Apologies if I am posting in the wrong area - I am new to all of this.
I came across this site today accidentally whilst doing a search on the known side effects of my medication. I haven't had a proper mooch through yet but what I have seen looks positive.
A little bit about myself. I have had a drink problem for a long time. I knew this, my loved ones knew this. I have done stupid things and lost friends (for various reasons), built up a 'bad' reputation and done a lot of things that I truely believe I would not have done had i been sober.
I admitted to my problem just over three months ago and have had an incredible amount of support from family, partner, friends and medical profession. In brief, I was admitted to hospital for two weeks to detox from alcohol and had a good experience there.. I can go more into all of this when and if necessary/required.
I have, with the help of medication and strong mind and even stronger support system, been off alcohol for just over three months. Woo hoo! An achievement? Definitely. A struggle? Without a doubt. Everything I dreamed it would be and more? No.
I feel I have hit a bit of a plateau. A staleness has engulfed me over the past week or so that I can not easily explain. I am trying (everyday) to rebuild my life.. to paper over the cracks and holes that drinking definitely created. I am 31 and I feel like
I am starting all over again.. and I have got odd feelings about this.
I am tired of the same old, day in day out of taking medication, getting through without a drink, trying to reach goals that all of my peers reached ten years ago. It's tiring and boring. I am in no doubt that my life is better without the alcohol.. but I can't help but worry that this is it. I have done three months and now I feel that the enormity of what I am doing is just now hitting me. I have been avoiding social occasions, sharing cups of tea with friends and family instead of a bottle of wine, going to bed at ten instead of staying up through the night, not doing anything 'exciting' or'fun' that
I used to do when drunk - bars all night, dancing, talking to random people that I meet .. and honestly? The thought of this being forever terrifies and bores me! I know that I can do all of that without drink but I really just don't feel like it.
Don't get me wrong, I know that I am doing the right thing and I am proud of myself for not drinking.. but I am starting to miss the huge part of me that was that drinker. I am starting to miss the endless chatter I had with various people after having a drink and can't get my head around the fact that I will never be that person again. I know I am now able to develop my personality in different, maybe equally exiting, ways and that's great, but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it. Really miss it.
As I mentioned at the start of this post, I stumbled upon this site accidentally when researching side effects of my medication. In detox I was put on various drugs and some of them I am still taking, three months on. I think I am experiencing some side effects.. grumbiness, general low feelings, pins and needles, decrease in sex drive, waking up each morning feeling like I am hungover (headache, dehydration) even though I am obviously not, extreme tiredness, skin breakouts... I am not due to see my consultant for another month and a bit and I will mention all of this to her of course but I just wondered if anybody else had felt like this? My main drug is Antebuse.. any feedback from anybody else who is on this would be really, gratefully received.
I am sure I will post again.. but in the mean time, just wanted to introduce myself! I hope you are all well.