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    Her I am on day 2 af once again, bugger me why can't I get past this friday night thing, when I start drinking, then drink saturday too, then go af till the friday again. Im failing at this no drinking, and I do want to stop.Does anyone know if you can get baclofen etc. online in Australia. i need to stop this drinking cycle once and for all. Have a good day to all. Lilly


    I forgot to add I have managed just over 30 days, and 14 days, but now back to square one, have caved and old habbits back again Lilly



      Lilly I don't know about the Baclofen thing, but I was very similar...well to start with anyway,then it would be a Wednesday, Friday saturday thing etc etc.

      Hope you find your way to beat will find your own style of combating the triggers. I am Day 22....but not getting too confident just yet
      Good luck



        Thanks for your reply chickennumber 3, cograts on your 22 day af, well done, I have done 30+ days and 14 days af, I will just have to try harder this time round, and not cave in, I probably need to change my routine on friday nights, so as not to get into a situation to start drinking. Thanks again and good luck on your journey.Lilly



          Lilly, you've just said yourself what you need to do. Put yourself in a position next Fri that you know you can't/won't drink. Play tricks with yourself - pretend it's a Monday! Do anything, promise yourself a treat on the next day, just get thro that weekend and suddenly the next one just doesn't seem as daunting cos you have broken the vicious circle. Keep trying trying!!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14



            Lilly, you've done really well in the past, and will do again. Think of all the drinking that you haven't done, that you usually would have.

            Press on, love.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19



              Lillypond059;979032 wrote: Thanks for your reply chickennumber 3, cograts on your 22 day af, well done, I have done 30+ days and 14 days af, I will just have to try harder this time round, and not cave in, I probably need to change my routine on friday nights, so as not to get into a situation to start drinking. Thanks again and good luck on your journey.Lilly
              Hi Lilly!

              That was the trick for me.....changing my routine big time, and not putting myself/avoiding situation's where i might be tempted to drink. After a couple or few month's, i was then strong enough, and committed enough in my sobriety to get out there and socialise again. Almost 2 yrs on, i'm rocking it. The thinking has changed, as have the old routines, with time, and application, that is, me making it happen. Re baclofen online, ask 'Reggie' about that, as he may have some knowledge there.

              Your previous af time is tremendous Lilly. Keep it going, and check out the 'Toolbox' thread in the 'monthly abstinence' section.

              Best wishes, G-bloke.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



                Hi Lilly,

                Remember the story about when you got your first bike and how wobbly you were when you tried to ride it. You fell off a few times, but undeterred, got straight back on again and got a bit further down the road. This kept happening until one day, you got on that bike, with no training wheels and off you went, straight and balanced. Becoming al free is no different to learning any new life skill. It usually doesnt happen straight away (at least for the majority of us), but with determination and a goal for where we truly want to be, we can guide our sobriety, firstly with those training wheels on and maybe a bit wobbly, to eventually straight up and free. Stay with it Lilly, you wobbled a bit, but you have got a lot further down the road than before. Love Saffy
                I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs



                  Hi molly bridget guitar & saffy, thanks for your reply,you guys give great advice, and I really appreciate it,I'm on day 3 af now, have spent most of today on the computer, searching and after a lot of reading, have ordered baclofen, I just hope I have done the right thing, am feeling a little nervous about it now,but I'm so detemined to beat this, Ill try anything.[well within reason]Not sure when it will be delivered, will keep you posted. sending you all:l Lilly x

