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Anxiety vs The Bottle - The final Battle

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    Anxiety vs The Bottle - The final Battle

    I suffer from anxiety which manifest itself in a very embarrassing hyper hidrosis - for those who are not familiar with this - excessive sweating. I mean it looks like I just got out of the shower, when I get upset.

    This was triggered by my daughter`s birth - no reason for it, just happened - it ruined my life. I gained weight, lost interest in life and self medicated with alcohol.

    I now take topamax - and have not had a drink in 8 days.

    But it is not magic pill ....

    I dont care much for AA or rehab, personal preference - dont do my laundry in public.

    I am angry, I mean I am really really really angry - and all those suppressed emotions are boiling over - people looked the other way, because it was in their own best interest ! People kept me sick !!!

    I use all of my energy to be happy around my daughter - dont care much for the rest - will this pass ?

    Do I need anti depressants etc ? Do I need therapy ?

    Already taking meds for anxiety ?

    Anxiety vs The Bottle - The final Battle

    you need to find a professional to talk to and may very well need meds sweetie
    I take an antidrpessant and have anti anxiety meds for 'just in case"
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Anxiety vs The Bottle - The final Battle

      You are still in the withdrawal phase. Your neurotransmitters and receptors for same are all screwed up. It may take some time for you to replace these. Also you are on a new medicine. It can take awhile to sort out if you need another layer of chemical on top of the current mix or if time will improve it. I suspect your will stabilize at least somewhat in the next few weeks and feel better. I think, meanwhile, if you could talk to someone familiar with withdrawal issues etc it would be well worth it.
      The other ideas here are helpful too, of course.
      BTW People didn't make you sick. You did. (I say this after a 45 year drinking career and have learned so much in the past 9 AF months.) It helps not a wit to blame others. Just take responsibility for the hand life delt you. There are worse fates than recovery with anger and regret. The anger and regret will fade and the sooner you allow that you will soar.


        Anxiety vs The Bottle - The final Battle

        Awesome post Sheri!! Just awesome!!! Sheri;979322 wrote: Hi ClaraBelle,

        Is it possible that your anger could be a side effect of one of the medicines that you're on? Have you always had anger issues, or do you think it's related to being AF and sensory overload? That wasn't clear to me from you post. Anyway, I'm a big proponent of looking for holistic ways to deal with things because I have a personal adversion to pharmaceutical medicines and all their side effects that then cause you to have to take another medicine to deal with the side effects and so on.

        I don't have a lot of anger issues myself, but isn't it just fear turned outward, or so the professionals say. I've had therapy for other issues (mainly grief) and found it very helpful to have a place to say whatever I wanted without having to worry about hurting anyone's feelings, making someone angry, or burdening anyone with my problems. I also learned so much about myself and would definitely consider it again if I was struggling.

        Coincidentially, I read this article yesterday about anger that I thought was really good, and I particularly liked the 15 things they suggested to try. I acutally thought they were good tools for dealing with issues in general and not just anger. The link for the full article is at the end of this post in case you want to check it out.

        15 Ways to Overcome Anger

        Some of these tools might be more effective for some of us than others. For me, ?Look Up!!? has been the most effective (thus, I?m listing it first). I?ve also seen good results where several of these are used in combination.

        1. Look Up!!!

        The fastest way to change negative feelings is by changing our physical position right away. The easiest way to physically change is by moving our eye position. When we are in a negative state, we are likely looking down. Suddenly looking up (into our visual plane) will interrupt the negative patterns of sinking into the quick sand of bad feelings.

        Any sudden physical change will do the trick:

        Stand up and stretch while letting out an audible sigh.
        Exaggerate and change your facial expressions.
        Walk over to a window where there is sunlight.
        Do 10 jumping jacks.
        Do a ridiculous dance that pokes fun at you.
        Massage the back of your neck with one hand while singing happy birthday.
        Try this next time you feel a negative or unpleasant thought come up.

        2. ?What Do You Want??

        Sit down and write down exactly what it is that you want out of the current situation. Your job is to describe the end result you would like to see. Be clear, realistic and fair. Be specific with your description. Including dates of when you would like to see the results.

        Once you have this clearly mapped out, and when you find yourself drifting into negative thoughts of what you don?t want, you can shift your focus on this list instead.

        Also, when we do this exercise consciously, we?ll come to find that the arbitrary and materialistic things that we thought we wanted, aren?t want we want, after all. Clarity is a beautiful thing.

        3. Eliminate: Don?t, Not, No

        Words such as Don?t, Not, No, Can?t gets us focused on the things that we don?t want. Language is a powerful thing and can influence our subconscious mind, and ultimately our feelings. When you catch yourself using a negated word, see if you can replace it with another word of opposing meaning. Example: instead of saying ?I don?t want war?, say ?I want peace?.

        4. Finding the Light

        Darkness can only be eliminated when there is light (like a lamp, or sunlight). In the same way, negative things can only be replaced by positive things. Remember that regardless of what is happening to us externally, or how bad things appear in our mind, we always have the choice to speak and see things positively.

        I know this is harder to do when you?re in midst of heated emotions, but I?m a big believer that there is something to be learned from every situation we encounter. Look for the lesson. Find something about the situation that you?ve gained, whether it?s a material possession or an understanding or a personal growth. Find the light so you can uncover the darkness of your mind.

        5. Surrender

        Surrender to our ego?s need to be right, to blame, to be spiteful, and to be revengeful. Surrender to the moment. Surrender to the pull to become worked-up by the situation.

        Become mindful. Watch your thoughts and learn to separate your thoughts from your own identity. Your thoughts are not you.

        Things will play out regardless of whether we become emotional or not. Trust that the universe will work its course and do its job. By not surrendering, we get worked up for nothing, and our body will suffer as a result of it.

        6. Circle of Influence

        When we are feeling down, it?s easy to be sucked into the downward spiral of bad feelings. It really doesn?t help to be around others complaining about the same issues. It?s counter-productive to getting well.

        Instead, find a group of people with a positive outlook. When we are around such a group of people, they will remind us of things we already know deep within us, we can start to recognize the good, and the positives. When we are down, we can draw energy from them in order to rise above the problem and negative state.

        In the same way that being around negative people can affect you in a negative way, being around happy and optimistic people can raise our awareness, and help us move out of the un-resourceful state.

        7. Gratitude Exercise

        Find an uninterrupted space, and bring a notepad and pen with you. List out (in as much detail) everything you are grateful for in your life, either in the past, or present; either experiences, relationships, friendships, opportunities or material possessions. Fill up the page, and use as many pages as you have things to be thankful for. Be sure to thank your heart and your body.

        This is a simple, yet underestimated tool to help us focus our attention on what matters. This exercise can also shift our state of mind from one of a lower frequency to that of a higher frequency. It also helps us to gain clarity and to remind ourselves that we have much to be thankful for.

        No matter how bad things get, we always, always have things to be grateful for. If anything, we have the opportunity of life, in which we have the freedom to grow, to learn, to help others, to create, to experience, to love.

        I?ve also found it particularly effective to add silent meditation for 5-10 minutes prior, and visualizing everything on your gratitude list after the gratitude exercise. Try it for yourself!

        8. Meditation

        Meditation is training for the mind; to calm the noise in our mental space, to lower our thought count, to draw out inner wisdom, and mostly it helps us to recognize and remain anchored in our divine state.

        Regardless of what is happening external to us, we have the capacity to remain centered, in a state of acceptance, of flow, of peace, and of love. When we are in this state, we are rational and have the clarity we need to handle any situation with grace, and with minimal stress on our body.

        9. Breathing Relaxation Techniques

        Most of us are shallow breathers, and air only stays in the top of our lungs. Deep breathing exercises will get more oxygen into our brains, and into the rest of our body. Try this:

        Sit up straight in your chair, or stand up.
        Loosen up clothing, especially if your stomach feels tight.
        Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth.
        Put one hand on your abdominal area (over your belly).
        When you inhale, feel your hand expanding as air is filled up in your diaphragm.
        When you exhale, feel your hand retracting to the initial placement.
        Count in your mind the number of inhales and exhales, and gradually level them off such that both take equal counts.
        Slowly, add a count to your exhale.
        Keep adding a count to your exhale until the count for exhales doubles that of the count for inhales.
        Repeat this breathing rhythm for 5 to 10 times.
        Keep your eyes closed in silence for a few minutes afterwards.

        10. Laughter!

        We cannot laugh and be upset at the same time. When we make the physical movement required to laugh or smile, we instantly feel light-hearted and joyful.

        Try it now: give me that beautiful smile of yours. I want a genuine and large smile now! J How do you feel? Do you feel an instant jolt of joy? Did you temporarily forget about your problems?

        List out a series of movies that make you laugh and stock them up at home. Or meet up with a humorous friend who can really get you laughing. For my friend going through the divorce, I prescribed Episode 10 of ?Survivor Gabon?, he laughed until his stomach hurt and told me the next day that he slept very well, without once thinking about the negativity that would otherwise trigger anger.

        11. Forgiveness

        For my little vindictive rascals out there, I know the idea to forgive your ?enemy? sounds counter-intuitive. The longer you hold on to the grudge, the more painful emotions you will experience, the more turbulence you are putting on your body, the more damage you are inflicting on your long-term health and wellness.

        Unable to forgive someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. And there?s no way around it.

        12. Snap a Rubber Band

        Wear an elastic/rubber band around your wrist, at all times. Every time you find yourself having a thought that would lead to a downward negative cycle, snap the rubber band. It might sting a little. But this actually trains our mind to avoid triggering those thoughts. Pain is an amazing motivator.

        13. Identify and Eliminate Your Triggers

        Sit down and brainstorm a list of reminders and activities that will trigger this negative emotion in us. It might be hearing the word ?divorce?, or someone?s name, or going to a particular restaurant.

        Commit to yourself to eliminate the mentioning of these triggers from your life. If we know something will upset us, why would we bother triggering it?

        14. Identify What Anger Brings

        List all the things that you?ve gained as a result of being angry. When you?re done, go down this list and count the number of positive things that are actually conducive to your wellbeing. By the way, ?making the other person suffer and feel pain? does not count as ?conducive to your wellbeing?.

        This exercise helps us bring more awareness, rationality and clarity into the situation.

        15. Seek Closure. Solve the Problem

        To the best of your ability, do not drag anything on for the sake of ?winning? or ?being right?; it?s not healthy for anyone involved.

        Just because we surrender to the external events and choose not to give them any more attention, does not mean that we sit back passively to let others step all over us.

        Take action that will help you move onto the next step, and closer to resolution. Be proactive and thoughtful. The faster you can get the problem resolved, the quicker you can set yourself free, mentally.

        Full Text of Article:

        15 Simple Ways to Overcome Anger

