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G'day Tom,
This site is just right, believe me. It's got a wealth of information on how to quit the booze. Many of us are still struggling to make it, but exchanging experiences and encouraging each others we can make it. If at all possible, make a plan on how you want to quit. What to do next. You also may see your doc to talk frankly about your problem. I found, once I had the problem out of my system, I was able to look forward.
Hang in there mate,Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
I know how that feels. As hard as it is, you need to look for that light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how small it looks. The closer you get the bigger the light will be.
Just one day at a time, focus only on getting through today and getting stronger. Hang around here and the positive vibe will hopefully rub your way
Hey Tom
Welcome... the best tip I can give is to just keep visiting everyday... eventually you will get to know everyone.. we all understand where you are at and how you feel the demons are coming your way... guess what this step today finding this site is the answer you've been looking for.
We are all friends here and a terrific support network..
WattleFailure is not the falling down... it's the staying down
Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel seems to be coming from the rear-view mirror. I know how you feel. I have days where my despair is so great, so massive, that I feel as if I'm lost, a goner, no hope. Sliding down the rabbit hole, ass backwards. But, here's one thing I've learned: amnesia. During the bad days, I can't remember things ever being any good. And, during the good days, I can't remember how bad things really were. But, the kernel in this is, just as this day is bad, there was a day that was good. And, there will be another time of good, again. And, another time of bad. Keep your eye on the spectrum, the continuum. Ebb and flow. We've gotta learn to be patient, and to manage these mean-times. And, know, as fact and not theory, that this bad will change. Because it will, it always does. Eventually. We just have a hard time remembering that. Amnesia.
Yah, I know Moderation. I pass it every day on my way to Excess.Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.