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I love you!

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    I love you!

    Just wanted to share with you something very special. This morning (my third morning now without a drink) I am sitting with my three children, 5, 3 and 2 in the Autumn sunshine. While they are playing the two youngest came to me and said, "Dad, we love you"!

    I know this may sound real daft to some of you but this is probably the best thing they could have said at this time, even though they say it often. Inside I am chewed up and trying very hard to stay calm, struggling with the desire to want to have a drink. For my kids I am now determined not to this time.

    Just wanted to say to everyone that may be suffering out there today - you are not alone even though you may feel you are. Someone, somewhere loves you - never lose that!


    I love you!

    "Someone, somewhere loves you!"

    Wow Rax, you've just made me cry. In a sort of happy way. Thank you.



      I love you!

      Rax, Kids are a good reason to be determined. Keep goin!
      Gabby :flower:


        I love you!

        Even though I didn't raise my children in a religious church environment, my youngest (now 16) found herself at her best friend's church often-they have a wonderful teen group. This church is about 2 hours away from our home, so I've looked around for something similar for her here. Today, I believe I found it. It was our 2nd visit, and the church has a strong rock band, with a beautiful singer. I saw my daughter, surrounded by other teens she had never met, raise her hands in worship during the music, as she sang the words aloud (knowing she can't carry a tune). Remember, our family is not strong "church-going" people. This courage came from within her. This faith, which was within her but yet stronger than just herself, shone a light all around her. I found myself smiling, clapping and wiping away my tears of pride-because she had the strength to do something to show what she was feeling so strongly inside of her. Sometimes, our children lead us down the path, not the other way around.
        Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


          I love you!

          wow umadre, that brought tears to my eyes! What a lovely daughter...


            I love you!

            My son did the same thing about six years ago when he was 14. He is about to turn 20 now. It changed his life, and all of ours for that matter. He has now been to the Phillippines on his Spring Break to fix broken wells in villages so ravaged by poverty that they were walking miles just for water. He has been to Mexico in the pueblos where they have no running water. He has done more since he turned 14 I think sometimes... he has asked me to come with him next Spring again to the Phillipinnes...

            Encourage your daughter and jump in with her if you can!

            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


              I love you!

              Tumadre what a WONDERFUL story. I applaud you for not discouraging her. I have a friend who has a daughter who, since she was 2 years old, has always expressed a need to want to go to church, and she was even going for a while with some friends, much like your daughter. Sadly, they moved away from those people and my friend, who is an alcoholic, "can't be bothered" with finding a church/teen group for her daughter because she does not believe in religion and she would rather stay home and drink. It breaks my heart because it is something she wants so much. And Allie, you must be bursting with pride over your son (20?????!!!!! Wow!!!!). That is just really awesome.

              Thanks for starting the thread Rax!!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

