult life. The best thing in the world is waking up (especially on a Saturday) without a hangover.

                        Wishing you much strength....
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          New Here - Have Questions

                          Hi Choochie!
                          Congrats on 3 days, that is great!
                          I didn't use the books or the tapes. I went to my doctor and got medication, she gave me Ativan (for withdrawals) and Antabuse (which I still take).
                          I can totally relate to your sleep patterns (what is it about 3 am?) and the going to work hungover. I had SOOO many of those days where my heart would be racing and I'd feel dizzy and swear I was going to pass out at my desk. That is somewhere I definitely don't ever want to be again!!
                          You sound like you are doing good. Just try to stay busy during the "witching" hour. Read, watch movies, take a bath...anything to keep occupied. Before you know it, you will have racked up a lot of alcohol free days. I agree with Chillgirl, Saturdays (and Sundays) without a hangover are the best!!!
                          Let us know how you are...I'm wishing you much strength!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            New Here - Have Questions

                            Chillgirl and K9Lover,

                            Your responses are so appreciated. I never realized how important support was as an adjunct to quitting. I realize now that when I cratered before, it was probably because I was trying to do it alone. I know I'm being redundant, but I truly think this website and people like you guys who are supporting me with your responses will make the difference. I just never could bring myself to go to AA -- just isn't me. This way just seems to be a much better fit for me.

                            Thanks again for everything!


                              New Here - Have Questions

                              How are you doing today Choochie? So far so good?
                              What do you have planned for the weekend...anything fun? :banana:
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

