Also, if taking campral do I also need the kudzu?
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Ready to Begin
Ready to Begin
I ams soooo ready to start this program! My goal is total abstinance. I have the supplements I need and a prescription for campral which I have not yet filled. I have put off getting the cd's because frankly, hypnosis makes me nervous, although I can see how it could be an important part of this program. A while ago someone loaned me some hypno cds by Wendi Friesen called Alcohol Freedom. I listened to them a little bit, but they sounded rather New Age-ish, which is a real turn off for me and a little creepy. Enlightenment, the tower of wisdom, spirit guide... Do the cds that go with this program have these same themes?
Also, if taking campral do I also need the kudzu?Tags: None
Ready to Begin
hi ready. welcome.
its scarey but its also exciting isnt it?
many people here do different things.. some take only campral.. some only kudzu.. i took neither.. no meds at all.. but i've been here a year and i've read heaps. there are some threads (under general discussion) from a while ago where people were discussing the cd's so you might find that useful.
what i have learnt here is that you are supposed to have some days alcohol free before you start campral and that once you are on campral you mustnt drink at all..
for what its worth.. and I'm conscious that everyone has to work this out themselves.. but one thing that RJ has got spot on with her program is that its a wholistic program and there are a number of elements that are critical to its success...
and they are..
eat well and take care what sustainance you put in your body.. this can be suppelemented, if that is your wish
whatever program you choose, its best to have a period of total abstinence (even if its moderation you are after).. and she suggests 30 days
exercise regularly.. (neil -xtexan.. wrote an excellent post on this only this weekend.. i think it was in general discussion - and i agree with him.. its IMPORTANT)
have a system of reflection.. so it could be counselling... hypno.. i did meditation.. and I also did counselling
and dont let go of your determination.. no matter what.
good luck and ... again... welcome.
Ready to Begin
Thanks for your reply, Brigid, and for the encouragement. It is exciting! I want to have all my ducks in a row before I start. More than anything I'm afraid of failing. Of giving up. I want to eat right and excercise, and follow the program as it is laid out in the book. I have quit before for several years with supplements, excercise, counseling and a lot of determination. I know that moderation is not an option for me. This time I want to add the hypno cds. I didn't see any info on the content in any of the old threads, so I was hoping someone would see this post who has used them and could confirm that they aren't new age. Thanks again for your encouragement. I really, really appreciate it.
Ready to Begin
I had a quick look.. dont know how to put in a link but if you go to
which i found on the older posts of general discussion there were a few posts there about hypno. As I said, I havent done them so I cant help you more than this...
I think you will find in the monthly absinence forum, there are people there who are pretty much following the program as put in the book and you will probably find a heap of good information if you post there (plus, they are good people too)
And we are all afraid of falling. But its only us ourselves that can stop that.. and I reckon a big part of that is brutal honesty with ourselves.. which of course, we have all resisted for many years!!!! (and is why we got here in the first place)
Change IS possible and it is sustainable if its done right.
I truly believe that. See you around.