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Giving the BRAIN some love

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    Giving the BRAIN some love

    After many months or heavy drinking if not years the old brian and body must take a hammering how can you give it some love to get it healthy ?

    I know there are items on here to buy but what sort of thing can you buy from the health shop ? what foods help? how long does it take to start to get some clarity and clear thinking ?

    Fresh lemon and water ? herbal tea?

    Any help would be great

    Share your experience in giving your body som elove not vino

    Giving the BRAIN some love

    Plenty of fresh water, cold and filtered if possible, with the freshly squeezed juice of a lemon in it. Milk thistle is great for loving your liver and some multi vitamins especially B complex. Also get out and about, get some air and some exercise if you can manage it. After about 5-7 days you will start to feel the benefits, after a couple of weeks you will feel great. Good on you for making the effort, it is so worth it.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Giving the BRAIN some love

      me, I really over-complicated things at first because I was having problems concentrating, sleeping, anxiety issues, etc. I did a regimen of PC and DMAE for focus, Ginko and B-vits for energy, and amino acids for brain function. While I'm sure they probably helped, I was able to get off of an anti-depressant, a sleep prescription, and all of the supplements except a multi-vit, fish oil, and LD aspirin in a couple of months with a pretty simple regimen.

      So here is SoFlo's patented mental health tonic:
      1. Don't drink alcohol.
      2. Ever.

      Everything else came from that:

      - Lower stress and better sleep
      - Better mental focus and concentration
      - Greater energy levels and ability to apply it to exercise
      - Ability and discipline to eat better

      Not to take anything away from the folks having success with supplements and nutritional approaches - the battle we fight is way too important to give up any weapon or tool that works. But just looking back all the mental health improvements in my life, I think they all really just came from complete abstinence, everything else followed from that.

      Best of luck to you!

      P.S. - If you really need a step 3, a good one is "3. Drink more water" ;-)
      "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten"
      AF since June 24, 2011


        Giving the BRAIN some love

        My drinking was always from around 5-10 p.m. I needed a replacement drink for that time period without caffeine and found Tulsi tea from India. I like the original flavor but others here like the Chai which I haven't tried.

        At any rate, it is something to drink in the evening that won't keep you up at night. It's an herbal tea which also happens to be really good for you. I'm also drinking the lemon water.

        Keep reading - there is a lot of great information on this site that has helped me enormously. Hope it does the same for you.


          Giving the BRAIN some love

          Greeting's Time,

          Abstinence was the first step for me, from which better health, and clearer thinking began. They tell me amino acids (L-Glutamine from any health store or pharmacy) are great to help our brain. A daily multi-vitamin might be a good start too. See if you can have a read of the MWO book here, which i haven't read, but many folk here recommend it, as it has a well researched supplement/nutrition regime to start with for our alcohol ravaged mind's and bodies. Plenty of water, (organic where possible) fruit and veg, exercise, lemon juice for the liver, check up from a Doc. Walk, jog, swim, talk, do.

          Go for it!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Giving the BRAIN some love

            I so agree with Soflo and Guitarista and the others.
            I don't think it much matters what you eat or drink as long as it isn't alcohol. If you have been drinking a lot for a long time be sure to take a strong B supplement for the first several days to avoid Wernike's encephalopathy which can occur when you start taking in real carbs after a prolonged bender. (It is actually due to B1 deficiency and can leave you with irreversible brain damage)
            Splurge on your favorite fruit juice in the most expensive seltzer or anything you like at first. Just be as good to your body as you can. If you feel tired rest. If you feel restless move. Whatever. I allowed myself to baby myself and eat and do whatever I wanted for the first 5 months before starting a more healthful lifestyle and habit change. I kept up with the exercise but indulged my food appetites at will and gained a few (more) pounds. I have since lost those and more on a diet plus exercise program. Don't make it more complicated than it is. There is no magic formula for success. The ONLY requirement for success is abstinence from alcohol. The rest may help and use it if it does but don't fret if you can't or don't. JUST DON"T DRINK and you'll be fine.


              Giving the BRAIN some love

              There are some threads in the holistic health section that address this. Also - the "Health Store" here offers lots of great information, which I utilize, even though I buy from less expensive sources.

              IMO and my experience: L-Glutamine and lots of it; All-One (rice or fruit-based - apparently original is hard to get down), which has not only essential B vitamins but also amino acids; and GABA. I use several other amino acids (pre-cursors to the neurotransmitters I so ruthlessly slaughtered with alcohol:upset, and additional B's, but it takes some research and experimenting to figure out what works for you (or at least it has for me). Well worth the time and effort.

              I'll bump the L-Glutamine thread for you. Good luck!!
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                Giving the BRAIN some love

                thanks for your input - maybe a trip to the health store is in order


                  Giving the BRAIN some love

                  or to the greengrocers!

