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anyone doing this without the meds?

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    anyone doing this without the meds?

    Hi all, I am very sensitive to all kinds of medications and bit worried about taking the meds for this. In the book it says that some poeple do it without the meds -- anyone out there willing to share their experience. i would greatly appreciate it. Basically it's not the cravings I worry about - -it''s the withdrawal. I am convinced I have permanent brain damage though i know that's not rational becuase I function well and don't get wasted - -I just drink every night and want to slow down


    anyone doing this without the meds?

    G'day Brizkid,

    I know how you feel about taking meds. I've been on Campral for a while, but started drinking again. I'm also trying to taper off Xanax and Zoloft, because I don't want to depend on medication for controling anxiety. Yet, as for alcohol abuse, I have to admit that I cannot do without meds. Unless you move into the mountains or a cave where no alcohol is available, you will be confronted with drinking opportunities. And here the meds come in. At this stage I considering Topa. I do have my supply already, but haven't so far had the guts to take them - mostly because of the side effects ...

    Anyway, I know this post doesn't do much to encourage you, just, maybe, show you that you're not alone facing these choices ...

    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      anyone doing this without the meds?

      I am super sensitive to medications, but am doing well on the campral. I only wiegh 100 lbs, and can tolerate the full dose without any side effects.


        anyone doing this without the meds?


        G'day Mona,

        Campral does not really have many side effects, apart from the odd stomach, intestinal problems. Not to be compared to Topa, which I haven't had the guts to take yet. But Campral is pretty harmless, quite frankly ...
        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


          anyone doing this without the meds?

          I took Campral for three days then started drinking again. Your head has to be in the right place - I am convinced of that.

          Something strange happened on day two. I was on my way home from work thinking, I want a drink, I deserve a drink - life is not fair. I got home, fixed something to eat, picked up my knitting, started watching a movie and, somewhere along the way forgot to want a drink. That has never happened to me before. The next day, I was "gifted" with two bottles of single malt scotch for a favor I did for my boss, and the temptation was too great. So the physical craving is not what drives me - I work out of my house and don't think about a drink until hubby comes home and makes one. It's more about being left out than a physical addiction or craving for me. The problem is that it is reducing the quality of my life - I either fall asleep early or stay awake for "one more" and wake up feeling like crap.

          Now I'm trying topa. Still leery - only at 25 mg. I've lost my taste for beer and for carbonated beverages, but there is always my trusty sippin scotch. I did have one last night that lasted an hour and a half. I toyed with the idea of having a beer and thought better. If I could do this on a regular basis, I would be very happy.

          It can be done without the meds if you are in the right mindset. I know I can do what I did last night without the topa - I just have to want to.


            anyone doing this without the meds?

            Hi Brizkid-
            I think Barb is right on target. I have been drinking a long time but in the last 3-4 years have begun to notice that I was consistantly drinking 1 to 1+ bottles of wine a night - every night.
            Even after deciding that that wasn't normal, I continued to do it. It was then that I realized that I was losing some control over my drinking. I then started making some choices based on whether or not I could drink etc. Anyway, I'm just trying to give you an idea of where I started with all this. I started trying to do something in June of this year. I have had pretty good success...a few slips here and there. There is a learning curve to this just like anything else. I have learned a lot about myself thru this process too.
            My only realy issue was not being able to sleep after quitting - or cutting down significantly. So, the only thing I have taken has been the melatonin - which is a natural sleep enabler. That has helped me a lot.

            I would just suggest you do a lot of reading and find out what all the supplements are used for and if it makes sense for you. I have used this site for the support - which has been tremendous.
            I'm doing 30 days abs right now - on day 9 - and I'm doing great so far.

            I wish you the best.


              anyone doing this without the meds?

              No Meds

              Hi Briz,

              I am not on the meds. I am taking the supplements and that seems to be working pretty well. I have an abundance of nice, non-alcoholic drinks in my fridge- Sobee, club soda and juices, O'douls, gingerales.... etc! And I check in on the site- NUMEROUS times a day- and try to write a response daily to remind me of my goals and to lend out the support that I first had- and continue to get on a daily basis.

              I was drinking a bottle or more a night, sleeping pills, mountains of Motrin- I just said no more!

              I am AF 16 days.... 2 glasses of wine 16 days ago, and was AF for about 14 before that... I am feeling so good- revitalized and loving spending time in Absville, that I might change my long term goal of moderation to AF forever?

              Hang in there- it's a struggle everyday- but gets better- and if you need the meds, don't feel bad for having to take them... I am sure the side effects from starting slowly can't be as bad as the long term side effects of abusing alcohol!

              "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                anyone doing this without the meds?

                Hi Briz
                I too agree that you need to be in the right frame of mind not to drink. I don't do any meds. The only time I take something - zoloft - is every few months when I feel a monster PMS bout coming on. If I take the zoloft I don't drink because I know they advise against it. I haven't gone more than 4 days without wine for over 2 years now. Usually I can manage 1 or 2 nights a week without - usually on Mondays.
                You will be okay without meds - just keep thinking about how good you will feel when you wake up in the middle of the night and realize you didn't drink that night. and, how much more energy you will have in the morning. I know I always feel so much better climbing the 3 flights up to my office when I haven't been drinking the night before.


                  anyone doing this without the meds?


                  How long and how much have you been drinking? I was drinking about a twelve pack a night or 2 bottles of wine or half a bottle of Captin. Heavily in the last 2 years. befor that it was less but constant. I am AF for 15 days now and feel great. Didn't take any meds. The withdrawal sucks for the first 3-5 days. Things happen to your body that you will not be able to explain. Anxiety, sweat, nervous, Panic, no sleep, etc. I had no physical pain. I tried to just wait it out because I knew it would get better. You may have irrational thoughts but you have to know its the booze being sucked out of your body and it will stop.

                  But after this goes away, you start to feel alive again. You start to do things other than get home so you can have a drink. You want to be around friends and family because your sober and not trying to hide being loaded.

                  Depending on how much you drink, cold turkey is not fun for the first week. If you have been drinking 24/7 in huge quantities, i would not go cold turkey, it can be dangerous. Your post says you do not get wasted so i do not think this is the case.

                  I am big on going to your doctor and leting him/her know about your problem. They do not judge people and they can help. It also makes you feel better that you can tell someone without shame.

                  Do you have any family,friends, or loved one that can help?

                  I only have my wife to help me for now. I will let others know in the future.

                  To sum it up, Withdrawal sucks but the end result is worth it and i would do it again.

                  Starting over again 09/06/11

                  "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                    anyone doing this without the meds?

                    re without the meds

                    Thanks for all your advice and comments. I drink anywhere between 3 to 5 glasses of wine a night. About a bottle of wine to one and a half - -I feel really bad the next morning after that much though so try to stick to about 4 glasses (or about 1 bottle) or less. It;s hard though. I try to start later in the day -- usually my wine time is around 5pm when I get home from work - -and sometimes that helps. Also try drinking wine spritzers and that also helps, but most times I just want the wine straight and will give up the spritzers after about 2.

                    Mostly I am worried about severe withdrawal like seizures. I've never had a seizure and no family history or anything so I know that's probably not rational but when I read the sites about withdrawal it always says if you drink more than 24 oz of wine a day then you are a candidate for severe withdrawal.

                    I would say I haven't had a day without 3-5 glasses of wine for about 2 years. Back then I went one day without wine and then was back on it with a vengence. My hubby also drinks wine -- more than me - -so he's no help. LOL. We are partners in crime!


                      anyone doing this without the meds?

                      mostly I want to just cut back to one or two. But once I start I just keep going. So maybe AF is the way to go?


                        anyone doing this without the meds?

                        BTW, Change - -I asked a doctor and he said tits better to ease off slowly over 6 months -- but the trouble is, like I said, once I have one, there is no looking back and I always end up having at least 3 or 4, then I usually fall asleep on the couch to the absolute disgust of my 13 year old daughter! Sharon


                          anyone doing this without the meds?

                          Well, I drank as much if not more than you and did not have seizures. Usually Seizures come from severe alcoholics who drink 1/5 of vodka just to wake up and never stop drinking. you will most likely have physical symptoms of detox but a that can be delt with and gets better every day. The mental detox it difficult because you have to want to do it and be strong in the mind. You Husband must also respect your decision and be supportive.

                          If you choose to, good luck and keep posting so we can monitor your progress.

                          Remember, this is just my opinion. I am not an expert nor a doctor.
                          Starting over again 09/06/11

                          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                            anyone doing this without the meds?

                            Thanks for that. I have given up before, once for a month, so I know I can do it. I am going to start tonight I have decided. I have to go out and do some shopping this evening so I won't be at home at my usual happy hour time, which will make it easier. Basically I figure I need to get out and do something in the evenings becuase once I get home, going for the glass of wine is almost automatic.

                            Thanks for your support


                              anyone doing this without the meds?

                              brizkid wrote: Hi all, I am very sensitive to all kinds of medications and bit worried about taking the meds for this. In the book it says that some poeple do it without the meds -- anyone out there willing to share their experience. i would greatly appreciate it. Basically it's not the cravings I worry about - -it''s the withdrawal. I am convinced I have permanent brain damage though i know that's not rational becuase I function well and don't get wasted - -I just drink every night and want to slow down

                              I wiah you all the best. I am just new to campral and I have tried to stopped without meds I couldn't do it. I can go without a drink it's just when I start to drink that is my down fall I don't know when to stop!
                              Maybe if you cut down one night it might be of help. lizc

