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    Introducing myself here. I have an alcohol problem and I just want to say that out loud without a semi-circular audience that I don't know. So much easier to talk cyber right now.

    I've been an alcoholic since I was 17 but didn't really know that until lately. I hope to stop drinking from tomorrow. Any initial advice from you wonderful people would be welcome.



    Hi Medic,

    Just wanted to welcome you. I've only been here a short time but have been AF 9 days with the help of these wonderful people. They are kind and will respond to questions if you post them.

    It's very comforting here because people are open, so you don't feel intimidated. It's the first time I haven't felt alone since I first tried to quit drinking. I think the two times I tried quitting on my own failed because I didn't have support. This website has changed all that and I really feel like I have a great chance of maintaining my sobriety!




      Thank you for the welcome C. I feel better already about writing here. Well done on being AF over a week. That's a great achievement in itself. I hope to be AF free from now on. I've been in such a bad place for so long with my A problems. Your response gave me confidence so thank you.



        Welcome Medic - have you been reading any of the posts here? Have you got a plan? Are you just going to stop drinking? Good for you if you can and do - anyway, read, post, ask questions - lots of folk here to help, support, answer any questions you might have. Most of us will have been in a similar situation if you come up with anything so someone will be able to help you. We are a great bunch of people, some AF, some still plodding along trying to get there, others who have been AF for a long time - wherever we are along the path, we are all here to help each other - welcome again and feel free to post.

        hugs to you, Sunshinedaisies x
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



          :welcome: medic. Alcohol grabbed ahold of me from the early years too. Until "highly functioning alcholic" morphed into "barely functioning alcoholic. If I can go AF, so can you. It's a one day at a time game.

          Have you downloaded the My Way Out book yet? That's a great place to start. The Toolbox Thread is a great place to get additional ideas to formalize your plan of action.

          Strength and hope to you,

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.



            Thanks Choochie, SSD, and DG. Returning hugs and encouragement. I'll look around the site for all the wonderful varied advice. My main concern is being on the the A so long it feels almost more normal than being A :thanks:free, but not going to give in without a fight.



              Don't know if this is encouraging but I just wanted to add that I smoked cigarettes for 11 years (40 a day) and quit 3 years ago without any major relapse. I hope I can do the same with A.

              Sending out well wishes, hugs, and unconditional love to all.



                Hi Medic,

                I just posted this on another newbie thread, so if you get that "deja vu all over again" feeling, it's me, not you.

                These two threads really helped me when I first started; the first because I knew I was not alone and it brought home the horror of what I was doing to myself and my family, and the second because it was practical and gave me a game plan. I hope they help you, too.


                I'd encourage you to read as much as you can and ask for help if you need it.

                I quit smoking 12 years ago. It took me a year to stop wanting one every morning when I woke up, and another year to not want one when I saw other people smoking. If you can do that, you can do this!

                AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers



                  Welcome, medic! :welcome:

                  Make yourself at home and read, read, read. Lots of information on this site.



                    Medic, just wanted to say that I also gave up cigarettes. I'm not sure which is supposed to be harder. All I know is that (even though I haven't been to one) AA meetings are notorious for being full of smokers. Seems to me that AL might be easier to give up? I doubt that the research bolsters that theory. But, I do know it takes a lot of fortitude to do it. My sister has smoked two packs a day her entire life and says she could never stop (she's 65!). know you're strong --- hopefully there's something in you that is related to the ability to quit smoking that will help you quit drinking!

                    Just an fyi on the book and tapes - I ordered mine when I joined MWO and it hasn't shipped yet. I have a call in to customer service. Just wanted you to know that it might take a little time if you decide to order.




                      Welcome Medic!
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read



                        Hi Medic!
                        I just wanted to add my welcome! You have found a wonderful site, full of advice, support and strength. Read around and post when you have questions, or just need to talk! I look forward to getting to know you!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



                          Hey there Medic,

                          Just wanted to say :welcome: and it will be good to get to know you a bit better, keep posting and meet lots of new friends with a wealth of advice.

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....



                            Thanks Choochie, SSD, DG, Techie, K9, Dew, fennel and pride for a wonderful welcome! (big smiles). I will embrace all you have to give!!

                            Nearly AF 24 hours. So far so good. It's near bedtime and the alcohol store closes in 20 minutes. I think I might just make it today (smiling).




                              medic;981658 wrote: Thanks Choochie, SSD, DG, Techie, K9, Dew, fennel and pride for a wonderful welcome! (big smiles). I will embrace all you have to give!!

                              Nearly AF 24 hours. So far so good. It's near bedtime and the alcohol store closes in 20 minutes. I think I might just make it today (smiling).

                              You'll make it medic. Try and get some rest and we'll talk tomorrow. You CAN do this!!!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

