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I posted this on need help by mistake!

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    I posted this on need help by mistake!

    I thought I was posting this here (OH Dear!):

    SHAME is NOT a good feeling! (Stating the Obvious!)

    I am SO ashamed of myself. I was invited to a big party that seems to be becoming an annual event. I not only was invited, but the host himself practically begged me to come.... and I didn't. Now, that doesn't sound like such a big deal - except there was a "mystery wedding".

    This is a group of people I know from a high school I went to overseas.

    People flew in from distances, and I was less than an hour away.

    Anyway, so I'm thinking of going today. (Yes, the party lasts more than one day!) It's just that I missed the wedding that I was Invited to.... and I'm going to say it was due to a combination of weirdness on my part, laziness, OH, and yes... drinking. (I wouldn't say that to THEM, of course.)

    Now, I didn't get drunk yesterday. I had a few... and could have gotten together to go... but then, once there? I didn't want to stay the night, although I could have (was invited to).

    I'm sure none of this makes much sense to any of you.

    So I woke up - almost Startled - at about 4 AM just now, realizing I'm a WUSS!! (Is that how you spell it? Do people still use that word? We need to revive it! What's the new kewl word for: COWARD?)


    But, you know, this wasn't all about drinking, etc. It, sadly, was about Insecurity.

    And that is one of the many root causes for drinking.

    (I wonder how many characters you can write on here? Hey, I could write a treatise right now!!)

    OK, I think I'm going to take the hits & show up today. What's the worst that can happen? (Did I HAVE to ask that question?? lol)

    I suppose the worst would be that 30 people (give or take) will think... WAIT!

    This may be a GREAT thing, now that I think about it. If I go and people are so disgusted with me.. that they don't like me anymore.. then I know they aren't people that Love me UNCONDITIONALLY, by george (whoever he was).

    OK, I'm getting somewhere now. (Should I post this rambling that makes no sense except to me?)

    YES. I'll go today. Day late, dollah short. Better than never, eh?

    Good night, all, and thanks for listening.

    (I picture you sitting there... all ears!! LOL!!)

    Bless you. Stay well. And do as I say... not as I DO!!!!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    I posted this on need help by mistake!

    So Savon - how did it go? Hope you went to the party and had a good time. Getting out with friends is so much better than sitting at home by yourself with a bottle. Stay strong - and keep posting - getting your feelings out really helps!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      I posted this on need help by mistake!

      Savon, let us know if you went and if you enjoyed yourself. Hope you did.


        I posted this on need help by mistake!

        Morning Savon, I'm a newbie.
        Been AF for 16 days now! Believe it or not giving up the wine has been the easy part for me. Its been dealing with all the inner turmoil thats challenging. Shame, that's a tough one. Been working hard on forgiving myself but having others forgive you for your actions??? I was hoping if people loved you unconditionally they would forgive... Whew. Your the first post I read this morning and you made me smile. I too want to hear how it went at this multi-day party... please post.

        And this is a such a great place to ramble, babble and think out loud....


          I posted this on need help by mistake!


          Anyone who is lucky enough to have you in their life is... Lucky! We are all misfits in a way in this world and we all have insecurities. One thing that I had to realize is that everyone in this world has issues and problems. That rather a comforting feeling actually. We may have our drinking problems, but others have problems too!

          Your a true Gem and anyone who doesnt realize that is not worth your time anyways. What I suggest you do is put on your best pretty face and take on this adventure and Go for it.

          I love ya Sweetie!!!!


            I posted this on need help by mistake!

            ditto Over IT!!!!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              I posted this on need help by mistake!

              good luck and let us know how it goes
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                I posted this on need help by mistake!

                Soulsearcher;978385 wrote: Morning Savon, I'm a newbie.
                Been AF for 16 days now! Believe it or not giving up the wine has been the easy part for me. Its been dealing with all the inner turmoil thats challenging. Shame, that's a tough one. Been working hard on forgiving myself but having others forgive you for your actions??? I was hoping if people loved you unconditionally they would forgive... Whew. Your the first post I read this morning and you made me smile. I too want to hear how it went at this multi-day party... please post.

                And this is a such a great place to ramble, babble and think out loud....
                I am learning that the most important thing is NOT whether other people forgive me for the wrongs I have done. The important thing is that I make a sincere effort to express my regret for the things I have done, AND work with all my heart to do the right thing going forward. Some people with forgive me, and some will not. I can't control what other people think and do. I can only control what *I* think and do. And sober, I am able to learn and grow.

                Savon, I hope you went and I hope you had fun!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.

