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I am in trouble what a mess

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    I am in trouble what a mess

    yes have been in and out of here for a while and i guess looked at plans of action


      I am in trouble what a mess

      I suggest you give this a real go, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Good luck with it, sorry I really have to go now.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        I am in trouble what a mess

        Thanks for your supporting words


          I am in trouble what a mess

          well the letter has been sent


            I am in trouble what a mess

            I managed to sacrifice a 29 year marriage on the alter of alcohol addiction. I regret what I did to myself and to my dear ex husband. IMO it is very likely 90% the alcohol. You can only find out by a prolonged period of abstinence. I don't think your wife would have any reason to give you another chance if she believed your attempts were temporary and intended to sway her to reconsider. Why should she with the knowledge that you intended to again risk another relapse.
            The most common reason for relapse is the first drink and the reduction in judgement that follows.
            Another factor is Stress. But tho we cannot live without stress we can learn to deal with it without erbooze. Billions of people do it every day.I have been Af for 9 months now. I wish I had known then what I know now. But life must be lived forward. Even if your marriage doesn't survive you can survive and learn from all this. Your children deserve a good father, either in or out of the home. And you deserve every good thing life brings you. don't sell yourself short. Go for it. We are here for you but you must walk the walk


              I am in trouble what a mess

              Thanks for all your input

              Day one over and have woke up feeling great ! 49 to go . at the gym early and looking forward to getting things back on track


                I am in trouble what a mess

                Good luck, The time is now -- (Blimey, slick moniker!)

                I too have a little kid, about 2 years old. I face some stark choices; continue drinking, and possibly die before she's 15 years old, or sort myself out and be a good, responsible parent. It's so blindingly obvious which is the preferable path - why the hell do we need to torture ourselves and those around us before seeing it? An age old question, I'm sure.

                Well your question was something about whether booze is to blame for the precarious situation you find yourself in at the moment. Well here's the good news! The booze is not to blame! Booze is your friend! Keep drinking, things can only get better!

                One or more of the above statements are false. See if you can find them all!

                (If you're even asking that question, deep down you know the answer.)


                  I am in trouble what a mess

                  Good for you Time, its not easy but so so worth it. Keep posting your progress, it helps.

                  Footnote: LOL at Seethepony's quote 'edited moronic grammar and schpelling'
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    I am in trouble what a mess

                    Seethepony;980269 wrote: Good luck, The time is now -- (Blimey, slick moniker!)

                    I too have a little kid, about 2 years old. I face some stark choices; continue drinking, and possibly die before she's 15 years old, or sort myself out and be a good, responsible parent. It's so blindingly obvious which is the preferable path - why the hell do we need to torture ourselves and those around us before seeing it? An age old question, I'm sure.

                    Well your question was something about whether booze is to blame for the precarious situation you find yourself in at the moment. Well here's the good news! The booze is not to blame! Booze is your friend! Keep drinking, things can only get better!

                    One or more of the above statements are false. See if you can find them all!

                    (If you're even asking that question, deep down you know the answer.)
                    So you dont drink now ? at all?

                    yes i know which is the better path

                    My stress levels have been extreme - it was teh 1st time at the gym early morning in ages without a headache and to see so many people being active is great


                      I am in trouble what a mess

                      I started taking baclofen about a 6 weeks ago and I've been very impressed with the results. I went from getting trashed pretty much every night to 90% sobriety - got drunk maybe 4 times in the past month, as opposed to 28 times... It's not perfect but had someone promised me that kind of success I'd have thought "con man" or "idiot."

                      There are better and shinier examples of sobriety on this forum than me -- dig around a little. Here's the thread I read that persuaded me to try Baclofen, after too many months procrastinating:



                        I am in trouble what a mess

                        Hi, I'm still pretty new to this site and program. I am going through I similar situation where my fiance is not sure whether he can give me another chance. My problems are emotionally based but when drinking I have real difficulty controlling them. Can't count how many times I told him it wouldn't happen again and it didn't for awhile till a recent bad night of binge drinking and my behavior was the worst ever. I crossed the line. Had I not had alcohol in me, I know the events of that night would have never happened. So the very next day I gave up the drinking. I haven't looked back. Taking another drink is not worth losing them. As I sit typing this I pray that he will let me show him I can do it this time. No booze, back in therapy to deal with the underlying issues and no more living my life in fear....

                        Sunny has given excellent advice. We can only work on ourselves, believe in ourselves, and move our lives forward. If our loved ones have it in them to stand by us one more time the road ahead will be amazing, if they choose not to, our lives will still be amazing but we will just be taking a different road.... Do this for you first.

                        Good Luck!!! Keep posting....


                          I am in trouble what a mess

                          2 days down

                          of the sauce and got a worse headache today ! how does that work ....................

                          at the gym again so that was positive


                            I am in trouble what a mess

                            Excellent post, Sunny.

                            Time, sober + gym = life.
                            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                              I am in trouble what a mess

                              Hi there :welcome:

                              How are you doing today? 2 days is great and congratulations on getting that far, hopefully today is Day 3. On the headache point I had them for the first two weeks AF, they were worse the first week and gradually subsided during the second but i think it's just your body detoxing. I think it depends on how heavily you have been drinking before you stop. Now i don't get them at all unless I skip a meal and it's usually hunger.

                              Good luck and keep posting

                              Dewdrop :h
                              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                                I am in trouble what a mess



                                Well didnt manage day 3 which i am ok with , got home and wife and sister having a wine so i had a small one and a beer and was going to tuck into the red wine BUT DIDNT so pretty pleased with that and was at the gym very early and feel fine

                                So whilst only lasted 2 days i didnt get hammered

                                so do i get back on the waggon i ask myself ?

                                I most certainly dont want to give up for ever but do need to control it - my body feels stuffed from all the stress and i guess heavy drinking so a break maybe the best thing

                                i always look at fit people and think i want some of that

