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anyone doing this without the meds?

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    anyone doing this without the meds?

    Thanks Lizc. I am trying tonight to just have two wines and then call it quits. I have had half a glass and it's already 7pm (Australia time) so I am doing well -- usually I have had two or three by now! My aim is to stay awake instead of alling asleep on the couch so my daughter won't be disgusted with me. So I am taking it slow - -she is at her tae Kwon Do club until 8pm. If I can hold out on this one drink until then, I can have another at 8pm and sit on it as long as possible, then go to bed at a decent hour like everyone else (instead of waking up at 1am on the couch with everyone else gone to bed hours earlier - -I hate that and beat myself up every single night). Sharon


      anyone doing this without the meds?

      Hi Sharon,

      Good luck tonight! You can stick to the 2 easily. No more beating yourself up the next day or waking on the couch. I am also here at home alone (in aus too) wondering if I should have a wine tonight or go AF. Its hard for me to have only one, so I will try and go without.

      Stay striong mate!!



        anyone doing this without the meds?

        Hi Faye, I know what you mean! Well, it is the next day and I ended up having three -- but I did stay awake and helped my DD with ehr homeowrk and went to bed when everyone else did at 11pm. So I am quite proud of myself! I woke up this morning feeling good too -- no fog. So it seems that 3 wines over the space of about 6 hours is OK, but I'd still like to cut back to one or two and have some AF days as well.

        How did you go last night?



          anyone doing this without the meds?

          Same with me. 5 drinks of wine and champagne yesterday. And not proud of myself this morning. Though I do not have a hangover or so. Just wake up at night and can't go back to sleep. Makes for good moods in the morning, grin ...

          As for the debate of AF or moderate drinking, I really tend to think that AF is the only way to go for me - given the fact that my family is loaded with alcohol-problem prone pple...
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            anyone doing this without the meds?

            It can be done. Today is 5 weeks for me being sobre.I did it cold turkey. I don't know if it makes any difference that I was doing it every 4 or 5 days.But I would get advice from a doctor incase something do happen. Today I feel great but am a bit worried around xmas time as I am already invited out. Any suggestions for me?

