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I want to start living again

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    I want to start living again

    It feels good to admit to myself that I have a drinking problem. This problem happened a very long time ago. It wasn't until recently that I really started to pay attention to patterns, relationships, and why I'm not happy in my life.

    I know that everyday life is going to be a struggle. I don't need to make it worse by drinking. I don't drink everyday, I'm a binge drinker. I can go for a week or two without drinking but it seems that more often than not that I always end up drinking way more than I ever anticipate when I go out. I hate feeling tired and groggy after a long night of drinking. I don't like living my double life. Lately I haven't talked to my friends. I think it's because I feel quilty and I don't want them to find out. I find that this lifestyle can get very lonely at times.

    Well I don't have much more to say. except wish me luck with my sobriety.


    I want to start living again

    Marie, you are among friends who know exactly how you feel. binging is a big deal for me too, I've driven my poor wife crazy with it and hopefully have it under my belt "this time". at least I'm facing the challenge straight in the face which sounds like what you are doing, that is WONDERFUL. Enjoy and celebrate the new you, and keep us up to speed,
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      I want to start living again

      Hi marie

      I meet you today in chat and apoligise for not chatting longer with you... welcome here.... I have gained some much out of being here... the support is just fantastic...

      Good on you for making it this far..

      Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down

